For those of you who are new to Decimating your Models and Characters... you could just use blender to Decimate your model including characters. Just use the Decimate Modifier with Collapse selected and reduce the ratio. For areas of the model you want to keep detailed make these areas into groups. Then work on the other areas. You can also invert the groups too which will speed up the process.
How I use mixamo
I make my model / characters as a obj, fbx, bvh, but I mainly just use obj in blender.
Then upload to
Rig the model
Added the animations I want
Then download in the dae file format
Import model back into blender using the new mixamo rigged main model dae
Decimate the model / character by making and using groups - It would pay to do this before uploading if it is your own model lol
Decimate Modifier with Collapse selected and reduce the ratio.
First select the what looks like the [ upside down triangle] which is the [ Data ] (Object Data) from the properties menu.
Click & Select the first part of your model in [ Edit mode ] you wish to make into a group (vertex group) to start the decimate process.
Then in the properties menu directly under, click the plus sign to the right [ + ] and then you may want to change weight to 1 like so [Weight: 1.000]
Change the name of the group if you need more than one area to decimate then click assign. This will create your first group then just follow the same process for all other groups.
Next when you go to the Decimate Modifier you can select each group in turn for the decimate process and even invert groups [ <-> ] (This is right next to the group drop box and looks like two arrows) to speed up the process.
But keep this in mind which can be very important in some game engines: You may need to add the Triangulate Modifier after or during the decimate process which can be done from the modifier menu or by clicking the Triangulate tick box when you select you group from the drop box in the Decimate Modifier properties. They are right next to each other. This is because some game engines only support triangulate meshes while blender can use other meshes types too. You should be okay if you keep this in mind.
I'm not going to go into the others mesh types as this is a whole other subject.
Then create a timeline for the animation by importing the other dae's one at a time then moving them to the main model time-line so they run in sequence.
Note: If you don't do it this way your model / character bone animation will not move with the character. The character will just stand there while the bones animate. But great to watch the first time you do it lol
Before exporting your DirectX model, make a note of the key frames of when your next animations starts and finishes.
Next export as a DirectX animated model in the normal way. Don't forget to select your animation option for DirectX when exporting.
Create a FBE file for your model / character and add the key frames to the new AI anim area.
Note: Take a look at other FBE character files for an idea on how they are set out.
Create a bmp image with all your other images / files. Then drop them into a folder in the [ user ] folder in [ entitybank ] or a folder you have created. I just use the [ charactercreator ] folder or create a sub folder in this directory.
Note: This is a long way to do it but the results are great plus you get to know how animations in blender really work.
That's about it, but you can have even more fun making lua script for the characters. That could take hours, just time I don't have lol
I forgot to say don't forget to make a FIRESPOT bone in your model for weapons fire if it does not include this by default. If you have bought a FBX model online this may already have one that may need renaming to work in game guru.
The main reason I don't use FBX in blender is they don't all import well based on the version / age of the model. Don't waste your time buying FBX models online when they may not work with other apps like blender. Most of the time you can buy a cheaper obj version then rig yourself. Also if you have fragMOTION you can export the animation with bones and bring into blender as a bvh file format from most of the game guru characters. I say most as I have not tried them all lol.
Update 25/05/17
Note: Without going into to much depth on how to make the groups for the decimation of your model. This will be a quick overview which has been highlighted above.
gd - Ed.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.
Laptop - M17xR3