Yeah, RSI is awesome project, but I doubt my PC will run it, which actually put me off pledging to it in the first place. And all these years later.....
RSI makes you realize how much goes into game design: vision, modelling, environments, audio, people power, money, time.........
As for inspiration: I love sci-fi and anything sci-fi inspires me. Be it movies, games, or just google ideas. But putting it all into any form of game design, models\art - well that is another story!
Start Wars Battle Front 2 looks awesome. But if I read properly, it is on-line (?), and will be a continuous drain on your wallet. Both of which are just a deal breaker for me.
I just love GG, it is just fun to play with, and Lee is not after my bank balance - now If I could fly space craft in GG I would be over the moon with that!
aka OldFlak
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4160 @ 3,60GHz. 8GB Ram. NVidia GeForce GTX 750. Acer 24" Monitors x 2 @ 1920 x 1080. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.