Product Chat / melee key to right mouse

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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 20:02
Is there a way how to change melee key from 56 to right mouse button?
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 04:19
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 04:32
hmm may be as easy as just changing it in the setup.ini of GameGuru

melee key = 257

I believe 257 is right mouse button
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 04:58
You can change it in the gunpsec.txt file of the relevant weapon.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 05:53
What weapons have melee on alt? Can't seem to find any.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 07:47 Edited at: 26th Jan 2017 08:41
[edited=want to double check before posting-I think this related to the zoom commands not the alt commands]

I tried "block = 1,19" parameter in gunspec (for from and to frames to play) but it only worked once in test game mode when pressing right mouse key and then never worked again unless I restarted GG. This is with ammo quantity set to 10000.. Will play around with this after work maybe.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 14:07
Blocking only works once. It's a bug reported a while back. Still seems to be there.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 14:44
@cybernescence : Can you give me a simple step by step with stock assets and I will see if I can reproduce, thanks!
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 21:58
Lee: - Errant explains it better than I could (from this thread -

Quote: "24. A reworked blocking/parrying system is needed. This is mostly critical for fantasy and brawler type genres but usable in modern genres as well. The GG implementation of old Airmod simpleblock code is not currently very broken (you can initiate a block but only once and necessitates rebooting GG to block again). I advise removing the code for it as it was initially designed only for single player use against only enemies and without the presence of allies (as it predated Dark AI integration). It should be reworked from the ground up and possibly be made to emulate the compound blocking feature from the Project Blue Classic Mod which allowed a blocking manoeuvre to be sustained and deflect incoming raycast attacks within a specified angle. The system, designed and coded by Plystire, included support for blockstart, blockidle and blockend animations as well as additional animations for block reactions when struck during blockidle. Unlike Airmod's simpleblock system, it was not reliant on complementary blocking check prerequisites in enemy scripts. It simply blocked incoming raycast attacks as one would expect such a feature to work. Ideally, a damage soak value should be added to any blocking mechanic in GG. Basically set a blockdamage=x amount in gunspec and incoming, blocked damage would be checked against the blockdamage value. Any damage over the value would then be deducted from player health. "

Despite having to code the defence, it would still be good if the simple block animation would fire each time when RMB used, if the full rework suggestion above is too time consuming.

I don't know if you intended for block to work in GG or it's just a carry over. I'm not sure if any stock weapons have this set in gunspec, but you know what we're like - we try anything - and with this, it works once then stops working

You can see the one time only effect if you add say block = 1,35 to the hatchet gunspec (this isn't a block animation, it's the select one, but illustrates that RMB fires the 'block' animation only once).


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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 11:09
I actually have a weapon which have main attack(left mouse button) and secondary attack which is assigned to left alt. Weapon pack is from gtox link:

I just want to have one attack on lmb and second on rmb.

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