Assuming you have chosen an entity to be a sliding door and have named it "Door" and made it active (and change it's weight to 0, not essential but sometimes helps) simply attach the ezentitymover.lua script to it and edit the movement list inside the script.
The movement list is the very first thing in the list and is made up of entries named to match the entity you want moving and a sequence of movements you want it to do.
So for a sliding door you might have an entry like this::
["Door"] = {"h","mx60","h","mx-60"}
Then you need a control script to trigger each sequence as you need it, for example when the player approaches the door to make it open and close when they moves away. There is an example in the last post on the thread in the scripts forum that you can play around with, that example has a sliding door so should suit you perfectly. (if you leave out the "h" entries then the door will simply open and then close again over and over again)
If your door is oriented differently then use "mz" or "my" or "mf" or "ms", just try them to see what happens.
The script can control as many doors as you want just make sure the entity linked to the control script is set to 'always active'.
Just under the movement list is another list which needs an entry matching in name, this list controls the detection of player on entity, for example if you want to detect if the player is on a trigger entity or platform you define the length, width and height of the entity so the script can work out the detection area, for a door this list just needs the default entry of ["Door"] = {radius = 0} which tells the script not to bother with detection.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!