Suppose we are doing the typical shot to the target, some bottles on a table and shoot.
I want to know:
When a bullet hits the target
The name of the target
The position of the target
And be able to count the number of times a bullet hits a certain target, in order to break the bottle, say after five hits.
All this without having to add a bone to each bottle, and work with limbs.
Currently the system knows when the player collides with a box, and this box has no bones, then use this same system.
If we can handle collision via scripts, perhaps with has no more problems with the trees, and fps dropping; we just has to start all the trees with physics off, and work as distance based, so trees just get collion on, when the player is nearby, when player is interacting with.
Quote: "Currently only "active" entities are accessible to Lua scripts, "static" entities are effectively invisible, should there be another "type" of entity which is "static" in the current sense but can be "seen" by scripts and details of them available to allow scripts to take account of them?"
Perhaps Lee cuold do something about, so any script can get info about static entities, just setting it as "always active" via properties panel.
physics has much to do with navmesh and pathfinding algo (nodes), to get the most better way to go from point A thru B.
I have not idea how GG does, but I think engine should work with a "collision map", all the obstacle zones represented there, let's say in a red color, that map should help render to calculate/add obstacles in the map, in test/play level stage.
Quote: ""Added missing DarkAI commands". Which commands?"
I think it has something to do
with this thread
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