Competitions / New Multiplayer Competition

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Posted: 14th Nov 2016 11:50 Edited at: 15th Apr 2017 13:21
New Multiplayer Competition

Hi all, I'm going to sponsor this competition and hope to get more interest in MP. I know GG is more focus towards FPS but why not have both including 3rd Person. I'm sure it will be just a little fun and something to do while you get a break from work or your families over Christmas and the New Year (if that's even possible).

You will have to post your progress in the forum heading Multiplayer Work In Progress.
You must follow the forum thread guild-lines for posting.
Your title must end with [ - COMP WIP ].
- Title example: Z-World Timescape - COMP WIP
Please include title screen, pictures and videos are optional.
Closing date 28 Feb 2017.

New Closing Date April 20th 2017

Competition date change due to multiplayer connection issues. Hopefully this will give you all time to test your MP levels before end date.


First - £150 gift voucher(s)
Second - £100 gift voucher(s)
Third - £50 gift voucher(s)
Bonus prizes
- £25 This will go to the person who add the best content to the forum. Exampling how they are map designing their level. Highlighting any problems / issues and solving them.
- £10 This will go to the person who helps other the most with problem solving in multiplayer levels.

Options are:

- Steam - (Just think of all the GG games you can buy for under a pound lol).
- Game - gift card.
- TGC Store - (Buy assets from the store.) - awaiting on approval).
- Any ideas of what you would like?

You can use core stock and or any new media / assets you want.
Multiple levels is a must or it is not classed as a game.
^ This maybe an issue to script limitations but these can still be played one level at a time. ^
All can enter this competition including staff of TGC, Forum Moderators and Store staff! - This is just about having a little fun.
Hopefully we will even see some levels from Lee and the team.

Thanks guys - I hope you have fun with this and good luck!

gd - Ed.

PM - if you need more information or any concerns.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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A new competition running for GG


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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 18:07
Great idea!
Thanks for creating this competition!
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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 20:47
Oh. That sounds like a challenge worth taking up.

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Next G. Card EVGA GeForce GTX 970 Superclocked ACX 2.0 Gaming 4GB GDDR5 PCIe3.0 Graphics Card.
Would Like EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 8GB GDDR5X PCIe3.0 Graphics Card
wizard of id
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Posted: 16th Nov 2016 11:53
Great Sign me up !
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Posted: 16th Nov 2016 14:07 Edited at: 16th Nov 2016 14:08
Let the tournament begin

Nice to see some of you taking up the challenge!

No need to sign-up, just follow the rules.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 17th Nov 2016 22:49
Awesome, im in! Only stock media i suppose?
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Posted: 18th Nov 2016 11:37
Hi guys, I forgot to say you can use any media / assets you want. This is what will make your game stand out from the rest. I hope to see some great games... use your imagination. Don't hold back now!
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Pirate Myke
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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 03:48
Are moderators and TGC staff able to participate in this?

Also I was wondering how you were going to get multi levels in multiplayer mode. Last I knew, custom scripts did not work in multi player at all.
Custom media will be fine as it is uploaded from the host.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 10:39
Quote: "Multiple levels is a must or it is not classed as a game."

Do you mean that as in Higher and lower levels ...Or loading level 2 for example ?

As Myke says You can only play MP on one map at a time ...
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 16:55 Edited at: 21st Nov 2016 17:00
All can enter this competition!

It would be nice to see more than one level to these game. When we get a chance to play them (due to the lack of script) we can still play each one at a time.

We will pick the best levels to have a face-off to decide the winners. These could be a timed match.

Who knows this may lead to multiplayer being taken seriously and more functions / lua being added.
When I first came across GG I was thinking about making a MP first of all. But that idea was soon changed due to the support process / limitations.

First post has been updated.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 20:49
I'm interested ...
But last time I tried MP with someone it constantly locked on me after a few seconds ...Has anyone else tried it in a while ?
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
wizard of id
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Posted: 21st Nov 2016 23:58
Quote: "It would be nice to see more than one level to these game."

Quote: "You can use core stock and or any new media / assets you want.
Multiple levels is a must or it is not classed as a game."

Um you are aware you can't build MP games, and can share via the workshop one level at a time so not sure why you want to have a rule like that as it's not really applicable or possible.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2016 10:18
Hi wizard of id (Martin), I understand your concern but anything is possible lol. If your read the first post is says that the scripting is limited at this point in time. But you can still make more than one level. They will just have to be played one at a time.

I hope this does not put you off entering the competition and making more than one level.

Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 20:36
Hi all, just a little update.

The first MP level posts by Bugsy - Kshatriya Deathmatch check it out. He has come across a few issues already, but hopefully this will get sorted soon.

We have some great map designers out there, but it's also about the game mechanics too. So if you’re not the best map designer (like me) you will still be in with a chance and get good marks for playability.

Don't be that last person to enter this competition. Remember this competition will end Feb 2017!

Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 20:47 Edited at: 8th Dec 2016 20:54
New update!

Due to some issues in GG I'm going to make it even easier for you guys. I going to scrap the multilevel rule.
You will now only need to submit one level!
Those of you who want to add more than one level, this can go towards your final score and may even help win the competition.

I will also be adding a map for fun but will not be entering the competition, but it will be based on an old classic to some degree.
(If you can work it out then PM me for an extra point.)
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 02:42
Just wanted to add my thumbs-up to this competition idea, and I look forward to seeing what multiplayer fun you can come up with. As you know, we've not run an official TGC competition for some time, so it's great to see the community filling in the void for us. Thanks again!!
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wizard of id
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 03:11
Quote: "Those of you who want to add more than one level, this can go towards your final score and may even help win the competition."
So you still going about this multi level madness and now unfair advantage to some one that submits more then one level, seriously ? Stick with one level and get it over and done with if users want to submit more then one level so be it, but let them choose which level will be judged.

Quote: "(If you can work it out then PM me for an extra point.)"
Then you end of with this.

You know what forget it, I couldn't be bothered to enter, set up the rules keep to it, and not change it every other week....Secondly I am wizardofid, I didn't ask you to use my real name.....
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Posted: 10th Dec 2016 07:41 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:16
Don't mean to sound like an a#$ but multiplayer doesn't work... so how's this competition going to be tested until it works?
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 01:47
yeah i have thus been completely unable to so much as connect to someone else in an MP game for more than 5 seconds before a crash hits.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 03:55 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 04:26
Hi wizard of id, I was not trying to offend you by calling you by your first name as this was never my intention. I was just trying to make this as fun and relaxed as possible. I call myself gd Ed here but my real name is Eddie. It’s also a real shame you feel this way about the multiplayer competition as I think your contribution would be of great value. My sense of humour can be taken the wrong way at times and there are no extra points for PM’ing me (That was the joke!). On a more serious note there will not be a limitation on how many levels / map people can submit due to the reason I’m running this competition in the first place… to create more interest in MP, more levels / maps more interest.

While I was listening to what has been said by the forum and yourself; I thought it maybe time to revaluating the game rules. I really understand the frustrations with some of the limitation that GG has in multiplayer. I also share many of these too.

My intention is to... NOT change the rules each week, but only to create more of a buzz for MP.

It would be nice to see MP moving to the next level with more support. GG seems to be more focus towards FPS design and I believe a few customers may move on after trying GG out and reading the forum without giving it a chance. I also know there are many individuals on this forum who would like to see more features available to MP as there are in FPS. MP is a huge market and it would be a real shame for indie game creators moving to other game engines other than GG. We are already seeing this happening each month. I’m sure the developers at TGC will move in the direction of what people really want while still achieving their vision and goals.

I also understand there are many features that are more important to others than MP. I have notice a recurring debate on this fact in forum posts over the very short and limited time I have spent here. I think we all just want GG to do what it first set out to do.
I’m no real game designer and don’t have the years of experience so many of you have. But what I do see is a great community here who are very passionate about what they do. This can be from a game designers to a fellow like me who just wants to make a few games they have always dreamed about.

I have done okay over the years and just want a way to give a little back. I thought this would be a good start. This competition is not supported or backed by any corporation with sponsorship coming out of every orifice… just me.

So thanks again guys and I hope you will all join-in with what could be some great fun.

Eddie aka gd Ed.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 04:30
Hi guys, I have not had this issue as of yet with GG MP crashing. It has only happened when I change some script.
Has anybody had the same issues connecting with others on a very basic map?
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2016 03:03
my map has no scripts, 8 mp starts: 4 per team.

it has invisible walls though. if those have to be removed, the entire map has to be scrapped.
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Posted: 13th Dec 2016 20:43
Multiplayer seems to have an issue with connecting to other players and the map crashes with an error or just locks up.
The build number for MP has not changed so something in the last update must have broken it.

Now you can still build MP map and test them your self with no other player interaction and they seem to run fine.
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2017 18:55 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2017 18:56
Update 02/01/17

Hi guys, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and ask this question.

If you guys think it may be a good idea to move the competition to mid year or later? This would be due to some of you are having issues with the MP build and the connection issues for other players. Hopefully this can be sorted by then.

Anyway let me know what you think as I don't see many contenders, maybe this is due to these issues.

gd - Ed.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2017 16:25
So you can host a MP map and have users connect to it and not crash?
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Posted: 5th Jan 2017 20:01
HI Pirate Myke, have not tried other player(s) connecting recently so will have to give it ago soon and let you know. I can see there are a few issue with the latest build of GG in MP mode. I do hope this get sorted or it won't be worth running / having a competition for MP.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2017 01:35
I would send an email to Lee directly and let him know what you have found out. Maybe he can get some of this fixed soon.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2017 15:40
ok. seems we may have a handle on the MP shader crash. In a recent test with some shader fixes, we can play MP with out the crash error and things seem to be fine. Going to report this to Lee and get the shader fix into Game Guru.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 12:10
My vote: Make a new closing date for this competition , perhaps april , its hard to make a MP level if you cant test the game play.

I will try to get the bug fixes available to everyone asap. so you can test your levels.

best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 20:50
Hi guys, I have been busy with work over the last weeks so have not had a good chance to test the MP system. Thanks to all the guys who have work on this with good results. I hope it gets sorted soon.

In the mean time I'm going to move the closing date to April 20th 2017. I was thinking April 1st but I'm sure you all would of thought I was joking

I will update the main post also.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2017 23:37
Will see about if I can breathe a bit of spark back into this idea, have started a level built completely ground up for MP, have also recorded every step, 2 hrs recording so far and will post the videos in WIP MP when I get the chance at 4X speed so people can see what I'm doing, play testing as I'm building and when MP is fixed, keen to get some other testers involved.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2017 01:36
I am not sure where all of the hate came from towards someone who is trying to help spark the community.

GD, thank you for taking the time to put this together. I do hope this gives a nice little spark to GG Multiplayer.

I will be interested in what maps are created.


Me = noob

and i love The TGC : )
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Posted: 6th Apr 2017 10:56
Hi guys, closing date will soon be here.

Closing Date April 20th 2017
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 15th Apr 2017 13:10 Edited at: 15th Apr 2017 13:22
Just a little heads up this finishes soon... It's a shame there are not many people making these level
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 SLI mode, Water cooled with an old Victorian cast iron radiator and a industrial leather belt driven fan - That's what you call Steampunked.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2017 18:59 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:17
I think the issue is that there's been no verification that Multiplayer is working again...

Your efforts to try and get this contest going has been great and I feel it's a bit under appreciated as this does deserve more entries.

How do we enter? Just PM you? I'm happy to put some crunch time into getting a level together specifically for this

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