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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 13:52
i don't know what has happened but I can no longer test my level I can edit it no problem, I have verified my files and all are ok I have attached the error message how can I get it back ?
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:04 Edited at: 24th Feb 2017 14:05
do you mean test a standalone or test in test game mode? It looks like it can't find one or more of those paths. Runtime error 8003 () is a legacy Darkbasic error meaning the same thing that it can't find a path or the path is invalid/incorrectly specified.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:17
I got a bit further, I deleted everything in levelbank\testmap then re verified all files were replaced I run my level and it works with dynamic so I try to prebake using F3 and get the same error

its not standalone its just test level, the only thing I have used from the entitybank\furniture is the Burlap Sack (single) I will delete it from scene and try again
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:26
its looking for a folder in \levelbank\testmap called furniture
I've noticed it has two \\ in the error
If it was me I'd give it what it wants, try creating the folder \levelbank\testmap\furniture
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:28
Now I get a new error is the public preview version being altered at all?
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:34
Did you add media under this path and try and use it in your game?
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:35
Quote: "I've noticed it has two \\ in the error"

yes I noticed that too, this as only started happening from about 13:30 today everything was working fine.

I have also noticed if I add an entity to my scene it automatically deletes anything in the \levelbank\testmap\lightmap folder but the light map folder itself does not delete I am sure that folder never existed in there before I have only ever seen testmap folder.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:36
Quote: "Did you add media under this path and try and use it in your game?"

no I only put items in the user folder
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 14:49
this is what happens there is also an issue with a .DBO file I don't know how to open them but I need to know which entity it refers too

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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 15:05
Quote: " It looks like it can't find one or more of those paths."

Days ago I h this error in a large map. In my case with tavor gun, so I got corrupted my map.

So I go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Game Guru\Files\gamecore\guns\" folder, and notice sci_fi folder does not exists; fortunatelly I've files folder backup and I was able to restore that folder and all works fine, Anyway I can't restore my map, but I've had some map backup as well.

Does your missing file paths exits, does you check out?

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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 15:08 Edited at: 24th Feb 2017 15:09
You can open a .dbo file in fragmotion.

When I import it in this is what I get.

Notice in the lower left in the grey box the invalid texture path and its location.
What is this object supposed to be?

Nothing should be put into the levelbank folder except what the engine writes there.
Lightmap folder is made when you light map the level and the lightmapped files should be in that folder.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 15:13
its a lump of terrain


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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 15:15
Quote: "Nothing should be put into the levelbank folder except what the engine writes there"

I have not put anything in there what you see in the video was what pressing F3 did not me, it looks like a corrupt model but how do I find it?

Quote: "What is this object supposed to be?"

I have no idea
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 15:23
Quote: "its a lump of terrain"

in the video at @1:52 there ia a pause for a few seconds 'Lightmapping Grid 20 x 26' is it possibly that area causing the issue
I have attached a screenshot of what is there.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 16:41
I had the same Error 8003 on my level when light mapping..
I had just added a new EBE structure to a complex level with other EBE's and done the light-map..
No longer able to run level..(error 8003)

I then remembered I had changed something in the setup.ini file
I had increased the size used by entity shadows... after seeing a post by Preben to someone about
getting better quality shadows..
I went and put the value back to 512 in setup.. and re-lightmapped... level was working again...

I am in the Beta versions... so a little later a newer beta version caused the error to reappear..
but then another quick beta release had solved this before I was able to report it..
so if you are using the non-beta version then I think you should not worry..

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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 16:54
I have wiped GG re downloaded restored my back up and no joy level will run but will not let me bake my setup.ini is stock :

The only option left to me is too wipe the level and build it again from scratch not a happy bunny
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 16:58
as a matter of interest can some one F3 a scene with an EBE and some entitys and once baked check the \levelbank\testmap folder and see if your entitys are copied accross in the correct folder i.e. I have used the Burlap Sack from entitybank\furniture the lightmapper complains it cannot find it but for some reason it puts two back slashes in \\
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 18:05 Edited at: 24th Feb 2017 18:14
I've lightmapped my test folder for the windows and the door Placed in an EBE building, for you i've Placed ook four bags.
Two burlap sacks outside and two inside, lightmapped with F3 and found no problems.
I'm able to run my testmap, i will make a stand alone as well to see if i encounter any problem then.

Edit; no problems, the stand alone is also fine.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 18:14
Can you email me your map file please to myke1net at
I will see if I can load it and it reconstruct the EBE stuff.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 18:42 Edited at: 24th Feb 2017 18:48
Thanks Pirate Myke I will send you my fpe and the EBE's too

@eathling45 I know it is not any of my entity's because I have worked on that map since ebe release with no issues, what I wanted to know was after you light mapped did the test level bank have sub folders besides the light map folder, the reason. Being if you look at the original error message on this post you will see the lightmapper trying to recreate my entity folders in the light map folder which I am pretty sure it should not do
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 19:55
Email and PM sent

I have sent you a download link the attachment was to big to email

thank you
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Posted: 24th Feb 2017 21:28
Got it. Thanks.
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Posted: 27th Feb 2017 11:33
I have spent all weekend re creating my Level Pirate Myke is kindly looking into why baking kills my original level, I have come across an unusal problem with a door why the effect may look cool for sliding doors how do I cure it I am not using any special scripts just the standard door.lua

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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 14:19 Edited at: 28th Feb 2017 14:20
I have had a little progress the door issue was fixed all I did was give it a little more depth on the z axis and it works as it should

I have re created the level I lost but have not attempted a bake I will wait for the next release before I try that again.

thanks to Pirate Myke and Lee my first level is recovered but I am not going to open it until GG has been updated to the new version this is the new level what do you guys think?

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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 14:21
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 15:13 Edited at: 28th Feb 2017 15:19
Quote: "this is the new level what do you guys think?"

Looks really good

When i'm not sure of possible problems i save my map with another name and then try certain things like lightmapping so the original map is not affected if something goes wrong.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 16:28
Pretty awesome, I am really happy the Building Editor was able to assist in it's creation, and very eager to learn what you felt was the Building Editor's biggest weakness. I am moving through the feature list, but no reason why I cannot step back to make some critical tweaks for users who create some amazing things with GameGuru. As to the Building Editor 'black texture' issue, I have been able to reproduce it in the release build so will be looking at that right now for an emergency update before Wednesday PM.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 16:48
Quote: "I am really happy the Building Editor was able to assist in it's creation"

the EBE is awesome I am no 3D artist and it has really opened up GameGuru for me personally, I am sure this goes for a lot of people, it is a real credit to you and a real selling point for 'Easy Game Creator'.

I have no real issues accept for the glitches you know about I have really hammered EBE my level is 90% EBE not just buildings but Billboards too
if I could change anything it would be the place marker to show that it is either facing Inside or Outside.
Having the ability to change the size of the build area (not bigger but smaller 25%, 50%, 75% etc..) would also be great I have found that I have more texture and snapping glitches when the sites overlap.

Once again thank you for all you have done
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 17:03
Can you go into more details on this one "either facing Inside or Outside", and thanks for providing the art too, as you may know I am short of artists right now
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 17:43
Hi Lee

sorry for not being more clear, the walls when you rotate them they are either inside or outside of the floor if there was a marker on the EBE cursor it would make it very easy to see where your wall is going to be placed in resepect of the floor,
if you page up and start putting more walls on top I have on many occasion not noticed my cursor is the wrong way around so a visible marker on the 3d cursor would be a great help

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Posted: 1st Mar 2017 10:17
Quote: "As to the Building Editor 'black texture' issue, I have been able to reproduce it in the release build so will be looking at that right now for an emergency update before Wednesday PM"

Yep it has reared its ugly head again this is first run of my level since the latest update
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Posted: 7th Mar 2017 18:00
I have not been able to continue work on my level since 1st March because of the Black Texture issue, does anybody know if this has been fixed in any of the Beta's I know AI is getting all the attention at the moment but just wondered when I can fire it up again
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Posted: 7th Mar 2017 21:10 Edited at: 7th Mar 2017 21:12
Hi GraPhix,

I took the freedom to dive into this issue.
On my testmap i built the house which i used for the windows.
After reopening the testmap i also see no textures, this is because i did not save the EBE structure, hence you will see a missing asset (or multiple assets) in your asset list like seen in the attached image.
After clicking on the house and applying the textures, save your EBE and after you've done that, save your map.
Now if you reload it, you'll see that it is textured and no missing assets in the list.


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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 10:58
Hi Earthling45

thank you for looking into this the black texture issue is random for me I know how to get the textures back but what happens is I get textures 'bleeding' into other EBE structures also from your screenshot I have noticed even though all my EBE's are saved they do not show up in my entity list,

I am using the current version I don't have Beta access, see video for visual representation of what is happening:

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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 11:20
@GraPhiX : I did a very quick test for this: (a) started from scratch, (b) made a structure, (c) saved level, (d) reset, (e) reloaded level, (f) run test game and the textures are intact. Can you provide a very simple step by step as above which reveals the missing texture issue, thanks.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 11:28
Quote: "Can you provide a very simple step by step as above which reveals the missing texture issue, thanks."

Hi Lee

thank you give me a min I will do a video step by step
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 12:02 Edited at: 8th Mar 2017 12:07
Here is a rather long video (sorry),

its not just the textures my EBE Structures do not show up in my entity list for some reason

youtube says my video is too long
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 12:27 Edited at: 8th Mar 2017 12:31
split video into 2 this is part 1

Part 2

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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 13:07
I did run in a similar kind of problem after changing the textures in certain walls in a group.
I'll try to recreate it later today as soon as my cat is asleep.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 13:30
Yes my building is losing its textures, The pallet had defaulted to the original, so I manually re added my textures, tried to run the level and it crashed, and reverted to the original pallet
I restarted GG and the textures where right, however the shadow map was screwed up, so I rebuilt the shadow map and lost the textures from the building again oddly the textures show in the editor but not after I do the shadow map
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 22:42
@GraPhiX : Thanks for doing the video, I will check it out Thursday. What I was ideally looking for was something I can do at this end with stock media and a fresh install of GameGuru so I can reproduce. As I don't have your exact set-up I could spend a good deal of time trying to reproduce what you see, thing I have found it, fix it, release it, only to find it was something else, if you see what I mean
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Posted: 8th Mar 2017 23:44
A little late, but i like to have answers instead of adding to the confusion.

If i'm a bit slow in the video, that is due to medicines, sorry for that.

Another problem is the replacement of textures when an EBE structure is clicked in order to edit.
Furthermore, after saving a map with EBE structures and reloading it, the assets are not visible in the list.

So i think some changes are needed, when saving an EBE structure, the texture path should be set to the map where the textures are saved to, it would also be a plus if it is possible to load the textures used in a structure so that there is no replacement of textures when we want to edit a structure.

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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 09:10 Edited at: 9th Mar 2017 09:44
@Earthling45 Thank you so much for doing this I thought I was going a bit mad lol,
its not just the ebe structures I put pavingstone around the house and light mapping removes that texture too

@Lee earthling45 has done a much better job than me at explaining the issue not sure why its not affecting everyone unless I am using it too much lol
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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 11:44
Quote: "not sure why its not affecting everyone unless I am using it too much lol "

This just shows what an incredibly difficult job Lee is doing.
No matter how good the music is, there will always be a missing note.

Your not using it to much, you merely make proper use of it and hence find some missing notes that slipped through beta testing i guess.
While doing the tutorial, i thought i made good use of EBE, i did not have any problems like missing textures or replaced textures because i had only one building grid or multiple grids without changing the texture palette.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 12:19
Quote: "This just shows what an incredibly difficult job Lee is doing"

Yes he is doing an amazing job the EBE is fantastic, i know he has more important things to do i just wanted to raise the point because no one else had
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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 16:47
I am checking out the first issue now (the black EBE texture). The second issue with the disappearing EBE items in the local library is normal. When dragging in an EBE item, a copy is instantly made and pasted into the level, and any work is done on that copy. not the original. The original never gets used once the copy exists so it is removed when you save and reload. To keep the EBE as a regular entity that persists in the library, delete the EBE file associated with the item and it will be treated like a regular entity.
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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 16:51
Thank you Lee
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Posted: 9th Mar 2017 17:18
Quote: " The second issue with the disappearing EBE items in the local library is normal. When dragging in an EBE item, a copy is instantly made and pasted into the level, and any work is done on that copy. not the original. The original never gets used once the copy exists so it is removed when you save and reload. To keep the EBE as a regular entity that persists in the library, delete the EBE file associated with the item and it will be treated like a regular entity."

Ahh, thanks for the clarification.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2017 10:20
which build should we be on? do I choose public preview in steam to get the fixes my build still says 28-02-2017 ?
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Posted: 10th Mar 2017 12:57
ive downloaded the public preview and I'm still having issues

@Lee I have sent you an email
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