Tutorials & Guides / [LOCKED] Necessary Edits to get EAI's weaponry into GG

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Posted: 27th Jul 2016 05:12 Edited at: 10th Jun 2018 14:22
Hey Gang!!

EAI's work has been massively popular among the FPSC community for years. They where so high quality at the time that I refused to use them, feeling that they where too "good" for my work at the time and therefore looked out of place. Other users didn't feel that way regardless of how terribly embarrassing some of their level and visual design was and used them right away. I first used them in "The Escape from Reaper Harbour" as I have felt that my own quality reached a point where they would actually fit in the overall look of the game. This was also my first release on the TGC forums.
After the success of the Task Force 341 Pack and his recent legacy sales I am quite surprised that so few games actually use his models. They look gorgeous with GG's shader effects and I don't even have to apply my usual texture edits with which I have tried to compromise for FPSC's shading and lighting system.

I can only assume that a lot of you don't know how to get these working in GG so you are not using them? Well, if that is the case for you, my little red riding hood, fear not! For the big bad Wolf is here to help you!

This is the Beretta 92 from the TF341 pack as you'll get it out of the box.
I have added nothing to it, it ships with all the shaders necessary.

The Tutorial

Most of these work out of the box in GG and require very little gunspec tweaking. This does of course depend on personal preference and the amount of functions and quality you want to go for. EAI's weapons have a ton of additional functions, some even hidden animations, that can allow you to have quite high quality weaponry. While the hand rig can look a little dated, the guns do not and with some know how can easily pass for a mid-budget release. They are also delightfully accurate to the real deal! You won't get tacticool guns with a ton of juvenile gadgets or inverted AK's. You will also get a whopping amount of AR15 derivatives in all of their glory. You don't need my background in psychology to see a certain...affinity towards these.

I digress:

Some of you probably loaded these into GG and anded up with nothing but a floating hand and an invisible weapon. This is where some technical tweaks are needed.
I will do this in fragmotion but any 3D tool that has the necessary export options will do!
The crux of many problems are the heap of materials in the guns mesh file. We will remove these now.

See image for reference.

The first thing you do is, you click "Edit" and then "Select all -all"
The second thing you do is, you select the "gun_d" texture, left click and then you create a material from texture.
Now you remove all the materials except for the one you just created. You will now apply your new material on the entire weapon.
Make sure that your weapon has the correct framerate in its animation and export it as .x! You are done.
Add the GG shader .fx file to your weapons gunspec if you haven't already.

What you have just done is all you need for the TF341 weapons as they all have their entire maps on a single texture. MP9 & 10 weapons require advanced prep work that might sound scary but really is not. This is however fodder for a different tutorial as I aim to keep these short and digestable.

You will notice magazine, hand and gun have their own texture maps in MP9 & 10 maps. You will need to create a new map (either 2048*² or 4096*² in size) and apply all the maps on it. How you put them next to each other is of no consequence and of your personal preference.

In fragmotion: If you click on "texture" and then "uvmapper" you will find the fastest and most convenient UVmapper in the known universe...according to me that is. Load your texture and reapply the UV's from the weapon to your new map. Its extremely fast if you use the materials (right click, select assigned faces), to select the UV clusters. Keep this in mind and delete the unnecessary materials after you are done with UVmapping.

Export and run a quick test!

Generate and edit the necessary shader maps.

This should get you going with converting your favorite weapons! Lemme know what you think and if I have missed something.

Step by Step video:



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Posted: 27th Jul 2016 11:58
These look amazing! Do you have any clue where I can buy his media?

Btw nice detailed tutorial!
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Posted: 27th Jul 2016 12:06
yes it looks great, I have this pack and already got it into GameGuru no problems at all
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Posted: 29th Jul 2016 06:06
Thank you, guys!

Quote: "These look amazing! Do you have any clue where I can buy his media?"

Certainly! The artist has set up a shop here.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2016 13:19
Here is web address


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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 16:24
still got this weapons on my hard drive, working on it
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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 18:29
I just tried it with BOTR's weapon Welder which takes about 20 seconds .....
There is a slight flash problem I noticed firing with the silencer which probably wont be to difficult to sort ?

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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 21:04
Quote: "There is a slight flash problem I noticed firing with the silencer which probably wont be to difficult to sort ?"

A muzzleflash is referenced in the gunspec that does not exist Either change the corresponding number or add a new muzzleflash (gamecore/muzzleflash)

Also, if you add a forward value of 5 or 7 to the gunspec, the gun won't be so close to your face

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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 21:14 Edited at: 31st Jul 2016 21:14
Quote: "A muzzleflash is referenced in the gunspec that does not exist Either change the corresponding number or add a new muzzleflash (gamecore/muzzleflash)"

Ah thanks Wolf !! I will look into that

Quote: "Also, if you add a forward value of 5 or 7 to the gunspec, the gun won't be so close to your face "

That would have been my next question .... Thanks again
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Posted: 31st Jul 2016 22:05
i have problem witch eai p226, its working correctly in FPSC but in game guru i have that big black square on half of the screen and no right hand, apart from that its working correctly, could someone give me some advice?


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Posted: 1st Aug 2016 11:06
@synchro: You're welcome, mate

@SmugglerSynku: Err! Never seen this happen. I can only assume you got something wrong with the rig. You can send me your model via PM and I can have a look. (its okay, I have this gun myself.)

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Posted: 15th Aug 2016 22:11
hi all So, now i got another problem: im trying to use m4cqbr form mp10, but i want to have better view on its holo sight. So i added alpha channel on "CCBUIS_D" texture. And again it works in classic fpsc, but in gameguru i got strange effect. Screen shows what i mean maybe someone got idea how to solve this?

And i got second question: is it possible to make custom projectiles? and flak? I need to do it for m4 with grenade launcher.
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Posted: 16th Aug 2016 05:45
here is the picture, i forgot to upload it in first post


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Posted: 16th Aug 2016 06:24 Edited at: 16th Aug 2016 06:25
'right...lets try the easy route: Search for the line "transparency" in the .fpe. If its 0 or 1 change it to 2. If that line is not present, add it. Lemme know if that worked for you.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2016 18:46
@Wolf tried that already, it changes nothing ;p notice that this "effect" covers only holo sight, while rest of the weapon is visible
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Posted: 16th Aug 2016 20:47
I assume that this weapon only uses one single texture?
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Posted: 16th Aug 2016 21:09
no, there is different texture for holo sight, diffrent for this transparent ironsight and diffrent for rest of the weapon. Should i make one big texture from it? and if so, does it matter how i place this textures on the big single texture, or how i name it?
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Posted: 17th Aug 2016 01:56 Edited at: 17th Aug 2016 01:56
Thats most likely the problem. As I mentioned in the tutorial, all models need to be single textured to work entirely properly. Especially if you want to use the shaders. (you have "flat" models in-game otherwise).
It does not matter where anything is placed on your texture as long as you replace the UV's accordingly.
Texture name is traditionally "gun_d.dds" and referenced as such in the gunspec.

Remember to also delete the superfluous materials from your model file once done.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2016 12:44
I found these in a folder on and old drive named " Eai+Kwolf "
No idea where i got them but i assume they are EAI's
Thought i would try transfering then in with the Weapon Welder and hey they work great ..
Not sure i have seen these before ?

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Posted: 25th Aug 2016 07:49
These are from the old store. I own all of them
Had that wrench in my first full release on TGC and that cleaver in my best known release

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Posted: 25th Aug 2016 21:32 Edited at: 25th Aug 2016 22:00
Nice tutorial! Is it possible to add ironsight aiming?
Im using the weapon welder
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Posted: 26th Sep 2016 02:40 Edited at: 26th Sep 2016 02:42
Thanks Wolf for posting this!

For anyone interested, I've added the discount code
to www.eaimedia.com
Use it at checkout and save 20%

@Slaur3n Any that previously supported ironsights should also do so in GG. Be aware that the render camera works a bit different in GG. So, generally, you will need to offset the original settings a bit for simplezoommod (add + 2 to original value) and simplezoomy (add + 0.11 or so to original value) in order to approximate the intended effect.

There are also some other gunspec setting differences such as the accuracy dispersion being much greater in GG and generally needing a much lower (more accurate) value than what would have been used in FPSC.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 20:18 Edited at: 27th Sep 2016 20:30
Another of EAI's weapons using the weapon Welder https://eaimedia.com/2016/05/05/gcsmodern/
This ones real fun

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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 20:25
absolutely awesome, I also got the chainsaw in GG, love it
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Posted: 10th Jun 2018 14:23
I bump this because I made a video to watch alongside the sometimes a bit cryptic tutorial:

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Posted: 10th Jun 2018 14:46
Nice one Wolf,your a gentleman

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Posted: 10th Jun 2018 23:20
Wow, I didn't see this thread. A million thanks, I wanted to bring EAI's weaponry into GG; but, didn't have the know-how to do it. I'm glad you decided to be extra nice and add the video. BTW, love the humour. -- Little Red Riding Hood.
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