I came across a similar sounding problem earlier today when attempting to import some free GG textures into my GG environment.
I think the problem you were having has to do with the fact that the Background Layer in Photoshop does not behave like other layers. If your image is sitting in the Background Layer and you export a PNG you get a 24 bit PNG file (RGB). However, if your image is sitting in another layer (not the Background Layer) this forces Photoshop to export a 32 bit PNG file (RGB + Alpha Channel).
Try this ...
If the Layers Window is not already visible, make it so by selecting the Layers menu option from the Window Menu, or by pressing the F7 function key on your keyboard.
Select All (CTRL-A)
Copy (CRTL-C)
Paste (CRTL-V)
This will move your image from the Background Layer to it's own layer.
Now, delete the Background Layer by dragging it onto the Trash Icon in the bottom right corner of the Layers Window.
Save your Photoshop file to save the changes.
Now use Save As ... to export a PNG file. This will produce a 32 bit PNG file.
n.b. it is not necessary for your layer to have any transparent areas - either by the use of a channel mask or by using a layer opacity setting other than 100%.
BTW - I have been teaching Photoshop since Version 2.0 was released, and I have seen this particular quirk confound both newbies and professionals alike. In general, I recommend that whenever you open a new file in Photoshop, the first thing you should do is delete the background layer!