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Thanks @Wolf.
For those interested, this game was 'finished' years ago for my wife in DX9. I upgraded it recently to DX11, converted assets, changed a few bits and bobs, reorganized level structure and added a few text zones. It is, however, 98% similar to the original product.
You can download and playtest a copy here:
A few notes:
- I don't like this game. It represents a very old, poor effort on my part and while it runs I don't have high regard for it.
- It has been somewhat optimized and tuned. As such, it does have 8 levels that run fairly well ~30FPS on my GTX960.
- Most of this game will have references you will not and likely should not get. This is because my it was made for my wife as a gift from me and my son to her. It has a lot of deeply personal references to her own life and struggles that you frankly don't need to know about

- There are lots of secrets in the nooks and crannies, especially in the 'overworld' areas.
- I could have done a lot more here but I don't have the time to sink to make this up to the par I'd consider acceptable at this point.
- Menus were thrown together in styleguru quickly because I hate default menus.
- The buggiest level is the school. AI works best in it if you don't shoot anything for about 10 seconds after starting the level. I never could trace down the 'why' on this level's issues.
Simple Walkthrough *SPOILERS AHEAD*:
Level 1 - Overworld part 1 - Start @ car. Head down street, pick up gun from dead cop. Grab ammo from nearby garage(s) on left. Head into blue ridge apartments, grab key & shotgun. Head to observatory. Open door, pick up ammo and key. Head BACK to apartment, open fence door with key. Go to end of alley, up stairs, open door at top, use plunger to blow up the large missile truck blocking the road. Head to the diner.
Level 2 - Diner - pick up the 'chef's special bat' and all ammo. Leave the diner. It's just a rest area, after all

Level 3 - Overworld part 2 - Grab shotgun outside of diner (trash piles), head down street. Secrets abound in this area. Check all broken buildings and what not. Go to graveyard, get key from empty grave, go to church, find the secret area, pick up a new weapon (uzi). Explore a bit, head through playground to pick up explosives from the sandbox (children love explosives). Loop around and head to the school.
Level 4 - The school - Check the storerooms and head through the school's long corridors past the gym/locker rooms. Find the room with the rubble, walk past it into the cafeteria. Walk through the cafeteria, across the hall and pick up the key. Head back to the gym, walk through the door in the back to the boiler room. Walk through the boiler room into the science lab, kill the clown, get the cake.
Level 5 - Overworld part 3 - Leave school, pick up cake, head west, then south, then east, pickup secret near fallen smoke stack (automatic rifle). Head through gate to Lakeside Amusement Park.
Level 6 - Lakeside (probably the hardest level) - Parking lot has some ammo and rats. Head into park. Kill Robbie - take his gun. Head through amusement park, picking up ammo, find the tents at the end, one has a key. Take the key, open the gate, head to the utility building, enter, take the key, open the door behind you, take THAT key, open the gate to the bridge. Endzone rush to the boat.
Level 7 - Alchemilla hospital. It's a fairly linear level. Go through second door, get key. Go through first door, get key. Head through third door, follow path left through bathroom/shower area. In the back is a key that sometimes glitches out. Check the walls to find it. Head back out, go straight (Where you went left, go right) and you should end up with a door that you can open with that key to get to an outdoor area. Take the key from the statue. Go back out, make a left, follow the hallway, find the secret behind the lockers, open the door, head towards the wheelchair.
Level 8 - The final level, wife's home in CT. - Find the ruined house, get the key and RPG (in the rubble, a secret), get ammo from a wooden shack, watch out for the exploding fence

, go in the big white house, hang a left, go upstairs, grab the desk key and toilet key (toilet key is an SH reference), head downstairs, kill baddies, walk through door, head to crime scene, turn around, fight big bad, win game.