Product Chat / mouse click events

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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 13:09 Edited at: 14th Feb 2017 13:10
Is it possible to interact with objects by left mouse click?
I would like to be able to click on object like a door handle or remove something from a scene

The game I'm trying to do has doors close to each other and even reducing the trigger area probably isn't going to work

the door on the left (looking at the screen) doesn't react even running around to the other side of the door.. just to make it worse there is another door at the other side off the door
Making the rooms bigger and and spacing the doors out isn't really an option, the house is supposed to be a british 2 up 2 down not a manson :p
but regardless I would like mouse interaction


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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 13:27
like this?
lua guide for GG
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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 13:28
sure you can, example code in LUA:

if g_MouseClick == 1 and string.find(string.lower(g_Entity[e]['limbhit']), "head")

in fact, Rolfy has some interactive assets on the store (or did have), which is pretty cool.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 13:36
Yes you can, as Bored and smallg pointed out. However it does have it's issues, if you are holding a weapon it will fire off if you don't remove your weapon and replace it with a non firing cursor, which is what Rolfy has done with his interactive set.

His interactive script is absolutely brilliant, it does have a few glitches though, every now and then (i think it's if you put two interactive objects too close together) the interactive weapon gets stuck on but still acts as your main weapon, so you are shooting people with a little white hand, and shooting every time you click to use something.

Apart from that it works really well, and is an amazing piece of scripting.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 14:29
the links broken Smallg but I found the Starter pack for Rolfy but the link just gives "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

There's no weapons so that won't be a problem, its a remake of an adventure game I did 10 years ago, I keep revisiting it for some reason
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 14:32
Quote: "the links broken Smallg but I found the Starter pack for Rolfy but the link just gives "Whoops, looks like something went wrong.""

The link is working fine for me at the moment, try again, it may have been a glitch, i know The Next has been working on the website today, so he might have temporarily broken something while working on it.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 15:38
Nope no worky here lol
No rush, I'm just trying things at the moment

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