I like biped for characters (even though it's buggy at best and requires to be put through fragmotion almost every time) but in my experience, exporting guns with it for FPSC/GG is way harder than it should be.
I have got a few "decent" rigs like the SoldierFront 2 hands with an awesome FK rig with cool controls, and the imbrokeru leather gloves, as well as CS source IK hands.
I like those rigs, but typically cannot bring such content into gameguru for it being too complex bone-wise or too high poly (really idk why but the cooler hands/nicer more complicated gun with more textures/moving parts i use, the smaller chance it has of irreversibly catastrophically ruining itself for no reason on .x export
I'm kinda starting to like jfletcher hands but I'll probably just do one gun as a test to see if it's possible, then when the supposed "dx11" upgrade that promises to improve performance and graphics and whatnot
I'll just dive straight to even cooler hands since that would hopefully not be a problem anymore and maybe i'll get lucky and guns have multi texture/fbx support, and the whole thing works like a buttered up dream.
chances are this is not the case and I have to weigh the options of having a way harder time animating guns due to stupid little "necessary" stuff i have to do with the hands/gun, or just using a not-that-detailed hand mesh in my games that are made in a "game maker" solely for the purpose of shits and giggles.
interesting fact: ladasgr joined on my birthday. also I love mr brightside and hypermetal