Here are most of them except the new ones from the last 3 updates.
Here are the rest I have fished out of the changelog.txt file.
conerange = 400
coneheight = 53
endcollision = 0
jumpmodifier = 250
jumphold = 747
jumpresume = 755
jumpvaulttrim = 0
Remove ISTHIRDPERSON field from Wizard FPE's as not used any more
Allowed melee action to intercept move/run so Third Person Mode can instant attack
Added 'meleerange' and meleehitangle' to FPE to control TPP melee attack metrics
Added 'meleestrikest' and 'meleestrikefn' to FPE to define 'deadly' melee anim frames
Added 'meleedamagest' and 'meleedamagefn' to FPE to define range of damage per strike
NOTE: Above commands override defaults used by stock characters that don't have them
'forceobstaclepolysize' to FPE to allow control of 'obstacle slice' resolution
fatness = 100
Added 'forceobstaclesliceheight' to FPE fields to allow AI obstacle plane height to be set
Added 'notanoccludee' to FPE so entities can be designed to never get occluded by occluder
Adjusted blood splat decal effect so only used if NO 'materialindex' specified in FPE
Added 'explodedamage' to FPE to specify the default explosion yeild of specfic entities
Added 'hoverfactor' to FPE to give hovering capability to 'flying' entities (drones)
Added 'dontfindfloor' field to FPE to initially ignore floor finder (roof pieces)
Added new special value to 'smoothangle' FPE field over 101 which 'GENERATES SMOOTH' normals
Added new 'isspinetracker' to FPE to control new spine tracker for modern character anims
Added new field to FPE called "offyoverride" which overrides Y offset to correct models
Added new field to FPE called 'endcollision' which when set to zero will disable collision of ragdolls
Added new 'zdepth' field to entity FPE file which can disable the zdepth render order (it will draw like a HUD weapon)
Added MATRIXMODE to FPE fields which adds a transform with the original model matrix per limb
Added 'noxzrotation' to FPE to deactivate XZ rotation on spraying this entity
1.112 xmas beta
* NOTE: Remember to use FULLBOUNDS=1 in your FPE if you want to detect limbs that move out of range of the original frame zero bound box
Gunspec stuff
Added 'keyframe speed' field to GUNSPEC file to allow per-weapon anim speed control
You can use 'ignorematerial = 1' in GUNSPEC file to hide the decal impact from weapons fire
Added 'usespotlighting' as field in GUNSPEC to control default as to whether projectile has dynamic spot lighting.
Added 'detectcoloff' field to GUNSPEC.TXT which will allow guns/interactive weapons to HIT entities using CollisionOff(e)
Added 'ignorematerial' field to GUNSPEC.TXT which will skip material decal impact visual and sound when bullet hits any surface
* Added new STAFF icon and ammo icon (and new HUD mode of 11 to gunspec)
Added dofdistance and dofintensity fields in GUNSPEC for DOF override
Added zoomhidecrosshair to GUNSPEC to hide crosshair when zoomed (sniper)
* Added ZOOMHOLDBREATH=16 to SETUP.INI to externally control hold breath key
* Changed zoomaccuracybreathkey to zoomaccuracybreathHOLD flag to disable breath
* Added support for ALTICON.PNG and ALTAMMO.PNG in gun folder for status panels
* Added support for DRYFIRE animation for weapons with no bullets to shoot
* Added support for Zooming without available ammo (for scoping an area)
* Added support for plrmovespeedmod, plrturnspeedmod, plrjumpspeedmod in gunspec
* plrmovespeedmod; percentile for player speed when carrying weapon with ammo
* plremptyspeedmod; percentile for player speed when carrying weapon with no ammo
* plrturnspeedmod; percentile for player turning speed when carrying weapon
* plrjumpspeedmod; percentile for player jumping height when carrying weapon
* plrreloadspeedmod; percentile for player reload speed when carrying weapon
* Added MELEE FORCE to gunspec to separately control physics force of melee hits
* Fixed MELEE DAMAGE so it overrides regular DAMAGE of the native weapon
* Added VWEAPTEX field to GUNSPEC to provide specific texture for held weapons
* STATUSPANELCODE = 0-colt,1-magnum,2-uzi,3-shotgun,4-rifle,5-rpg,6-grenade,7-bow,8-mace,9-stone,10-sword
* New STATUSPANELCODE=100 will force use of AMMO.PNG and ICON.PNG in gunfolder
* Added zoomaccuracy, zoomaccuracybreathkey, zoomaccuracybreath, zoomaccuracyheld to GUNSPEC
* zoomaccuracy; the amount of swaying the weapon makes during zoom mode
* zoomaccuracybreathkey; the keystate code the weapon detects to steady the zoom accuracy sway
* zoomaccuracybreath; the time in milliseconds the weapon can be steadied in one go
* zoomaccuracyheld; the percentage of steadiness the weapon can be held motionless
* The PUTAWAY sound effect for weapons is no longer cut short when swapping guns
* Weapon Ammo Panel now flashes red in error when weapon is jammed
* When collect weapon with ammo included, fixes double ammo for sharedammo types
* When weapon is on the last bullet, now supports LAST START FIRE + LAST FINISH FIRE
* When entering and exiting zoom with no bullets, EMPTY ZOOMTO/FROM anims now used
* When switching TO/FROM ALT weapon mode, how supports empty variants of animation
FORCEZOOMOUT no longer depends on SIMPLEZOOM value in GUNSPEC, and will force unzoom
* Full Automatic Weapons now overheat and jam in response to GUNSPEC jamming fields
* Ensured weapons that do not specify GUN texture internal or external assume GUN_D.DDS
* Fixed weapon jam logic so single shot weapons do not jam when LMB held down
* Moved MELEE KEY and SWITCHTOALT to SETUP.INI and disabled from GUNSPEC.TXT
* Muzzle Spot Flash now happens in FRONT of weapon, not at camera position
* Muzzle Spot Flash color now taking colour RGB from GUNSPEC.TXT as required
* Weapons now correctly dry fire when they run out of ammo or get jammed
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.