Product Chat / How to replace weapons

User Banned
Posted: 14th Jan 2017 10:09

I was seeking on forums and some videos, but i didn't find a tutorial showing how to replace a weapon model and animations by our own ?
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Posted: 14th Jan 2017 12:14
The easiest way is to make a copy of an existing weapon and start modifying until you get the hang of what does what. In the entitybank-weapons folder, you get the fpe + thumbnail files, which directs you to the relevant gamecore folder. For example, the colt 1911 fpe directs you to the gamecore-guns-modern-colt 1911 folder. In that folder, you get a bunch of files, the most important being the Hud.x file, which has the arms+ weapon and animations, and the gunspec file, which has the weapon properties. The colt1911.x file is the model that you pick up, and the VWEAP.x file is the model that an NPC would use. The rest of the files are sounds and textures.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2017 12:30
for your own custom animations you will need to create your own frames then add them into the gunspec.txt file.
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