For next release of the program v2.0, here is a list of things to do:
1. [ONGOING] Fix any outstanding issues.
2. GUI overhaul so all operations can be done in one window.
3. Allow user to select multiple pickup files.
4. Remove the horrible question prompts.
5. Allow user to select default iron sights to be used initially.
6. Allow user to select output paths.
7. Allow user to assign character weapons/melee.
8. Multi/single file batch processing e.g. FPE/Gunspec.
9. Model the specs on GameGuru template rather than FPSC.
10. Use my new exporter code (DBO->X) to convert from binary .X to ASCII and programatically edit the texturefilename that are incorrect e.g. .tga->.dds
11. Add code to detect if tool running as administrator, if not attempt to elevate or prompt user to rerun program as admin.
12. [DONE] remove existing HUD.dbo file for the converted weapon
13. [DONE] add the commented out lines back in
99. Optimisation of code (ongoing)
If anyone can think of anything that they would like to see that isn't on the above list, please shout

Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT