Feature Creep / The camera angle when you open GameGuru could be changed...

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Posted: 10th May 2018 08:42
Y'know, when a person new to GameGuru opens it up for the first time, the camera angle is in a birds-eye view. Some of them (Such as myself in the past) may think that it is supposed to be permanently affixed like this. A youtuber named WeaselZone thought this was true when he was making a review of GameGuru, when in reality he could have just held down the right-sided mouse pedal to control the camera angle. Maybe in a future update, the game will open up in an iso-view. I imagine it will be very simple to add this for the next update since it is so small...
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Posted: 10th May 2018 10:29
and if it opened up into an iso-view what about the people who then think there's no birds eye view? You can't cater for everybody, and the steam media for gameguru clearly shows in its advertising video and pictures it in an iso view so it's obvious it can be used either way.

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Posted: 10th May 2018 12:57
yes, expecting to be able to use software like this without at least looking at the keyboard guide is just silly, no need for the change
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 17th Jul 2018 15:47
There are quite a lot of engines that start off in birds eye mode.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2018 23:18
or BETTER YET, what if we had a perspective viewport, then the ability to put wireframe renders/orthographic projections of our scene in other viewports???

and all of these could be resized and also (togglable) edited in simultaneously, like what was selected in one would get a gizmo in others
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2018 18:57 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2018 18:58
Quote: "A youtuber named WeaselZone thought this was true when he was making a review of GameGuru,"

Then he really shouldn't be reviewing if he isn't researching products correctly
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..

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