Showcase / Redacted - Hired Gun - Xmas release!

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 19:35 Edited at: 29th Dec 2016 22:02
[ r e d a c т e d ] - нιred gυn


Developer: Wolf

Description: Redacted - Hired Gun was originally conceived as a test game. I have lost a lot of games. I have spent quite some time developing, to the inadequacies of the FPSC Game engine back in the day. With horror news about completely broken built games from Nuncio and more and more people getting a variety of errors or having to circumvent missing features with odd walkthroughs I didn't feel like throwing any more creativity and time at projects that might just go the way of the Do-Do...or the Tyrannosaurus Rex for that matter.
Another reason was the fact that I haven't released anything playable in years. Let alone made in Game Guru...and I just had to get something out in 2016.
Well, I made it cupcake!!

I can only invite you to help me test this game by giving me your opinion and also letting me know what framerate you where getting.

Gameplay: Hired Gun is a pretty straightforward shooter. You are a lone mercenary on a mission and you'll be going all Schwarzenegger on folks!
While I first wanted to make this a hot-n-filthy B-movie bulletfest I later added some mild seriousness to the otherwise tongue-in-cheek presentation and a lot of more tactical gameplay and increased difficulty to the game.
This game plays like a slightly less tactical and more futuristic Project I.G.I if you need a reference.
In case you are interested. I have made a very similar game with similar goals about 6 years ago with FPSC-Fenix Mod. Its still a quite enjoyable shooter.
Link to [temporarily removed]

Ha! 2 free shooter games in one thread!

Plot: You are a cybernetically enhanced agent hired by a federal agency to investigate illegal transhuman experiments on a remote tropical island.

How to play/ tips and hints:


* The longest loading screen ever!

* Semi-competent enemies.

* 2 High-Octane Levels filled with hostile encounters!

* Beauties from EAI's awesome classic arsenal. Modified and slightly modernized!

* Neat Graphics and Visuals

* Its free!

* Did I mention that its free?

Notes on Graphics and performance:

- The game is designed in a way that its still looking good if you lower your settings. Please do so if you get a low frame rate on your system.

- I packed a preset reshade with the game copy these files into your root folder (where amelia.exe is) to add modern postprocessing including SMAA and Bloom

- If you run a good system and see the animated vent in the first level as black, your game is running at low or medium settings. You can set it to high in the menue but the music will likely stop playing :/

- I have deactivated native posprocessing and bloom to increase framerate! If you need Anti Aliasing, copy the files located in the reshade folder into your root folder (with the amelia.exe)

Known Bugs!






Full introduction (better served as a loading screen! Only read if you dont intend to play the game! or if you are from the future and the game is loading too fast for you):


* This game would not have been possible without this community and especially the following gentlemen:

* Bugsy: Beta testing, numerous models, constant support and keeping me from murdering the framerate with pedantically elaborate leveldesign.

* Cybernescence: For saving this game from being cancelled due to Enemy AI issues with the hostiles not being able to fire their weapons! You're a hero!

* The Cosmic Prophet: Tons of models used in this game

* Errant AI: Providing us with slick weapons for a decade now. Lots of our games would be even lamer without you!

* Wizard of Id: Interior Architecture!!

* Lee: Game Guru and everything that comes with it.

Arteria 3D's Steve: Pack uses your office pack which is part of the mega packs and the scifi items pack.

There will be an in-depht thread about my impressions of game guru now that I have developed and shared something playable after the holidays. I hope that I can reference some of your reviews in there! So lemme know what ya think, ya old geezers!



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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:05
I'm uncontrollably excited despite having already played the beta. unfortunately I am on "vacation" and have no access to a PC or skype. Expect a review as soon as I return.
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:08
Cool,downloading now.Nice to try something new,thank you.


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:28
Looking forward to this. Thanks for releasing for free .

Will post some thoughts after Christmas break.

Merry Christmas

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:29
I hate your for the slow download speed ^^
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:35
Quote: "I hate your for the slow download speed ^^"

It's a mutual hate

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:40
Congrats Wolf very well done and thank you downloading now it looks amazing
Welcome to the real world!
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 20:50
There are two things you really ARE good at - interiors and gunplay.

We will talk about the other stuff once I have beaten this beast ^^
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 21:11
Quote: "Features:

* The longest loading screen ever!"

Wow your not kidding .

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 21:18
Quote: "I can only invite you to help me test this game by giving me your opinion and also letting me know what framerate you where getting."

Give me till January, so I'll have better specs to play your game.

Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 21:42
So far, nothing short of awesome

Unbelievable how you manage to get this to run at +100 frames with such a beautiful and detailed environment.
I did not get far in your game neither, the third guy shot me

There is however something which i also noticed with items from the megapacks, get close to it and the framerates drop dramatically, Watch the video to see what i mean.

I'm not going to be surprized a second time i hope, so now i'm going to try to get outside and past the soldiers

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 21:49 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2016 21:51
Quote: "I'm not going to be surprized a second time i hope, so now i'm going to try to get outside and past the soldiers "

Me to,also I can shoot the enemies through the large double doors.sometimes they can shoot me,couldn't work out where the fire was coming from.the inside level has a great look to it.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 23:13
Well ok, surprised again, shot several soldiers and thought that i had them all but when i got downstairs, retteketet and game over
Johno 15
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 23:32
First impressions are wow, The interior in the first mission is so well done and so visually brilliant, it's crisp and sharp with a perfect colour palette, Only thing to say is the fps is odd, one second it's running silky smooth and boy do I mean silky, getting about 65 fps and I turn around the other direction and it drops to 23/24, even on low settings the fps fluctuates substantially, I love the gunplay and the silenced M9 handgun you start with, favourite weapon by far. Going to really sink my teeth into it tomorrow and see how it plays. But I'm loving it already!
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 00:45
the gameplay in this game is awesome and love the level design.
more than what meets the eye.Welcome to SciFi Summer

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 07:36
Overjoyed that this has already been received so well! Looking impatiently forward to all your thoughts

Quote: "Unbelievable how you manage to get this to run at +100 frames with such a beautiful and detailed environment."

Thank you!! Bugsy keeps me from going overboard with too many clutter objects Happy to hear it has such a good framerate on your end. The second level is more hardware hungry though.

Quote: "Well ok, surprised again, shot several soldiers and thought that i had them all but when i got downstairs, retteketet and game over "

the enemies in this game relocate freely and can be anywhere. If you'd infiltrate a compound like this you'd always be on guard and I kinda tried to simulate this. Try to stick to cover and you can wait for them to rush you, rather than rushing them too.

Quote: "There is however something which i also noticed with items from the megapacks, get close to it and the framerates drop dramatically, Watch the video to see what i mean."

I think I know what causes this. That item is set to polygonal collision so the computer has to calculate the entire architecture as collision when you are close to it. I bet this does not occur when boxic collision is assigned.

Quote: "
Me to,also I can shoot the enemies through the large double doors.sometimes they can shoot me,couldn't work out where the fire was coming from.the inside level has a great look to it."

Thank you! And oh That didn't happen in my testing. I hope its not game breaking for you.

Quote: "First impressions are wow, The interior in the first mission is so well done and so visually brilliant, it's crisp and sharp with a perfect colour palette"

Thank you so much!!

Quote: " Only thing to say is the fps is odd, one second it's running silky smooth and boy do I mean silky, getting about 65 fps and I turn around the other direction and it drops to 23/24"

Having the same problem on my end. Not sure how to avoid this. It happens whenever close to a complex model with polygonal collision, whenever you look in a direction with a lot of polygons (the occlusion isn't THAT effective here) and when the enemies spawn.

Quote: "Going to really sink my teeth into it tomorrow and see how it plays. But I'm loving it already!"

Thank you! Please let me know what you think of it then and how far in you played

Quote: "the gameplay in this game is awesome and love the level design."

Thank you! Glad you like it.

Quote: "There are two things you really ARE good at - interiors and gunplay.

We will talk about the other stuff once I have beaten this beast ^^"

Thanks and haww yiss!! Looking really forward to your thoughts on it.


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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 13:23
Quote: "the enemies in this game relocate freely and can be anywhere. If you'd infiltrate a compound like this you'd always be on guard and I kinda tried to simulate this."

You really did an outstanding job on the enemies, it really creates a immersive sphere in which one is very careful when moving through the complex.
Will stick to cover the next time

Quote: "I think I know what causes this. That item is set to polygonal collision so the computer has to calculate the entire architecture as collision when you are close to it."

Is there a way to make them visible?

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 13:39
Quote: "I can shoot the enemies through the large double doors.sometimes they can shoot me"

I have noticed this possibility in MMS, although in the case of MMS these are walls one can shoot at in order to kill the enemy who is hiding behind it.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 15:11
It could be the same issues that cause lightrays to project through walls, for the engine to view a wall as fully solid it needs the two opposing faces to be a certain distance apart, if it's too thin it will still give it collision, but things that aren't collision based like light mapping, scripting etc will act as if the walls not there.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 15:43
Quote: " for the engine to view a wall as fully solid it needs the two opposing faces to be a certain distance apart"

In mm, how much should it be apart so that it is seen as fully solid?
Thanks for this info Belidos, in the coming days i plan to do some tests with that info
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 16:18
Also, sometimes there arms and weapons come through the double doors. Still great to play though .

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 19:05 Edited at: 24th Dec 2016 19:06
Can't wait to play it but I'm nowhere near a pc until Tuesday
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 20:10
Some nice, Crysis-y vibes from these screens, look forward to giving it a go.
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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 11:42
Update: I have to tune down heavily for level 2. Even with lowest GFX settings, I get frame rates below 20 in critical (read: Shoot-out) scenes. Will remove the reshade suite and try again.
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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 14:46

Quote: "It could be the same issues that cause lightrays to project through walls"

Thats in this on purpose I like the visual effect and didn't expect people to see it as a glitch

Quote: "You really did an outstanding job on the enemies, it really creates a immersive sphere in which one is very careful when moving through the complex."

Originally this was going to be a run-and-gun game with way higher health and regeneration rate. I found that to be rather boring though, so the newer, more cautious gameplay has been pretty much implemented "last minute".

Quote: "Also, sometimes there arms and weapons come through the double doors."

Meh! I could fix that by having bigger doors in future games. I assume that this is a rare occurance?

Quote: "Even with lowest GFX settings, I get frame rates below 20 in critical (read: Shoot-out) scenes. Will remove the reshade suite and try again."

Thats the framerates I got on my low-end system with all effects and settings on lowest. So I just assumed that better machines would run this smoothly. I hate to see that this was wrong. Glad to hear you made it past level 1 though. Please let me know if removing reshade solves this for you.

Quote: "Some nice, Crysis-y vibes from these screens,"

Thank you! Thats a huge compliment.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 20:04 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 20:47
Well done Wolf! I was running around on the first level for about 40 minutes until I discovered the Lab then everything went smoothly. Because of how derp GG AI is, it was nice head shot target practice taking on the enemies in an aesthetically pleasing interior map.

On the second level, I tried going in like Rambo but that didn't work. Stealth and watching the enemies patrol patterns was the winning strategy.

You see, you try your hardest not to die in order to avoid the long loading screen.

The game runs well through out but may dip to 30 FPS while running on full. Nice work old chap!
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Posted: 25th Dec 2016 20:31 Edited at: 25th Dec 2016 20:34
Thank you for playing Landman!

I've released a few games in the past where many players didn't get past level 1 because they didn't know where to go or what to do and I really hope this isn't one of them Thanks for sticking through!!
I'm glad you like the map!! I hope the visual glitches I couldn't iron out on time where not too distracting

Quote: "Stealth and watching the enemies patrol patterns was the winning strategy. "

I didn't know they would patrol. But its cool that they do that. Enemies where also behaving way more competent in standalone than they where in test.

Quote: "The game runs well through out but may dip to 30 FPS while running on full. Nice work old chap! "

Thank you Buddy!! Did you also get lag in the second level?? 30 FPS min througout the game is mighty fine. Would you mind sharing your specs?

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 10:07
Quote: "Would you mind sharing your specs?"

Yeah, that would be much enlighting. I am running it on 8 Cores @ 4GHZ with a Geforce 970 GTX and I am really struggeling here.
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 12:27
Quote: "I am running it on 8 Cores @ 4GHZ "

I'm seeing a pattern here, a lot of the FPS issues i'm seeing on here are people either using AMD processors, or Intel processors that have lower individual core MhZ.

One of the things about AMD's and the main difference between them and Intel multi-core processors, is that although they have a higher total speed over all cores, each core is individually lower speed.

We know that GameGuru is fairly process heavy, and we know that multi-core at least partially works. Maybe GameGurus multi core processing is using individual core values and not combined values to run them, and thus we're seeing lower game speeds with AMD cores and the various Intel's that have lower individual core speeds.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 12:41 Edited at: 26th Dec 2016 12:43
I'm on board with Belidos here. Had a feeling something like this might be the case.

I'm getting the same framerate on my dated I5 @2,4ghz on low settings as Ertlov did on his flux capacitor. (running an AMD R7 GPU).
And he should be able to just breeze through it with over 100 FPS.

I'm really hoping to get a few reviews once the holidays are over. I'm also eager to see what framerates other people where getting and what systems they ran it on. The game had 85 Downloads so far which is really cool! Thank you guys!

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 13:52 Edited at: 26th Dec 2016 16:14
Wow! Looks awesome! Enemy placement and game play is challenging/great!

It was however, pretty difficult to play (for me anyway) and very frustrating with the one life between long load times. TBH if it hadn't been your game I would have given up with the wait times. It definitely needs and made me adopt the very cautious approach but I was starting to groan when I died at the thought of waiting for so long to restart ... could just be me being a bad player . Took me a while to figure out what the interface stuff was all about.

Smiled at the magazine in level one and laughed out loud at the toilet in level 2 . Noticed a typo on the loading screen (stenght) - I saw the loading screen a lot .

Using I5/2.4GHz and GTX750Ti I got an average of 100FPS on level one - sometimes drifted up to 180+ and dropped to 60 occasionally. This was with graphics setting to high (no reshade).

On level two - FPS crawled compared to level one - at around 18 - 25 (I got the low fps warning box immediately on start of level two). So I switched to low graphics setting and got between 20 to 45 after that - playable but occasionally dropped to below 15 here and there. Loved the island level (looks very pretty) - much preferred it to level one just because I didn't feel so frustrated at what to do.

EDIT: - I get 35-75 FPS with reshade on level one. PS - sent you a pm re VWEAPs.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 15:04
Great fun,good level design ,Sill not at level 2 . Sounds great.
My only problem
Quote: " very frustrating with the one life between long load times. "

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 17:34
At game start i am stuck in the room , there is no open doors or no actions to open doors ? Is there a special key to press ?
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 17:39
Crouch (press c or control key) and move through the air vent).

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 18:55 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 20:48
Quote: "Would you mind sharing your specs?"

Here are my specs:
Intel i7 3770
8Gb Ram
AMD/Radeon R9290 4Gb
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 00:25 Edited at: 27th Dec 2016 00:41
The demo is cool but the lightening and shaders looks like some 10 years old game, static indoor lightmapping doesn't help because characters are not lit.
This looks good when you appreciate retro graphics only.
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 05:00
TBH, good luck getting characters in GG to look good in any other setting than "outside in sunlight"
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 09:28
Hey gang!! I hope your christmas hangovers are manageable I'm feeling a little light headed here

@Cybernescence: Thanks for playing and the detailed and honest review. The loading screens are a big issue, especially for the way less passionate and more jaded audience outside of our hobby Thanks for sticking through!

Quote: "It definitely needs and made me adopt the very cautious approach"

That was intentional but introduced late in development. Its possible that some enemies spawned a bit unfairly.

Quote: " laughed out loud at the toilet in level 2"

Somebody noticed!! YAY!

Since you have the same processor that I have and seeing how GG is currently optimized I'd be inclined to say that your framerate is fine.
Altough I would never say that, because Bugsy would punch me in the face through my internet connection.

Quote: "Noticed a typo on the loading screen (stenght)"

Meh =/ But thanks for letting me know.

@Granada: Thank you!! I already decided that longer games I'll make have a slowly climbing difficulty level rather than one that is instantly hard.

Quote: "At game start i am stuck in the room , there is no open doors or no actions to open doors ? Is there a special key to press ?"

Controls are default. You'll have to press "C" to crouch into that huge vent shaft in front of you. I'd never have guessed that this would come up though, otherwise I'd have included a basic tutorial.

Quote: "The demo is cool but the lightening and shaders looks like some 10 years old game, static indoor lightmapping doesn't help because characters are not lit.
This looks good when you appreciate retro graphics only."

If my zero-budget homemade game is looking like a studio release from ten years ago I am more than happy.
You see, you seem to think that this is a problem but it really isn't. If I could make games myself that look like modern releases, I would do that for a living, buddy
Still extremely happy with the graphics and aesthetics I am getting, considering what your average lone developed indie games look like.
Even 3d masterpieces like this one don't look like a current shooter and this thing has been in development for 5 years!
There is nothing I can currently do about GG's lighting and shaders. I hope for an update but until then I'll try to do the best with what I got.
This was a test game. I think I can make a game that looks at least twice as good. Someone with mad skills like rolfy or errant AI perhaps 4 times as good but we can't rewrite the underlying engine.
Did you see the second level? It uses real time lighting, perhaps thats more to your liking?

Quote: "TBH, good luck getting characters in GG to look good in any other setting than "outside in sunlight""

Ah c'me on! have you seen most lower tier indie shooters?? I think the chars look really good. Move a little awkward...but the models are good. I think it was Bond1 who made them and he did a good job on them.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 10:27
Very cool game
I'm not wild on the one life thing, I'm useless with controlling the character with the keyboard so ended dying rather rapidly lol
I guess what makes one life worse is the load time
When I first tried the game it recommended to lower the detail which I did and the game ran really well, I have a i7 3770k with 8gb ram but a sick Quadro 600 ( I used to beta test a GPU renderer and I've about fried the 600)
I never noticed any drastic slow down I was really impressed actually, trying some of the demo's I was having doubts to whether my GPU was up to running anything nice, the game has proved me wrong
Well done very inspiring
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 19:35
Oh man, this was fun, I forgot that this was made in GG.
Great atmosphere and the interior, just awesome! The weapons felt pretty good too, i dont know what happened to that Glock pistol, but that view is pretty cool imo, if you fix it a bit ofc.
Level1 runs smoothly, the enemy difficulty was ok, i didnt die once. (Maybe im just a natural cybernetically enhanced agent )
Level2 i got some fps drop as i see other did too, but fully playable tho.

Really inspiring work. I think everyone that wants to make games, should try out and study this piece of art.
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 21:32
Hey ho! Thanks for the feedback! Glad you all played it to the end


Quote: "I guess what makes one life worse is the load time"

If I knew how to avoid this, I would =/

Quote: "I never noticed any drastic slow down I was really impressed actually"

I'm convinced that its very CPU dependant now. Huh... Lets all hope there will be some major optimization happening in '17

Quote: "Well done very inspiring"

Thank you sir!!

Quote: "Oh man, this was fun, I forgot that this was made in GG."

Awesome! Thats the kinda reaction I'm always hoping for.

Quote: "i dont know what happened to that Glock pistol"

Neither do I But my first attempt at getting it into GG had it floating awkwardly slanted towards the camera. The position in the final game was the lesser of 2 evils.

Quote: "Level1 runs smoothly, the enemy difficulty was ok, i didnt die once. (Maybe im just a natural cybernetically enhanced agent )"


Quote: "Level2 i got some fps drop as i see other did too, but fully playable tho. "

Good to know. I don't mind drops as long as it does not end in lag.

Quote: "WHERE IS LEVEL 3?? "

So far this game is very well received. If this continues on I'm inclined to expand the theme and craft a larger game out of it throughout 2017.
Maybe. It really depends on how much time I have in 2017.

Quote: "Really inspiring work. I think everyone that wants to make games, should try out and study this piece of art. "

Very high praise, I fell honoured!! Thank you I hope future games won't disappoint.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 22:33
Amazing! really show's off what you can do with gg if you just have patience. The atmosphere and everything felt good. gun play was fun, only thing is that there really shouldnt be lives because i got frustrated in loading screens.. you should put like 9999999 lives and remove it from hud

i had fun, i must say. felt like james bond
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Posted: 28th Dec 2016 12:26 Edited at: 28th Dec 2016 12:31

Quote: "Amazing! really show's off what you can do with gg if you just have patience. The atmosphere and everything felt good. gun play was fun, only thing is that there really shouldnt be lives because i got frustrated in loading screens.. you should put like 9999999 lives and remove it from hud"

Thank you man!!
I'll put a check point system in my future games.

Quote: "i had fun, i must say. felt like james bond"


Quote: "The game is about 5 years development, but looks better because of lighting and shaders "

I can see what you mean. You mean in a technical sense. That never bothered me..., I'm aware that my games are way more low tech than something this elaborate that has been in the works for half a decade.

As in: It looks better? I do have to disagree. I think its sub-par from an artistic point of view. Its bland, its boring and it looks extremely sterile. (and these buildings make no architectural sense...and look at those polygonal streetlamps) I'm not saying that my style is objectively better, it might very well not be, especially this game since what I did borrowed from external sources and was in development only for a few weeks, I'm just saying that I strongly prefer it.
...but I also know that there is no point in arguing taste.

Quote: "I will try second level, because despite GG limitations you've made a great job on level design indeed, it's pleasant to navigate and discover your level map."

Thank you!! Please do also let me know how your framerate was and if there was any lag if you get to level 2.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 09:31
Hi Wolf,

great work!
really amazing!! love the level design and the sounds.

and the lovely loading feature is great just die and you have fun again
hope Lee can fix loading time...
fps in level one was about 50fps on high. but in level two 15 fps with low settings...

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 12:38
I've managed to play it through now, but i don't have time at the moment to write anything in detail about it, i'll get to it at the weekend hopefully.

I will say one thing now though, i love the way you have set it up so that going into one area triggers a new spawn in the area you've just left, that way if you need to back track you get caught unaware because you think you've already cleared it, really keeps the players on their toes.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 16:58
Well, the first room looks nice... Erm, can't get out though, even after reading there is a vent somewhere. I tried to use the gun flare effect to look around but even then could not see a vent. I thought perhaps it is the graphics settings, but hitting escape did not have any options, the main menu didn't seem to either and the start up app also didn't have any. Even the setup file was different to normal so I couldn't change it that way either.

Not sure if it's a bug causing it to be invisible here, but it sure stopped me getting anywhere. If it is purposely designed to be really hard to spot, then I have to say, not the way to get people into the game. Not me anyway, I have a low tolerance with any game that makes things so dark you can't see anything at all (Doom 3 comes to mind). The voice over is a little too quiet as well at the start, I had difficulty hearing what was said, it was really just too low a level, the music was very loud in comparison.

I need guiding to that vent though, really, the room is tiny, yet I could not find anywhere that was interactive in any way. I even tried shooting the hell out of the doors and anything else that vaguely resembled an exit to no avail. I tried crouching everywhere while hitting e, nothing worked for me.

Other than the fact I can't get anywhere, looks very good and ran well. You will have to throw me a bone regarding exiting that room though, it would be nice to see a little more of the game It seems weird most other people had no issues, as said might be a bug? That, or me being blind. Is there an obvious way to change the graphics settings that I have somehow missed?

Oh, pressing tab reveals 40 in the corner, probably missed removing that at a guess, at first I thought it was an fps counter, but if so it was a very solid 40 which would be weird for GG.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 17:01
Turn left and crouch, it's right there in front of you, or should be.

Quote: "I have a low tolerance with any game that makes things so dark you can't see anything at all"

Dark? On my machine it's practically broad daylight all the way through, there's not one place i've needed to use the flashlight.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 17:10
Bear in mind I only saw the first room, the back part up the steps is pitch black for me. So it's in the lighted areas? I'll try it again, if it's right in front of me I'll kick myself, honestly I looked everywhere.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 19:39 Edited at: 29th Dec 2016 19:40


Glad you liked it! I'm sorry about the low framerate in level 2.
And yes, I hope we won't have to endure such amazing loadingtimes in the future

@Belidos: Thank you! The spawning might be a bit off in Level 1. It was designed a bit differently originally and I had to change a lot before release, but on level 2 all enemies where spawned in a way to give that level a sandboxy feel, where the player can choose to go anytime, anywhere.
I'm really looking forward to your review. The feedback I have been getting so far has already been priceless and I learn a lot of do's and don'ts from you all.
I'll be traveling for new years though, so it will be a couple days until I can reply to your review.

@DVader: None of this is supposed to happen I have designed some darker games before on my end that where pitchblack on some other users computers. However, this game is very bright. there should be no black areas whatsoever. there was one user on the steam areas who complained about this game being too dark for him to see....but he also claimed that he calibrated his monitor for "photo editing" so I just assumed he screwed that up royally.
Attached is a screenshot. You see that ventshaft?? You can crawl through that by pressing "C" and holding it down. It will lead to 2 different rooms. One where you find a special weapon (the large caliber rifle)....this room is a dead end. You'll need to go back into the shaft, turn right and then go straight and you'll find your way towards the rest of the level.
Really puzzled by what you are getting on your end. Could you take a few screenshots and let me know??

Quote: "up the steps"

There are no steps in the first level nor anything that is pitch black.

Quote: "Oh, pressing tab reveals 40 in the corner, probably missed removing that at a guess, at first I thought it was an fps counter, but if so it was a very solid 40 which would be weird for GG."

Okay...wait...did you download "Deprivation : Direct Action" or "Redacted : Hired Gun" ???



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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 20:14 Edited at: 29th Dec 2016 20:24
There's two downloads? That may explain things, although that start bit is annoying as hell. I downloaded "Deprivation : Direct Action". The first area is pretty dark, there's nothing remotely close to your screenshot that I can see. The file system seems different, more FPSCS like, but I never used that much and so cannot say for certain, it's certainly not standard Game Guru. I was quite impressed with the DB custom loader, as I've played myself with Game Guru with a menu editor. So if it's an FPSC game I can see why it's quite different to normal Game Guru games. I'm definitely stuck in that room though. I have tried it again and again and had to quit before I lost my temper :0 Ran out of ammo a few times using it as a torch to try to see whatever I was missing.

Just checked the initial thread and saw the actual download below the first one. I'll give that a shot. That's speed reading the thread for you. Still that level is driving me mad, what on earth are you supposed to do?

Edit - Here's a pic. You can see my confusion when people are saying it isn't dark. I was thinking you had done some serious customisation for a GG game I did wonder why the name had changed, but just thought you had renamed it.

SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.


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