It has been a while since I was doing this and a comprehensive tutorial is out side of my time available but put simply if your using Max (you will need to find the alternative methods for your own modeling app if not).
You can attach arrays of dummies to faces using several different scripts available (search for attach to vertex/face Max scripts) can't remember off hand right now how to do it in detail but you can also use transform parameters directly in Max to attach to faces.
You will also need a way to assign anim keys to the dummies
which will follow animated vertices in your model morphs after attaching, you could do this using 'set key' or again a script to 'bake to anim' in bulk could do it quicker for you.
There are a bunch of different scripts you could try including baking animation to vertex, I would look into baking your animations to the dummies,
these can then be added to your bone list in the skin modifier where you can paint weights and re-used for other morph conversions even without a facial bone rig. Or as suggested attached to the existing face rig to drive those bone animations. There are a few ways to do all this and depends on your needs. Sorry I can't be more detailed but hope I have at least helped put you on something of the right track, at least you know it is possible if you want to put the work in.
When I was researching cloth and morph data from modeling app into game engines I never found a single successful method and everyone appeared to just give it up so using this is your only alternative, might seem like a workaround but then so is any method, to me this seemed very simple in the end but took me a long time searching around looking for an 'easier' way to finally come to the conclusion that a 'workaround' would be the only way to do it.
Now that most engines support cloth physics etc it isn't necessary anymore and maybe GG will catch up some day in this respect.