Product Chat / I'm new to GameGuru and have some questions

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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 18:33
Hello, I'm new to this GameGuru forum and I haven't got the GameGuru game engine yet. I just figured before I buy it, I'd ask a few questions and clarify some things (and I'm sorry if my questions sounds kind of silly):

1) I tend to like making web games. Thus, I was curious what are some of your thoughts on making web games with this engine? Could I embed my games into my own website without anyone having to install anything?

2) Has anybody tried the Unity 3D game engine? What are your thoughts about Unity vs. GameGuru. It seems that so far, this GameGuru game engine has HUGE potential. It seems like it' actually EASIER to use thank Unity but I still want to hear some perspectives on both.

3) This is not a question, but this is something that I wish for (if it's not already possible): But, I wish that GameGuru would eventually have something to deploy games to various devices like android, desktop, webGl, etc.

Anyway, I will be back to read the responses. And thanks!
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 20:01
Quote: "
1) I tend to like making web games. Thus, I was curious what are some of your thoughts on making web games with this engine? Could I embed my games into my own website without anyone having to install anything?"

You can't. At least not directly, GameGuru will only export standalones for PC.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 20:16 Edited at: 4th Feb 2017 20:18
answer to 3) - TGC's AGK allows you to write games in a basic language and deploy to android and other devices...I use it and it's worth it... you can also convert your game to HTML5
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 21:09

Quote: "
1) I tend to like making web games. Thus, I was curious what are some of your thoughts on making web games with this engine? Could I embed my games into my own website without anyone having to install anything?"


Quote: "2) Has anybody tried the Unity 3D game engine? What are your thoughts about Unity vs. GameGuru. It seems that so far, this GameGuru game engine has HUGE potential. It seems like it' actually EASIER to use thank Unity but I still want to hear some perspectives on both.

I'll assume that a lot of us have. Unity is way more evolved and capable at the moment where as game guru is easier to get into but has more limitations.
I see that you are interested in web games and cross plattform development thus I'd say you'd be better off looking into AGK (app game kit) or unity. There are many plugins to have an easier start with unity but most of these cost extra.

Quote: "3) This is not a question, but this is something that I wish for (if it's not already possible): But, I wish that GameGuru would eventually have something to deploy games to various devices like android, desktop, webGl, etc."

No. GG is geared towards making games for the PC only.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 09:06
Thanks for the replies. I went ahead and bought the Game-Guru game engine. It's pretty cool so far! I just hope that one day, this Game Engine will eventually have some of the features that Unity has when it comes to exporting stuff. But so far, I like this Game Engine a lot better than Unity. I'm new to 3D game development altogether and I got something up and running within about 5 minutes. How cool is that?? It is very coooool. I'm looking to my journey of making more games as I started out making 2D games using the Monkey-X programming language and JavaScript. I'll come back if I have anymore questions. Thanks!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 09:33
Quote: "I just hope that one day, this Game Engine will eventually have some of the features that Unity has when it comes to exporting stuff."

I very much doubt it will. Lee has stated on a few occasions that this will be PC only software, and if we want to export to other formats, then the way to go is AGK (App Game Kit), which is there more "professional" game dev software specifically designed to export across multiple platforms. That's not to entirely rule it out, but if it does happen it will be a very long time in the future.

i5, NV960 2GB, 16GB memory, 2x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

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