Yes, i had done this trick with my time bomb (
https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/219519). Falling into debris like in FPSC would be nice, but what you are busy with is even much cooler. Will we be able to join together objects in the editor?
Hey, how did you do those particles? I didn't get them to work. I wanted to have some black smoke trails after distruction (see video above). Your physics videos on vimeo are super cool. Years ago i played around with similar effects like chains and pendulums (horror stuff) using the engine "3D GameStudio". But then they changed the physics engine part and nothing did work anymore. This was one reason i left that engine and changed to FPSC. Then when FPSCR came out i had a lot of hope. But i was very disappointed by the first versions and the restrictions. So i left "game making" for a few years. Maybe GG reaches a resonable level soon to proceed

. The latest PP is crap, there are to many bugs to have fun

Intel Core i5 760 @ 2.80GHz, RAM 16.0GB, NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 2047MB
FPS Creator