glad I could help, I found while writing my tool programs that I had to gradually decrease the Y offset value until the mesh hit 0.00 (or something like that as it's been a while since I write the code).
Some segments/entities have a Y collision offset bang on in the centre e.g. 50 units in a 100x100 model, other would have 0 or even a negative value. It was a right pain to get it to work correctly.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT