I'd hope when several, more senior members of community raise the alert signal that things need to be more functional that it'd get some attention. Alas, I worry that over the many years Lee has kind of started to tune that out. Unfortunately constant criticism (warranted though it may be) generally tends to get tuned out by the people receiving it. It's just a natural product of our daily filtering mechanism (aka the Critical Factor) that let us get through a day without worrying about non-issues. A sort of erroneous bit of filtering on our parts as humans. Then we go off after the shiny object (PBR both literally and figuratively).
I know for me, if you had to ask me what the most important part of the coming update is, it's not PBR. It's not even the sun fix, though that's massively useful for me and my aspirations for indoor space levels.
It's that freaking load time reduction.
It's a sad fact that too few games of actual substance make it to the phase where they've been compiled to see how excruciatingly long it takes to load a map. I mean 15 minutes+ long for what I'd consider a moderate map.
This was NOT a highly complex map. I mean it took several weeks to make, sure, but from a gamedev standpoint it was fairly banal. But the load time on it was unbelievably long to the point where it was virtually impossible to play - let alone test.
I'm really hoping feature creep chills out long enough for Lee to stabilize and deploy this update so I can have something that loads faster, with a better sun, and heck if people can use PBR and DX11 that's just dandy too. But really at the end of the day what I care about is the same as pretty much everyone else in this thread. CORE ENGINE FUNCTION.