Product Chat / Survival and Crafting

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Posted: 6th Dec 2016 20:55 Edited at: 6th Dec 2016 21:17
Okay I know, not very original, the 10'000 survival game... Not talking about dinosaurs who will be the enemies in my game...

However, I didn't post much on this forum until now, and if I did, mostly criticism. Even I used FPSC quite a long time ago and was an early backer of FPSC reloaded/Game Guru, until shortly I found GG not usable. Now it seems to go in the right direction (even VERY slowly...!) That's why I started working with GG again, and now I want to show some positive things:

Big picture:

Action slots and inventory are working quite well already. Action slots are the items/weapons you can use immediately by pressing key 1-9 and are always displayed on screen. Features of action bar/inventory until now:

- select item/weapon
- change ammunition (and with that damage of weapon) (V1.133)
- durability of weapons and tools
- gather items and add to free inventory slot or add quantity if item already in inventory
- move item
- replace item
- split item stock

A video to show these features will come soon.

Next steps:
- craft
- build

What I found out already, I need the following features of GG urgently to realize my planned game:

- real day/night cycle
- moveable dynamic lights (for a just built and placed and lit campfire for example)
- water system

So please Lee, forget all the features on the voting list like "Menu Editing", "Talking Characters / Quest givers", "Inventory" and so on, that can be realized by spripting already, but people are just too lazy to do it, and concentrate on core features like the ones mentioned above.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 09:00
Amazing man,amazing!
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 09:14 Edited at: 7th Dec 2016 09:16
Quote: "- real day/night cycle
- moveable dynamic lights (for a just built and placed and lit campfire for example)
- water system"

I'd love to see the water system really be pushed forward. Especially now that we have the random terrain generator back.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 17:46
Now this is more like it - something a bit different with GG - yes the theme is not original but the style and menu system is pretty unique to GG - good work willipoldi!
Try my new demo at
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 19:09
Many thanks for the positive comments. I have to do a few more things and then I can show all the features done so far in a video.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 20:30 Edited at: 7th Dec 2016 20:32
Does the interface work like a drag and drop with the mouse? My LUA scripting abilities are quite poor so I'm more than impressed when I see what people can do with it.

I've been working on a item collecting and crafting system myself but without UI. Just prompt texts lol

Quote: "A video to show these features will come soon."

Really looking forward to it.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 21:46
Yes, it's similar to drag and drop. If you click on an item in a slot, it's attached to the mouse cursor. Click again on a slot and it will be dropped there. If there was the same item in that slot, the new quantity will be added, if it was a different item in the slot, this one will be replaced and the old item is attached to the mouse cursor.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 23:42 Edited at: 7th Dec 2016 23:56
Okay, the promised video is here:


Okay, I'm too stupid to share a YouTube video here.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 11:06

There you go m8 looking good btw
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 11:08
For ref its [youtube]just the numbers here e.g "VaZK6Ui7oTE" then: [/youtube]
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 11:28
Thanks, Honkeyboy. I just used the code delivered by the forum here.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 11:50 Edited at: 8th Dec 2016 11:54
Features realized so far as can be seen in the video:

- Multilingual. Right now just switching between German and English with the L key.
- Multiple music sets, here used for background sounds. Right now just switching between 2 music sets with the M key but will finally be used for different background sound sets in different areas.

- Stamina. No running if stamina bar is zero (V1.133). Very slowly recovering while walking, faster recovering if not moving. Thirst and hunger coming soon.

- Entity health bar if entity was hit.
- Entities don't get stuck on slopes and mostly not by obstacles.
- Entities align to slopes.
- Loot. Entities leave behind one or multiple items if dead.

See first post. Forgot to mention that you can change the ammo for long range weapons and with that the weapon damage (V1.133). For example bow with arrows with stone/iron/steel arrow head. Weapons and tools are automatically removed, if their durability is 0 (see green bar in the slots).
Of course the whole inventory is saved.

At this point I want to thank smallg very much for his fantastic sripts. A few weeks ago I had no idea about LUA. From his scripts I learned how to do my own scripts for my needs.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 14:32
I just loged in to say Awesome work! This is exactly what i want to see with GG
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 17:24
Very nice work there.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2016 21:06

Your thread has been moved to product chat as the work in progress board is for entire game projects rather than the underlying mechanics.
Please review our w.i.p. guidelines for more information.

Other than that: While I personally find no joy in these crafting games, what you have done here is clearly good work! Very good work!!


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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 02:36
This is turning out quite well
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 02:56
That's looking great! BTW, welcome aboard! I own a few games where crafting is involved (and of course, one with dinosaurs). It seems to be a popular thing as of late and I think it adds another dimension of interactivity to a game. While not suitable for every type of game, obviously, the elements of crafting could be adapted to other pursuits. The inventory system alone has infinite possibilities. Nice work!
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 19:25 Edited at: 10th Dec 2016 19:28
Many thanks for all the positive reactions and the great support here in general (and for beeing selected as User of the Month ).

I'm working hard on and doing good progress with the crafting system. Please see my concept screenshot and reed the descriptions below:

Big screenshot here:

- Press "I" to open the inventory
- Click on the "Craft Button" to open the crafting menu
There is also a Player State button that opens the corresponding menu to watch your state. Because with whatever you do, you will gain experience points and with the right amount of points, you will level up. What means: more health and more stamina, but you will also need more drink and food. It's on the (very long ) to do list.

Back to crafting and description of the picture:
- Click one of the 5 buttons: material/tools/items/furniture/construction to select the actual catalogue (there may be a 6th in the future with clothing)
- It may be more than one page in a category, click page+ or page- to change

Requirements to craft:
- Required 1 - 4: You may need up to 4 raw materials to craft, shown here with the quantity needed and quantity in inventory (text green if you have enough, red otherwise)
- Tools needed: The tools you need to craft something, for example knife, axe, pickaxe... If one of these tools is selected in the action bar, it will be displayed green (and will loose durability when used for crafting)
- Craft -/+ units: Every item you can craft has an unit that will be crafted. Normally one (for example a tool/weapon) but maybe 10 for arrows. Raise or lower the quantity you want to craft.

Finally craft something:
- Start crafting: If all the requirements are fulfilled you can click this button. It will show a progess bar of crafting.

Crafting done:
- If crafting is finished, output 1 and maybe output 2 are available (normally only one).
- Click on the output icon to move the crafted item to your inventory

Why two output icons? If you work with something, there may be more than only one material as a result. For example: If you work on a trunk you will get a log and some bark. The bark again will be the raw material for getting resin and the resin you can use as glue feathers to an arrow stick... I think you see what I mean.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 22:19
a very ambitious project, looking great so far and lots of interesting features, going to be a complete game by the time you're done
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 22:24 Edited at: 10th Dec 2016 22:46
impressive, looks great, well done willipoldi, will be keeping an eye on this. oh congrats on being user of the month well deserved
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 23:08
Nice work. Looks like a great menu for survival type games.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 00:35
Love it! The UI is in a good direction
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Posted: 15th Dec 2016 19:08 Edited at: 15th Dec 2016 19:11
Many thanks again for all the positive comments. Crafting almost ready, here a screenshot of the work done so far:

Big screenshot here:
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Posted: 15th Dec 2016 19:11
like this, looking good so far... interested to see how this develops
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Posted: 15th Dec 2016 20:29
Excellent Work!

Thanks so much for the explanations and organizing it all!

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Posted: 16th Dec 2016 15:16
Very nice. Will be very useful.
Great job.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2016 19:39 Edited at: 17th Dec 2016 22:58
Okay, crafting is fully working now, see the video below:

Comments to the video:

I have put some raw materials in the inventory for demonstration already.

Tool damage:
- The tool you use for crafting (mostly one you need) will loose durability. Some items/materials can also be crafted just with your hands, no tool needed.

Split items:
- Crafting even works with split stocks of an item. Of course, in the inventory splitting doesn't make sense (just here for demonstration) but will be useful for example to put some wood in the furnace and keep some in the inventory for use/crafting (furnace on the looong to do list )

Next steps:
- Filling the crafting menu with a LOT of items
- Use of items (including player thirst and hunger)
- Building your new and save home in Dinoland
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Posted: 17th Dec 2016 22:26
Totally awesome Willi I've been watching your progress and this is totally what GG needs nice one
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Posted: 18th Dec 2016 02:47
This is really a stunning piece of work, and it clearly shows what can be done besides only simple fps games.

I really enjoy following this thread and the progress
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Posted: 18th Dec 2016 04:10
Very impressive, willipoldi!
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Posted: 18th Dec 2016 04:31
This is amazing, are you going to sell the scripts? I want to dissect them.
Markchapman10 is my Skype let's have some dev talk.
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Posted: 16th Jan 2017 21:47 Edited at: 16th Jan 2017 22:14
Mod Edit: Several posts in this thread have been removed due to a large offtopic discussion that has started to broaden. Admittedly, I have participated in this conversation myself. However, I can only advise you to stay on the given topic of a thread as it is rude to hijack somebody else's topic only to prove a point or start a heated discussion.
If you have valuable feedback to give or something constructive to say (preferably something that has not yet been discussed endlessly throughout the years of GG's development span) we, the Moderators, encourage you start your own thread in the relevant forum section.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2017 22:04
I really like your design. Looks a bit like minecraft I see some minecraft clones coming
Nice work! Will it be released any time or do you just want to show off

Everbody have a nice day
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Posted: 17th Jan 2017 21:14
i'm sorry if the pseudo flamw was born from my post ,it wasnt my intention..

btw would to congratfs with willipoldi for his great stuff and ask if is planned a release on the store,,
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2017 22:56
Amazing!! Something you gonna release to the store any time soon?
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 16:58
Very nice. Does your inventory system work with different screen resolutions? I've had problems with the sprites not aligning to the grid in the past.

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