Not quite sure where to post this, scripts, feature request or model section mods please move to a more relevant section if this is wrong.
I have had an issue with one of the scripts smallg kindly made for us, it has led me to believe we need a damage scale of some sort for all the various weapons for added realism here is a copy of the post I made in small's scripts:
I have been thinking,
I think I am doing this the wrong way around, I think we need a damage modifier for weapons, all weapons in GG seem to be lethal I think we need a damage scale of some kind on top of the damage wield, ie
the colt1911 as a damage factor of 35 so scale could be 3 - 4
the shotgun damage factor = 20 again scale could be 3 -4
stones have a factor of 20 scale could be 1 - 3 depending on the size of stone could be 4 but that's is quite rare lol
my tranquilizer gun, baseball bats, metal bar etc could be 2 -3
I think we need a scale of 4 ie.
1 = slight affect (slow down enemy - adjust speed of animation slightly by 50% or so)
2 = medium affect (knock enemy to floor - ragdoll animation but enemy gets back on his feet)
3 = high effect (knock enemy to floor in unconscious state - ragdoll with a custom timer before he gets back on his feet)
4 = Lethal effect (current state no changes)
I think there is a lot of people that would like a non-lethal game or a mixture of both, take the bow and arrow as another example if an arrow hits you in your head you are dead but in real life if you are hit in the leg or arm it will slow you down but is not immediately lethal.
how difficult would this be to do in LUA or is this a Lee thing?
would anyone else be interested in this kind of thing?
its still not quite right
sorry, the problem is when the body is removed weapons are lost, sometimes they respwan and die straight away
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