Work In Progress / Galaxy

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Posted: 6th Dec 2016 19:17
Well im back lol after a months break sorting rl problems out im back to pester you all again lol. I'm updating the three games ive done and making new so without further ado. Part1 of Galaxy (temp name) you start out after crash landing in the bowl of a volcano on an unknown planet and need to repair your ship. (im working on the story line) 1st Maps complete apart from some lighting tweaking etc etc anyways here it is so far

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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 04:24
Welcome back - I was wondering where you'd got to.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 05:50
i love the sound design, the rain, the polish, but I don't like the area. the ground is completely black making navigation nearly impossible, the fog is a nice colour, but it's no excuse for not pulling some sort of a similar colour from the ground. might just be the video compression though
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 19:19
No m8 its night time check the clock lower right Thanks Gtox i was going to kind of make it really hard to do it at night = lots of nasties to mess the players day up lol i'll post some daytime shots when ive finished messing with the level.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 22:34 Edited at: 7th Dec 2016 22:42
and alittle more atmosphere still ok fps having a couple of issues with the mechanical spiders in the ship lol next job!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 08:33 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:25
This has a fantastic atmosphere! Nicely done HonkeyBoy. Probably my favourite of your lot of work.

I do agree with Bugsy. The surface level is far too dark. It may be night time but did you notice that even when you had your torch on and shined it on that creature the creature was still completely black.

For example, if you're outside and it's night time. The moon and stars are out, you could still distinguish the contours of the nearby landscape and what ever is on the ground, not much but you can make out that it's there.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 17:02 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 17:03
Right ok Landman yes i see what you mean @ bugsy sorry m8 i understand what you were saying now. Im still working on the first level to make sure these things are correct so i appreciate you guys pointing these things out helps me target whats needed, ive just implemented the interaction side of things which is working nicely in the editor but not in the standalone so i also need to look into why that is. Also working on a cut scene so when you have repaired the ship you can leave the area or the planet and then into space (already have maps done for these ) and working on a height trigger so as you fly the ship upwards and reach the atmosphere you automatically transition to the space map. so lots to do still anyways thanks for pointing it out guys i'll get onto that first see what i can sort out
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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 00:14
Quote: "im back to pester you all again"

Nice start!! I do however have to agree with Bugsy, that the game is too dark for all the spectacle going on in the sky. I'd recommend playing around with the settings. Planets like this would likely reflect light onto the surface like a full moon.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 14:28 Edited at: 12th Dec 2016 21:32
Thanks Wolf im on it Edit : now have the interactive and some survival elements and the fog looks like fog lighting is better but still could do with alittle tweaking, Ai is acting a bit Monty Python again :/

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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 00:55 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:25
Hey HonkeyBoy, I don't know how you feel about the readjusted lighting but I think with the darkness it looked better before. It seemed to work well with the atmosphere you'd created. In my opinion it just needed a very minor adjustment, now it's changed quite drastically. Hmmm.... it was like something from an Alien movie. Like this.... (which I thought was fantastic).

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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 10:02 Edited at: 13th Dec 2016 20:01
Yeah Landman it does change a lot between night and day that vid was daytime i am still working on the lighting and fog but there seems to be an issue with the fog atm not acting as it should. I'll have a re adjust later today see if a can better it again in fact using blues as in that pic mat work better with the day and night transitions as it will be easier to get dark to be dark will give that a go see what i can produce. And as Bugsy said the video compression does make it look different as well so i'll try to make a higher res one in fraps. Edit added !nullptr's compass thanks m8 thats a really nice compass don't know how i missed that one

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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 19:58
Pleased you're back on here. I enjoy your creativity


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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 20:02 Edited at: 13th Dec 2016 23:12
Thanks cybernescence not quite as cool as yours m8 but im getting there
speaking of which lol here's the updated video of Galaxy's intro level better compression on this one and its a bit closer to what it actually looks like (night time start again does get brighter as the daytime comes around) I've actually got my head around the math.random command now (Phew) and you can see it in operation with the random alien parts collected (might change this to organics) this then can be fed into a terminal to make fuel for the ship (got some other ideas for that as well). Ive also got it working that when you hand the quest items into the terminal you jump to the next level which will have a video clip for now showing the ship lifting off Also i'll be changing the position of the downed ship and adding a few more surprises so this will be the last full showing of this level

level 2 test

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Posted: 14th Dec 2016 18:26 Edited at: 14th Dec 2016 18:46
Now here's the biggie ive changed level 2 to be more like level one as dinos didn't work for me on this one :/ I now have managed to shrink the player down to be able to increase the map size so as Main Galaxy Level one now includes 3 systems with in total 30 landable planets, 50 dockable stations and atm just space traffic (no battles in space yet) as the reticule needs sorting so it sits in the right place and sometimes when the weapons fired the player freezes (maybe because i forgot the firespot on that model ;/ its going to be quite a task populating all those planets and stations so i may have to make templates. i also made a sky city which is cool but that's normal map size. Anyhow guys check it out i get about a 1/10th of the way across lol, and still get over 90fps.

and you can tell which planets have atmospheres (need to change the range tho :/)

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Posted: 14th Dec 2016 18:53
The Galaxy intro level looks pretty atmospheric to me. I like it. It's only a pity GG's lighting isn't a bit more dynamic on enemies as they can be hard to see. Very nice so far!

I take it you are No Man's Sky fan, or at least the idea of it

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Posted: 14th Dec 2016 20:10
Didn't get very good reviews did it? i did like the look of it but i hardly ever spend 40 quid on games m8 tbh lol those days are gone. As you know i was a star wars galaxies fan, and loved freelancer so im having a go at a blend of those two, the dockable stations i hope to have sort of like freelancer/eve where you can dock and trade, make credits, and the planets (i'll have to template these far too many to do 1 by one) maybe if i can abit of combat alittle crafting/ mining for more goods to sell and a house schematic lol so you can live somewhere. If i can achieve anything even close to that i'll be dead chuffed so its all mapping again atm and im trying to model a few space stations as my old ones are modular so it'd take years to lay 50 of those lol. ( I play 3 modern games atm, Fallout 4, Empyrion Galactic survival (brilliant game) and that starsone (very basic EA atm)
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Posted: 14th Dec 2016 21:03
Looking good. Ya , not much you can do about GGs lighting.
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Posted: 14th Dec 2016 21:37 Edited at: 14th Dec 2016 21:37
Thanks Jackalhead not started on the lighting or fog in space yet on the 2 intro levels its ok well been hard at it in the modeling program and now have Galaxy's new space station type 1. (shame we carn't copy and paste multiple items as lining up the flames for near 50 of these is gonna take some time) i did notice however the collision is now working for the space objects (nice one Lee )

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Posted: 16th Dec 2016 12:38
This is coming together nicely, very creative
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Posted: 16th Dec 2016 13:06
Looking good mate, its wanting me to make a SciFi game too, so many ideas floating around in my head.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2016 16:19 Edited at: 16th Dec 2016 21:36
Thanks guys, ive just created the first two planet biome's ...desert and ice another 5 basic ones to do, then another 3 systems so 28 in total :/ then the station's lol lots to do and of course trying to work out the scripts for the main level which is hard for me as my scripting knowledge amounts to that of an amoeba and a pic of galaxy system one map, theres actually loads of stations you just carnt see them all (white dots) im going to include space wrecks in the asteriod fields for different missions the beauty of having everything shrunk so small is for example the sun only needs 1 fire decal , planets 1 fog as long as it's set to facing it looks pretty cool
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Posted: 16th Dec 2016 21:56 Edited at: 16th Dec 2016 21:59
I've also been working on the cut scenes for each planet type both take off and landing and also stations heres a basic clip of what they will be like, i need to change the names, angles and sounds but you get the idea i knew i'd find a use for Northerns scripts lol

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Posted: 20th Dec 2016 17:56 Edited at: 20th Dec 2016 18:02
Docking with a trading station and space, Vendor station for buying and selling ( bit swg's this ) lots more items to be added but you get the idea. Be nice if i could add inertia to the ship and why oh why when no weapon is selected does it give you the RPG? lol. think i need to wp the suns as i got abit lost there theres actually 4 systems

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 15:27
Bit of a late post but fog being too close is the reason why you can't see with your light on, you can create a good blackness using the ambiance and surface etc and keep the fog at a decent range of when you want the flashlight to stop (otherwise it will block the light).
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 21:12
Right ok thanks G will play with that
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 12:01 Edited at: 9th Jan 2017 19:42
New Inventory items, the initial items are, collected/scavenged and fed into the ships crafter, which then crafts 3 scanner/drilling hand held units which can mine for more complex minerals/chemicals. these in turn can be re-fed into a crafter to produce a schematic for planetary auto miners (thanks to smallg for that script) More items and resources to come. Here's the menu so far. (now ive got to get this lot saving over to the next level lol)

Edit: i now have 6 types of deployable miners 3 mineral, 3 chemical, miners can be built using a general schematic at relevant terminals Teir 1 miners now include (mineral) Iron, Copper, and Tungsten, (Chemical) Sodium, Potassium and Zinc, all fetch different prices and have different uses depending on which system you are in now we're cooking

Galaxy's auto miners vendors/crafting terminals are now in place and working

New space map test with space stations to dock with and sell items. Thanks smallg Videos need redoing as they are old ones but you get the idea stations now green on the radar, planets are yellow, npc spacecraft are red.

Edit : after finally laying all the resource deposits on each map over 40 per map (phew) i made a start on some of the new characters (in pic) from left to right Galaxy Merc, Galaxy Merc off duty, and Galaxy freelance pilot. and added the start of a new battle cruiser

Now testing ideas for the second galaxy, was thinking instead of space to planet maybe space to planet station then to planet zones

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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 11:29 Edited at: 12th Jan 2017 14:33
And what are you going to do with all this stuff you've collected sell it for creds? Maybe but now you can make your own stuff "Galaxy's" New crafting menu (yes your own base as well (Pictured) New crafting menu. The base starts off as just a hanger and a living area and as you acquire the schematics, new areas are built/opened up for you. The factory room first then as you gain more schematics via cash and resources these can then be fed into the base factory to gain new areas and new crafting terminals.
Base construction and general crafting terminal test

New player base/station first look unpopulated

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2017 21:39 Edited at: 23rd Mar 2017 23:22
Took some time tonight to remake the player base using the EBE, now have all 7 rooms completed, although only 3 can be accessed after completing the base beacon schematic, the others open up on completion of there respective schematics, factory bay, medical bay, crafting bay, and the command center, are all opened up this way, heres a quick view of the base starter area, not quite populated yet and will have the music on the jukebox later (just put a random one on for now) oh and thanks Cosmic for the new bits

Main ship docked with player base station

Guess who's ships are in the Hanger?

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Posted: 24th Mar 2017 23:16 Edited at: 24th Mar 2017 23:17
New EBE created Player ship, this is the ship you gain on level 2 of the intro, fully complete with the shuttle you repaired. You use this ship to launch your shuttle travel to planets to hunt forage, scavenge and mine to gain the credits to then build your base (see last Vid) when you build your base you gain a small fighter in which you can travel the local space map and trade with space stations, fight pirates etc etc, then dock back with your main ship to take the shuttle down to planet surfaces ( heh gets quite complex but its working) anyways heres a looksee at the new player ship, not quite complete but not far off ( still making signs etc) lots of cosmic prophets bit here cheers m8

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Posted: 25th May 2017 04:21
Very Cool! I love that Space Station or Mother Ship. I haven't messed with the ebe yet. Great Job!
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Posted: 25th May 2017 21:36
Galaxy City Alpha
Ok made a start on the R and R city Galaxy Alpha here there will be shops, heh my fav "nightclub" and other building to explore hopefully lots of social interaction and maybe a few dodgy quests

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Posted: 26th May 2017 11:34 Edited at: 26th May 2017 11:37
Nice work Honkeyboy,I love coming back here to see what you have come up with next (you never no what to expect ).you have a great emagination .

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Posted: 27th May 2017 10:42 Edited at: 27th May 2017 10:51
Thanks Dave, tbh I'm surprised with this new map I'm being able to fill it without any real hit on the fps and hopefully because the AI is now on a separate core I'm hoping that when that's added again the FPS should still be good, I've just started adding the paving and more signs etc (still needs more) and also ran a test with Shadows at 100 and still got 30fps and as you can appreciate if i lower that the fps goes back to 50 ish.
Here's a quick look at it so far its still alittle dark and because of that the shadows can't be seen but it was just a test to see the impact on the FPS when on full and also a quick looksee into how the map is progressing this is about map 10 in my "Galaxy" project. you can imagine how this may look with flying cars and a population

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Posted: 29th May 2017 22:40 Edited at: 29th May 2017 23:04
OK phew Galaxy city Alpha one pt3 theres a few reasons why im building this and videoing it at the same time
1/ Because i wanted a full city map to test GG's capability to handle a massive city map with all the new goodies we have
2/ This type of map could lead on to games that are non linear and to show GG can do this with a little time and effort (Games like Blade Runner etc )
3/ I like a challenge
Things added to the pt3 build
Numbered all the buildings which is cool as you could have winzones on them all to maps like nightclubs, casinos, hotels and your own apartment etc
New decals outside those buildings
Detail including, The Pod train lol i modeled this its not quite complete but its getting there, Galaxy cars again by me both civvie and police as before still need some tweaking but they are ok
Nightclub and police station, I have also edited the scifi drone to have police style textures will be adding the AI next
Redid the space port as to be able to number the infacing buildings
Next :
Add a little more detail
I've modeled some futuristic civvies so getting them in and working
Try to optimize ready for the flying vehicles
add quests and winzones
build the extra levels (Nightclub first!!! lol i like music when im building)
Anyways hope you like it so far any tips or questions please fire away might help me and help you.
P.s Wolfie check out how many of yours are in this one m8 lol
and thanks to oldpman for the building numbers and cosmic for the buildings etc, Rolfy for the skybox and disturbing 13 for the pathways
I need to make more glowie signs

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Posted: 31st May 2017 08:35
Cool! That's looking great! I'll keep checking in on your very cool project.
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Posted: 31st May 2017 22:59 Edited at: 31st May 2017 23:08
Galaxy city Alpha test pt4 AI :
Well it seems to be ok on the fps but i only have around 20 toons on so far and 4-5 running scripts, scripts by smallg (thx m8) ive added sprites for convo will change them to be more appropriate later but shows how its progressing. New music spent a while on this one as I'm not used to slow city style music , its normally Metallica/Sabbath etc on the guitars or dance, hardhouse etc on the jukebox. So im giving this one time to settle to see how i feel about it new buildings EXO Corp for missions involving robots etc, lots left to do but its fun atm and above all the fps is a stable 30 + ish

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Posted: 1st Jun 2017 22:43
Quote: "Wolfie check out how many of yours are in this one m8 lol "

I like the retexture you did to my statue. It looks now like its holding a glowing sun
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Posted: 1st Jun 2017 23:14 Edited at: 1st Jun 2017 23:27
It is Wolf one of the planets i made for the game, i kinda slightly re-textured your SciFi Protogenetic Subculture pack to match the colour scheme hope your ok with that m8 and ty for it you should spot lots of that in there. I'm actually really liking this level it has so much potential to look really cool and the amount of winzones you could add to it is massive which was kind of sprung about from the Bladerunner game whereas you could at anytime return to your apartment, lots of toying around with things atm but there's a good solid base here to work on
Still unsure about the music tho? any likes or dislikes?
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Posted: 13th Sep 2017 23:15 Edited at: 14th Sep 2017 13:34
Well here we go Galaxy pt2
lots of changes to the project as a whole now its mainly based around the city and has become more like a bladerunner style game lots of interaction and I'm trying to incorperate moshies turn based combat into it so lots of work going on. I have just neally completed the interior skyscraper wich has take 5 days ish and is still not complete but getting cooler, this will be the player apartment where messeges are picked up/quests etc etc. The beauty of this building is that it is a template for other quests (i can copy it to other parts of the map and open close apartments to use for the particular quest) thanks to Wolf again for th proto pack its comming in very usefull cheers m8. Anyways heres the new level including my new models , banisters pictures, frames ,bath, toilet, sink bike (why is it in the air?) oops isimobile lol, new fountain etc etc still some collision issues so need to change some of the trees etc but you'll get the idea
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Posted: 14th Sep 2017 23:27 Edited at: 25th Sep 2017 18:38
OK here it is so far "Galaxy" "Codename Hunter"
Assigned as a Synth hunter you arrive at Galaxy city with orders to goto your new apartment where you the pick up messeges and get familiar with the quest system, visit various places firstly the police hq, various quests on the map in skyscraper apartment buildings, etc to find clues as to why the synths have been killing humans....who is behind it all Exo Corp the council someone else?only time will tell, 4 player party turn based combat, party consists of you the hunter, a tracker, a psy mage, and a mystic healer, interactive maps to search for clues etc etc heres the first couple of unfinished but working maps I edited ut the painful loading times :/ working on that

Next: The Police HQ, Nightclub and Exo Corp HQ and labs
music is a placeholder as its for the loading screens really still lots to do but the bones are in and the inventory works

Just finished the police hq

New Map Chinatown

Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
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Posted: 25th Sep 2017 22:10 Edited at: 25th Sep 2017 22:20
Welcome to Galaxy's Chinatown, Its the very beginings of my heaviest map in terms of content, I have virtually all the other Galaxy maps complete bar the interaction and quests so i thought i start building the last 2 main map areas this being one of them I still have most of the content to go in and the terrain to finish but all in all its looking and running pretty sweetly so far oh and need to adjust the height of the market stalls as they are too low but not bad for may first modeling attempt at one

Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
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Posted: 26th Sep 2017 12:31
impressive. Now it just needs good lighting and then boom! Very nice!
You know you watched too many of Lee's Live Brodcasts when you're at work and have an earwig from his twitch intro music....

By the way, I am a Modder, Soundtrack Composer and now Game Developer. Well, sort of.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2017 21:17 Edited at: 26th Sep 2017 22:00
Thanks Duchenkuke, I'm kind of steering away from the lighting side atm and trying to get the right effect from decals adjusing the other effects to get the feel, I did think about lighting today and thought wouldn't it be a good idea to use the opposite of shadows e.g casting light from any model that has an I_dds? dont know if this could be done but it kinda sounded like a cool idea that way any object with an i_dds would just cast light? just a thought while building the level lol (I do that sometimes)
Anyway today i added , more paving, finished all the train station walls and walls around the market places, police station, added more decals/signs added the air traffic ( the galaxy car!) modelling a bike for this also,
adjusted the contrast and fog alittle etc, still have all the doors to put in (like all 100 of them lol) added more of Wolfs proto pack models (on sale atm) paving is Disterbing13's buildings are Cosmics plus some of my own bits and bats.
It has a nice feel to it atm and quite enjoying the challenge as i still have around 20 older built maps that i want to drag in at some point..will be a big game when completed
(oh just a plug) please dont forget H.E.Trooper is still up for download on the forums and is a fully working free game, i have also been touching up VCity which i also will release free when complete. heres the latest on Galaxy....

Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2017 22:21 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2017 23:11
Two new characters for the chinatown level a merchant and one of the Red Dragon Clan and lastly for the night Master Lee Wang

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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 02:46
Nice! while i'm glad to see some cyberpunk cities around here, I think you could use some baked static lighting, a big ambience adjustment to create a mood and some more colours, and a few more different building models, as it appears you've instanced the same one about a dozen too many times. (I do love seeing my models in your levels though!)

another thing I really like is how your frame rates appear to have gone up in videos since earlier games of yours. I also like to see custom characters. Keep up the good work.
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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 11:08
Love those characters for the chinatown did you make them in fuse,liking the look of the whole game so have put a lot of work into this.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2017 22:37 Edited at: 4th Oct 2017 23:13
@ Bugsy yeah m8 some of the main maps repeat the same buildings but isnt that so in rl? (to be honest it was a good way to use 1 interior for any building and i think it was partially why the FPS increased, that and they were non static :/ )
They change as you go out to the later levels ere and dont knock your own stuff!!! lol jk yeah lighting coming next after everythings in place i like to leave that till neally last and im testing this in the public preview and the beta as well so not everything is working yet but its a good way of testing it from start to finish

@ Granada yes Dave they start their life in the old fuse 1.3 (the hats and other bits i made for fuse) then if the poly's are too high im now using simplygon to decimate really handy tool to have and free for indies

then either rig em up in rigyfi or mixamo = bit quicker but not quite as good, then into fbx2gg and into GG.

here's the latest ones from the last two evenings all are for the chinatown level exept the little fae shes for the fantasy project and had to use simplygon for her otherwise I'd never have got her into GG sooo simple to decimate and moves the poly's and maps to fit = very cool

Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel

I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on

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