Quote: "Here's an idea, lets just get rid of ALL the boards and just have 'Product chat' then we don't have to change a thing and everyone can be happy."
In honesty it wouldn't make a lot of difference in reality. There just aren't that many posts on any of the other boards. But sarcasm aside, it would be a little OTT.
Quote: "I guess if we Renamed " Product chat " to " General chat " and left it at the top. Then created a new Category called " Product Discussion " nearer the bottom"
Why and how? Users will still see the most popular board and post on it. It will just shift the problem (not that I really think there is a massive problem).
We have many categories already, adding more is not the solution. As I said above I think the opposite should be the case.
Here are the main forum llistings, I'm ignoring all boards under multi-player. The list is still long. I also include how often I think I have visited each this year.
Product Chat Every visit
Third Party Tools Rare
GameGuru Store Rare
3rd Party Models/Media Chat Rare
Free Models and Media Rare
Easy Building Editor Rare
Scripts Rare
Work In Progress Rare
Showcase Never
Bug Reports Never
Feature Creep Never
Competitions Rare
Virtual Reality Never
Multiplayer Never
Multiplayer Work In Progress Never
Multiplayer Showcase Never
Now I don't visit as often as I did by any means, but even when I did, this would still be fairly relevant. Now reducing these down is the way to go, NOT adding more. The more you add the worse it will become and the most visited section will remain the most visited section, with other sections still having far fewer visits and posts.
I would suggest converging all the multi-player stuff into one board. WIP and showcase stuff really don't need their own boards. Just let people add them to the normal WIP and showcase boards. I mean there aren't that many posts in either of them.
Virtual Reality as I already said is a nonsense board. We don't even have that option anymore and haven't for a long time. Even if we did it's not really needed. So that's another board to go.
I don't think we need both models boards, just one or the other, probably 3rd Party Models/Media Chat. Free models can go into that board? Can't see why not.
Competitions is also something that is so rarely used as to be another candidate to be removed.
The rest need to re ordered in a more useful way.
Product Chat.
Easy Building Editor.
3rd Party Models/Media Chat
Third Party Tools
Work In Progress
GameGuru Store
Bug Reports
Feature Creep
That's a start. It wouldn't solve the issue, but it may make the boards easier to navigate. I think feature creep should be called Feature requests or a similar name, feature creep just doesn't describe it properly.
I would suggest a Novice Questions board myself, as the majority of people posting on product chat are novices with questions. A tutorials board and finally a demo board for small demo's rather than games.
That's my opinion anyway. Reduce the categories down a tad, then add one or two in to help people avoid posting in product chat as the only choice.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.