Free Models and Media / GrobyKen's Free Models Thread 2

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Posted: 25th Jul 2020 11:34 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2020 23:02
You may be interested in this one. I am away for a week now but thought I would change the texture files to be GG compliant. What do you think?
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Posted: 25th Jul 2020 11:34 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2020 23:02
You may be interested in this one. I am away for a week now but thought I would change the texture files to be GG compliant. What do you think?
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Posted: 25th Jul 2020 11:36 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2020 23:01
Thinking of converting the texture files of this one to be GG compliant. What do you think?
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Posted: 28th Jul 2020 17:40
Awesome grobyken, that would actually be perfect!
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Posted: 29th Oct 2020 14:05
Hello everyone

I have been dipping in and out of the GameGuru forums a bit over the past 12 months and see things are ticking along fine. However I cannot remember the last time I uploaded a model either to the store or on this free thread. So time to make things right.

Most of my time now is taken up with creating models for cartoon making ETC. I have lost the knack of preparing models for GG. Over the past 12-14 months my new model tally is around 400. Quite a number of these (about 30%) I have put into the PD. Virtually all models are made in Blender now and exported as fbx files. These are then usually textured in Substance Painter creating high quality pbr texture files.

Anyway we have started (yesterday) a FB page covering all of my, and my associates work. Give it a look and a 'Like' or 'Following' would be good and help keep you up to date.

As I cut my teeth on GG way back when it was FPSC (15 years ago when I had a different log on name) I would like to offer the following.

Wherever possible I will make this work available for free to GG users. I will, where possible, try not to create models that are in competition with others work in the store. This is to avoid damaging the sales of their excellent work. Sometimes fbx models seem to need additional work to function within GG. I have no problem with any of the clever people on here working on the models where necessary if they wish to prepare them for GG. If they decide to put them in the store and charge a small amount for their work then I am OK with this and give permission here.

So in conclusion I will probably not make any models for direct use in GG but will certainly supply as many models to the community as I can. Take care.

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Posted: 29th Oct 2020 14:36 Edited at: 30th Oct 2020 13:53
If it helps, with regards to preparing them for GG when using Blender;

I've found that if you work with your units as imperial - inches, then when you export to FBX change the "apply units" drop down to "All Local" and tick the "Apply Transforms" box and the "Apply Scale" box, they import into gameguru classic at the correct scale and rotation as each GG unit is an inch (this doesn't work so well in Max as the scale appears to be different and i havent worked it out yet).

Also for textures to automatically detect in the GG importer, make sure you have a material assigned to the object, but don't put anything in that material and make sure the material is named the same as the name you are using to export. Also, mke sure your texture names are the same as your model, i.e. if your model is called pink_womble.fbx then make sure the material is named pink_womble in Blender, and your textures are called; pink_womble_color, pink_womble_normal and so on.

I usually find that if you set your models up like that they mostly come in fine in GG classic's importer.

As an additional step i've started to name my objects and the mesh data the same as my model, so if my model is three object, i will name both the objects and the mesh data as pink_womble_1 pink_womble_2 and pink_womble_3, i don't know if it helps but it gives me piece of mind and keeps things tidy

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Posted: 29th Oct 2020 20:58
Stay well Ken if ya need help with anything give me a shout
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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 10:29
Belidos. Thanks that is really useful info. Stay safe.

GraPhiX. Thanks I may take you up on that generous offer. What do you have in mind ( trying not to be too pushy here I am). You stay safe as well.

The two guys above are why I love working in GG more than any other game engine. Great community.
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Posted: 30th Oct 2020 10:42 Edited at: 30th Oct 2020 10:42
Just put a two handed mace up on the web page. Needs a script and things to turn it in to a weapon but there are scripts out there in engines such as GG that may do the job with some tweaking by some of the resident script Gurus.
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2020 23:20
its not a problem just PM me if you need help with anything, i will try my best to accommodate
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2020 09:47
Thanks mate
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2020 22:58 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2020 23:06
I'll put this up on the FB page tomorrow as a zip file. It's an fbx mesh with pbr texture files. Do with it what you wish.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2021 09:59
awesome stuff man!
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2021 09:23
A few people asked if I could upload the SkullHelmet for possible conversion into an accessory. So here it is if anyone wants to have a go at converting it. Feel free it is now in the PD.

Here is the zip file
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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 11:14
Hi grobyken, ( thanks for the model ) have you got it in another format other than DBO , I don’t have anything to convert it so I can play with it

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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 11:58
Hi granada

Sure I will put it in to a few more formats and upload here.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 16:27 Edited at: 6th Apr 2021 16:29
OK I have uploaded the Skull Helmet in fbx format so hopefully that will be OK.

Just some notes: I originally made this model for a character I designed in Reallusion's Character Creator (see pic below)

I made this with separate texture files for the teeth for reasons I cannot now remember. If anyone does convert it to an accessory and would like me to retexture to one file that would not be a problem.

I have given two texture variations here but would be willing to retexture into say Bright Steel or something else if required. Good luck.
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Posted: 6th Apr 2021 17:03
Very nice of you sir , great looking model . Thank you

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Posted: 7th Apr 2021 12:40
A Weekly Freeby.

Each week I am going to put up a model for FREE on my Facebook page. I will make it FREE for just 24 hours before it is taken down and put in to the GameGuru store for sale. Sometimes it will be a single model and sometimes a small pack. Or part of a larger pack.

So hopefully you may like to visit my FB page from time to time.

Also I am putting together a FREE mini-book which has the provisional title 'GameGuru - Much More Than A FPSC' in which I will give ideas on how to take your skills and the flexibility of the engine to make some real cash. GameGuru (and GameGuru Max) are great pieces of software which I am sure with the skills in the community could be used to make any number of saleable products. It will take me about a month to get the mini-book completed.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2021 19:04
Cool idea

Quote: "Each week I am going to put up a model for FREE on my Facebook page. I will make it FREE for just 24 hours before it is taken down and put in to the GameGuru store for sale. Sometimes it will be a single model and sometimes a small pack. Or part of a larger pack."

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Posted: 15th Apr 2021 14:10
Ok as promised I have put a model up on my FB page that will be on sale in the store. This model is available for free download from my FB page for just 24 hours from the time stamp on this post. After that it will be for sale in the GG store.

See you next week for another 24 hour Freebie (or maybe sooner with a permanent freebie).
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Posted: 11th May 2021 17:06 Edited at: 11th May 2021 17:10
I am currently concentrating a lot on getting the textures right for GameGuru Max. This new version seems to have a lot going for it.

So below is a fairly low poly model of a gothic style fireplace. I have textured this pretty heavily in Substance Painter to test GG Max as hard as I can. The pbr textures probably have too much height set but as I said I want to see how it goes in GG Max. It will also be interesting to see how using GG Max texture files in GameGuru work out.

Anyway I will upload the entity here in a day or so and hopefully some of you will be able to comment/advise on it.

EDIT: Just noticed I should have put a ridge along the front of the flag stones. Looks silly just finishing square. Will fix for the upload.

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Posted: 11th May 2021 17:25
Fixed the flagstones

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Posted: 11th May 2021 19:15 Edited at: 11th May 2021 19:18
OK here is the file. As I said above it is really aimed at GG Max but may work in GG. I laid on the texturing very heavily and found that I preferred to reset the Normal to around .4 or thereabouts. Any comments will help me to create better models so please feel free.

Just a quick reminder there are a few days left for downloading my 2015 entities at just $4. Just saying.

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Posted: 12th May 2021 06:38
nice , excuse me can i ask some questions about exporting and importing settings(i will pm you)?
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Posted: 12th May 2021 08:34
No problem.
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Posted: 16th May 2021 21:39
Nice fireplace model grobyken, looks great

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