Scripts / [LOCKED] Pickup objects???

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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 06:40
Pickup and Grab objects doesn't work??

it was the case with dynamics objects in FPSC, FPSC9, FPSC 10, FPSCR
WHY in GG we CAN'T pickup and transport an object from one place to another?????
this make me really MAD!!!!

Why GG has removed that function????
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 16:39
Nothing has been removed ... It was never put in ..... GG / Reloaded was written from the ground up with just a little of the base code. Its not a modified fps classic.. Like everything else we have to wait ... Or learn a little scripting ..

Also it may pay you to update to the latest version to keep with new features .. If it was in now it wasn't back then

This in one of your pics certainly isn't ?

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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 18:49
my version is the 1.131
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 18:55
Quote: "my version is the 1.131"

That version is 1.1 ?
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:00 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 19:16
why something present in the past with the products of thegamescreators is not now present in GG
i understand it was created from zero, but HEY that function was exellent in FPSC, why not take the same functions and add that in GG
Im pretty sure it's not something HARD to add in the game engine.

also look at fpsc LOTS of stuff are not present in GG,
i know its young, it takes time to update, lot of effort.
but add those basic function first.

pickup function
Menus creation easier
better lights
FBX import

WHEN i see the VOTES for the next updates of GG my gosh its terrible...
that means those BASIC ELEMENTS IN A GAME ENGINE are going to take maybe 1year or two to be in place....

THINK productivity
HOW many GG games are SOLD trough steam or other platforms???
RESPONS..........mmh........ zero???

well HOW do you want US the users/artist to prove, show the power of this engine if its not evolving in the right direction???
i think a LOT of users want to produce some good games, but we can't, actually this engine is like an alpha, also the entities from the market or others created by users doesn't help because every one want to create their own content...

I WANT to USE GG in my work i want to produce SOMETHING correct ith it and not just play around and the go back to another stuff...
I dont think people buy softwares just for spending their money, i want to use this software/game engine....
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:18 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 19:18
the last updates is from 10/06/2016 version 1.1.31
click in ABOUT in GG and you see the version number
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:25
a word of advice....ranting and raving isn't going to get you much if at all any help....
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:45
Quote: "THINK productivity
HOW many GG games are SOLD trough steam or other platforms???
RESPONS..........mmh........ zero???"

Actually about six on steam think .... Heres one doing quite well
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:48
So after you are not so friendly I will not post the script, but here is a start:

So it is possible, because I and a lot of other scripters did it already.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 19:56 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 19:57

Look ranting wont get you anywhere ..... if the voting of the users is high for a certain feature then you are in the minority ... like it or not. Next will be AI and menu editor .... 2 on your list .... like everyone else you have to Wait !!

Or not ... No one is making you use GG
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 20:11 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 20:26
i tried this script but nothing works
do i have to change something inside GG???
i mean the "e" key of my keyboard do nothing.
i add that script to a barrel and then i try the level but nothing happens
When im close to the barrel or a box i push "e" but nthing happens

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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 20:53
tested it, works ok for me.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 21:20 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 21:28
Quote: "the last updates is from 10/06/2016 version 1.1.31
click in ABOUT in GG and you see the version number"

Then something is wrong with your copy, because the picture you posted in another thread had a missing icon on the top row;

This is from your picture:

This is how the menu has looked for the last two updates:

Notice the difference? A new button is in the later versions, which is linked to a new editing mode, Marker Mode.

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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 21:30 Edited at: 18th Jul 2016 21:32
Quote: "i tried this script but nothing works
do i have to change something inside GG???
i mean the "e" key of my keyboard do nothing.
i add that script to a barrel and then i try the level but nothing happens
When im close to the barrel or a box i push "e" but nthing happens"

Working fine for me too, make sure the object with the script ahs the following settings:

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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 22:55
belidos it is possible to have that without the shaking effect?
watch this is smooth
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 23:13
ok i see i renamed the script to carry.lua it works BUT when i grab the object is shaking like hell
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Posted: 18th Jul 2016 23:54
Quote: "belidos it is possible to have that without the shaking effect?
watch this is smooth "

That's a totally different script ... Available on the store
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 00:01
nono thats a script for trees i was showing you the part where the user transport objects but the object move without shacking on screen.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 00:18
Your right ...but either way its still a totally different script ..
Its nothing like the one your using .... It was probably written totally differently
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 00:19 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 00:53
i buy a script now at the TGC Store i paid but i got nothing, maybe i have to wait?

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i have no file to download at the moment. :s
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 02:05 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 02:08
Why not just write your own scripts?

Lua is probably the easiest scripting language I ever used, in GG the player x,y,z position and y angle are easily accessible so all you need to do is calculate the offsets from that at which you want the carried object to be and use SetPosition(e, <x>, <y>, <z> ) and SetRotation(e, 0, <yrot>, 0) commands to move th entity to that position.

A few flags to indicate to the player that the entity is movable and to the entity that ist is being carried and bob's your uncle (or at least a close 'friend' of your mums).

This is probably one of the simplest uses of Lua that I can think of, at least it was one of the first things I coded (around about 15 minutes after I had learned that the language even existed) in GameGuru.

I really wish that all the people who have voted for 'Talking Characters / Quest Givers" or "Day & Night system" had instead voted for the thing we *really* need, i.e. "ALL settings to have Lua commands", if EVERYTHING was available to Lua scripts then almost everything else on the voting boards could be done with scripts. Even advanced AI could be scriptable if we had access to collision information from the physics engine plus information about all entities (static as well as dynamic!).

I have some snazzy Lua scripts that mimic herding behaviour for flocks of sheep or herds of cows or even flocks of birds or shoals of fish (the logic is the same for all of them strangely ) but because I cannot detect within the scipts when two members of the 'herd' are about to collide the results are spoiled by sheep walking through each other. I really want to provide the community with villager scripts, with characters interacting with each other as well as interacting with entities within the scene, for example a blacksmith interacting with the forge and anvil or shoeing a horse but this is all impossible if I can't detect when the blacksmith is about to collide with the forge or if his hammer is in contact with the anvil, all of this could be provided by externalising the results of the bullet engine physics and passing it to Lua scripts (when Lee fixes the bottom-about-face processing that is ).

Maybe then Lee could concentrate on what we really need, i.e. DX11, 64 bit support and performance enhancements (like faster loading times!).

[/rant over]
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 08:03
still waiting my script i sended an email to TGC

here my order of the lua script.
TGC60AEC3A78 Monday, 18th July 2016 11:09 PM Complete 1 $1.5
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 08:05
dx11 under a 32bits software??? mhhh ...i prefer to see GG in 64bits before the shaders directx
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 09:22 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 09:23
Quote: "still waiting my script i sended an email to TGC

here my order of the lua script.
TGC60AEC3A78 Monday, 18th July 2016 11:09 PM Complete 1 $1.5"

The best way to get support for issues is to click the green help button in the bottom right of the forum, that's the most direct route, the TGC email is a more generic support for all of their products and can take a while to get a response from.

Purchases on the store should be almost instant, as soon as you have paid then you should be able to download, so just to see if we can help get you sorted quickly, a quick question:

(It may not be the case with you, but this is the most common issue people have with downloading, I need to ask just in case, so please don't be insulted that I ask)

Are you trying to download it from the right place? GG models/scripts etc. are not downloaded directly from the store or anywhere on the website, they are downloading inside GameGuru by going to file -> download store items. Click that, then wait for the clock to stop spinning (this is an area of the GG GUI that really needs an update, it's not always cvery clear), then click download again, eventually it will stop spinning and a pop up telling you all items are downloaded.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 09:37
Quote: "Why not just write your own scripts?"

Because some people just can't. While I agree that LUA is a fairly simple language and quite easy to pick up to a certain extent, you have to have the ability to think creatively if you want to make something more advanced.

Take myself for example, I have a learning difficulty, I score high in aptitude tests when it comes to knowledge and logic, I can learn facts, however when it comes to creative aptitude I just cannot link the facts with creativity.

This means unless someone shows me step by step how to do something i find it extremely difficult to do, in the case of LUA i know what most of the commands do, and how they work but i find it next to impossible to put them together to create a script, i can edit other peoples scripts fairly well, but making my own script just won't happen.

I do try to make my own scripts, i try until i'm almost in tears with frustration, but i won't ask for help until i am sure it's something i wil not be able to do.

I'm sure there are others out there with similar issues, so although i agree people should at least make an effort to try, just yelling "make your own" at people isn't a great way to help them.

(although to be fair there are some exceptions, certain people who just will not try, not because they can't, but because they can't be bothered, it's fine to tell those types that any day of the week :p )

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 10:23 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 10:24
@Belidos-I understand, I think if it helps the best way is to write down in steps what you want to do in pseudo code or english algorithm steps e.g.

How to make a cuppa T:

1. go over to the tap
2. turn the tap on
3. fill the kettle
4. turn the tap off
5. turn the kettle on
6. grab a cup
7. grab a T-bag
8. put T-bag in cup
9. wait for kettle to boil ---> start of a loop
10. has the kettle boiled?
11. if it hasn't got back to 9, otherwise continue to 12. --> end of loop
12. pour water in cup
etc etc

Very basic but you get the idea.....

Then you can go back to the steps and break down even further if required into making more steps.
In old days, flow charts would be created to get the logic flow
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 10:30 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 10:31
yeah thats the way i do it inside GG
i sended the email to the developer and also the TGC via the green button but i got no respons at the moment

when im loged in GAMEGURU STORE VIA GG it keeps telling me

"Nothing to download.
To access the online store, close this dialogue and click on the bottom left icon. You will need to sign in with your Steam account before you can download extra game assets."

in my account i see:

TGC60AEC3A78 Monday, 18th July 2016 11:09 PM Complete 1 $1.5

Complete - The order has been paid and the items assigned to your account.
Pending - Either payment is still pending or the items have not been assigned to your account.

but i got nothing!!!!

so....this is a problem!
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 10:38
Quote: ""Nothing to download.
To access the online store, close this dialogue and click on the bottom left icon. You will need to sign in with your Steam account before you can download extra game assets.""

Have you launched GameGuru using Steam? You have to be logged into steam with gameguru running via steam to download items.

1. Log into Steam
2. Navigate to your library and run GameGuru
3. In GameGuru go to the Files menu
4. Select Download Store Items
5. Wait for the clock to stop and click download
6. Wait for the pop up that tells you all items are downloaded and click OK

once it is downloaded it should be in your scriptbanks/Dvader folder if I remember right

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 10:46

It doesn't look like you have linked your steam account ..
When you log into the store from here you should have a "link steam account" button
then try again
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 11:10 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 11:12
i buy that script directly from TGC website

Order Reference Order Date Status
TGC60AEC3A78 19th Jul 2016 00:23 Finished
No products are available for download yet.

Reference Order Date Order Status Order Items Total
TGC60AEC3A78 Monday, 18th July 2016 11:09 PM Complete 1 $1.5

i linked my steam account also but that change nothing, something is completly wrong with TGC website and steam!
every time i log with steam account i receive a new email ith a password for protection/validation
i got almost 10 emails with every time a new password

i ALLWAYS run GG from steam because i buy GG FROM STEAM windows client version.

the TGC website keeps telling me to LINK my steam account!!!
its DONE!!!!
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 11:21
Quote: "i linked my steam account also but that change nothing"

That's probably the problem then .... I cant see it as linked here so something has gone wrong in the process.
Can you make a post in the " GameGuru Store Section " with your problem ... "The Next" .. may be able to sort it faster for you
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 12:59
yeah i sended that to game guru store section too, i sended also a PM to you with a picture of my steam licence.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 19:08
"In old days" re flowcharts, nothing wrong with them, I always draw out what I am planning to do first before launching the editor. I may be getting on a bit but I still find the best design tool is a pencil!
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 20:45 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 20:45
Quote: "flowcharts, nothing wrong with them"

flowcharts is so Windows XP, we call them Mind Maps now lol

I still use them, quite a lot actually for everything from database design to shopping lists

this is a great free mind mapping software I highly recommend.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 21:16
ha the flow charts is going back a long long time ago, I haven't used those since my schooling days
I have others ways of doing logic.....
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Posted: 21st Jul 2016 19:26
i didn't read all the replies, but i have to agree with this quote:

"WHEN i see the VOTES for the next updates of GG my gosh its terrible...
that means those BASIC ELEMENTS IN A GAME ENGINE are going to take maybe 1year or two to be in place...."

i feel the same way everytime i look at the feature votes! it really is a problem, because the professional users are the minority it seems. there are far more people who use GG just for fun and don't really think about the feature requests properly, as they don't intend to make commercial games. for example instead of focussing on important engine elements that make the overall quality of the engine better, they focus on things that can be archived already now with lua scripts! on top you have things like "Talking Characters / Quest givers", "Inventory", "Quests", "Ally Characters", "Crafting / Trading" ..and on the bottom you have "All settings to have equivalent LUA commands","Event Scripting System", "Rendering engine overhaul", "Destructible Objects", "Shader Editing" which all would be more important first in my opinion.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2016 19:58 Edited at: 21st Jul 2016 22:14
yeah exactly the system vote means one clear thing for me.
Lee has no clear route plan for the evolution of GG
Votes are used to just give some kind of "important ideas" for the comunity but in FACT thats the worst thing you can do when you develop a software, put all the evolution in the hands of your comunity with THEIR ideas.

People doesn't know whats important for a game engine, they just whant to PLAY with it and make funny stuffs and MAYBE achieve something commercial with it.

but in FACT the more advanced users, want the SOFTWARE GG to evolve NOT with a VOTING system, but with a CLEAR ROADMAP, and this can only be presented to users by Lee.

The MOST important Things to do as soon as possible with the Engine itself, is:

ADD better (realistic) lighting system AND shadows interiors/exteriors!
ADD Menus & HUD changes easier!
ADD Day & Night cycles realtime with shadows and light gesture!
ADD better A.I!
ADD shaders!
ADD 3D particles!


It is really important to STOP working on 3d models, or spent too much time showing Twitch videos with how to use scripts for animate a 3d character, how to script, how to change things, THOSE things it to the community to discover and make their own Tutorials, if YOU spent yout time doing THAT, thats completly useless to me, because you spent and lost LOT of time doing those videos instead of spending THAT precious time on the GG engine.
JUST with that in the GG engine it can show to users the GREAT evolution and the right direction of the future of GG.

and at the final change turn the actual GG 32 bits to 64bits, for me and lot of people 32 bits is DEAD and im sure lot of people are under a 64bits Os.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2016 22:14
You do not run a company ignoring 95% of your customers to keep the other 5% happy!

To be honest I find it comical that anyone calling themself a 'professional' would relie so heavily on GameGuru's features, I see a pattern of self orientated pack-moaning on these forums and its not only childish its also very tedious, take a chill pill pro and give Lee a break, there are other game engines..... a pro could use!

you know what I do with software I don't like or cant get on with ..... I don't use it.... its simply genius!
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Posted: 21st Jul 2016 23:26
TRUE, you DON'T run a company ignoring 95% of your customers "NEEDS".
Ignoring their needs by telling them "HEY we created a solid fps engine what kind of idea you have about what do you need?"
selling a product without having a roadmap behind, is like runing at 200mph on a concrete wall.
the 5% happy people use that engine just in their spare time or just for their kids who enjoy playing around with it.
if you want to keep your 95% customers happy, well is easy, show them the roadmap of the engine and the differents goals to reach.
If you want play around with your 95% customers well ask them what the engine needs, to be good, and give some sugar for the 5% happy customers.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2016 23:37
the road map is quite clear, to be the easiest 3D game maker out there and that is not going to change, the differents goals to reach are on the voting board and when each item is reached is down to the collective, new items are added and queued to be added to the list as items are removed .....

so again, the road map is there only the route has not yet been decided.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 01:46
Quote: "It is really important to STOP working on 3d models, or spent too much time showing Twitch videos with how to use scripts for animate a 3d character, how to script, how to change things, THOSE things it to the community to discover and make their own Tutorials, if YOU spent yout time doing THAT, thats completly useless to me, because you spent and lost LOT of time doing those videos instead of spending THAT precious time on the GG engine."

Lee doesn't make 3d models. An hour a week on Twitch also doesn't impede progress on the engine. Do you have any idea how much time he actually spends per day working on the engine? I bet not, and I don't know either, but I know this: for him it's much more than a 9-5 job. There also is nothing wrong with showing people how to script and how to change things. Perhaps if you paid a little attention to those broadcasts, or "discovered" them yourself, you would know how to "Pick up objects" by now (which is the title of this thread, by the way, in case you forgot) , instead of relying on the engine to do the work for you. As a professional, you obviously know that those kinds of features aren't built into most engines.

By the way, why are you so angry all the time? Lighten up.

Like PTC said,

Quote: "you know what I do with software I don't like or cant get on with ..... I don't use it...."

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 10:11
maybe i look angry but im not, i just have too much stress because i don't see too much evolution of GG, and i also want to use this engine and try to make a game with it.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 11:44 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2016 12:05
Its quite simple .... The voting board was actually requested so the most wanted features were implemented rather than Lee doing his own flowchart or roadmap so thats what we got ...

If the majority of users want a certain feature.... Save / Load, EBE, etc then it has been implemented with a few other things, bugs, fixes minor features thrown in ....

I would like features myself .. 3rd person for example ...In my opinion amazing GFX don't make a game ...
Like everyone else I have to wait ..
So we all have our different point of views and Lee is just one man ... Its the old saying .... he can please most users most of the time but cannot please everyone all of the time..

Like it or not ... Moan all you want ....but if the majority want something first then your in the minority .... Nothing you say or do can change that fact.
IMHO the voting system works and once the big ones are out the way things should speed up even more

Quote: " i just have too much stress because i don't see too much evolution of GG,"

Well this is a list of the " Not much Evolution " since the steam release 14 months ago ...
Its over 20 updated Versions in 14 months ... That is more than one a month from a certain point of view.
Impressive for one man and more updates than any similar product I have on steam ..

V1.131 :

Fixed both (Peek) behavior character soldiers to now use ai_cover.lua
Added OBSTACLERADIUS to SETUP.INI to control the margin radius of static obstacles
Fixed issue of gun and entity animations freezing when DEBUG MODE shows AI markers
Added 'lightmappingexcludeterrain' to SETUP.INI which can switch off terrain shadows
Accelerated speed of the 'create smoothing normals' inside lightmapper
Improved the lighting levels of Asylum level and changed the sky to hide occlude flick
Changed initial default to DDS when selecting new texture in IMPORT MODEL feature
Modified INVISIBLE WALL entity to use default.lua (from old easter script)
Added support for better importing of FBX static meshes (skinning sidelined for now)
The IMPORT MODEL feature now remembers the last import folder location
Added [W][S] in IMPORT MODEL to move camera up and down to better view the target
Added MouseWheel in IMPORT MODEL to zoom camera in and out to better view the target
When using scaling slider, no longer interfers with object rotation if object large
Toggled Texture Loader so PNG is the preferred image type looked for (good for FBX import)
Added invisible wall script and fixed invisible wall entity
Updated the DOCS file on importing models to include a section on Shadow Management
Added new Geo Twizzle and Center Mesh options for finer control of FBX importing
Added CULLMODE to Import Model Panel for some entities which are cull inverted
Added new LUA command 'GetTerrainHeight(x,z)' which returns the terrain height at that point
Fixed a bug so that characters now report their true height via entity[e]['y'] in scripts
Fixed RADAR.LUA to allow objectives to disappear (including change to OBJECTIVE.LUA)
Now restored collision box markers when reload an FPE entity back into IMPORTER
Changed button highlight for IMPORTER panel buttons and renamed to 'Height Guide'
Added new showdebugcollisonboxes=1 in SETUP.INI to visualise collision box shapes
Fixed issue with collisionbox shapes shifting when scale and rotation applied to them
Fixed issue so g_PlayerAngX, g_PlayerAngY and g_PlayerAngZ now wrap angles to 0-360
Increased Sprite and Image maximums in LUA script system to 10,000 each
Removed the WIDTH, HEIGHT and DEPTH from SETUP.INI in Standalone as they don't do anything
When saving a standalone with multiple levels, the test game splash no longer appears in error
Changed prompt to correct text of "LOCKED - Hold SPACEBAR and click to unlock"
When making multi level standalone games, weapons collected in previous level carried over
Ensured [GAMEMENUOPTIONS] is copied to SETUP.INI in Standalone, and that it works fully
Added SAO (Scalable Ambient Obstruction) to Post Processor (needs DOF or MB > 0 to work)
Added 'invisible_wall.lua' to script bank so invisible wall entity no longer black when rendered
Fixed weight and friction so they now affect all objects in the game
Weight value now changes the weight of ragdolls when created from dying characters
Added sliders for SAO Radius and Intensity
Fixed issue of SAO effect bleeding through FOG layers
Added much asked for LOAD SOUND command (see bottom of global.lua for new command descriptions)
Added LoadGlobalSound,DeleteGlobalSound,PlayGlobalSound,LoopGlobalSound,StopGlobalSound
Added SetGlobalSoundSpeed,SetGlobalSoundVolume,GetGlobalSoundExist,GetGlobalSoundPlaying,GetGlobalSoundLooping
Fixed issue of SAO effect bleeding through FOG layers
Fixed issue of SAO not working on some cards that do not support 1920x1080
Character shader no longer switches out after 3000 units (now respects AlwaysActive)
Fixed SAO transparency on character shader revealed when adding trees to scene
Fixed major issue which caused larger levels to lose normal and specular textures (image vs texture resource)
Added code to correct flicker issue caused by low velocity issues in motion blur technique
Fixed issue of random noise generator in SAO linked to screen, now linked to world positions
Fixed issue where LOD2DISTANCE not specified and breaking entities that only have LOD1
Player camera (FPS) now stops instantly (no wobble fade) to prevent SAO swim artifacts
Added extra logging to .LOG file to show what LUA scripts loaded (and if any failed to load)
Added new link in IDE Help Menu to view the GameGuru user manual (previously alittle hidden)
Increased LUA config maximums to allow larger levels to run logic (improved scripting)
Recompiled LUA module to not use Optimization flags to improve stability (large LUA level crashes)
Simplified SAO to not generate a noise vector for the moment - clever but produces swimming effect
Added 'GetFogNearest' through 'GetPostDepthOfFieldIntensity' for getting current visual settings
Fixed issue of IDE crashing if you click outside of an entity icon
Increased velocity caps on motion blur to avoid distant flicker on some scenes
Fixed an issue where the forth bone of boned weapons was being ignored
Fixed issue of characters set to ISIMMOBILE from floating above the floor
Fixed SAO shimmer and was able to put noise function back in for much better SAO effect
Updated RADAR.LUA script to remove hard coded coordinates of radar image (thanks to RETROGAMEBLOKE)
Increased MUSICSYSTEM_MAXTRACKS from 4 to 32 to allow dynamic music system more freedom
Character entities using RAGDOLL=0 now works with third person so death/impact animations used
Added support back in for SETUP.INI fields xbox, xboxinvert and xboxcontrollertype (XBOX Controller)
Static entities in level set to "Spawn At Start = No" no longer get lightmapped during LM process
Fixed sound and music volume so they respect stored settings when start each new level
Dynamic music no longer stops when enter games menu, only instance sound effects
Added new POST-SAO.FX to free regular BLOOM shader pass for a much quicker non-SAO rendering

V1.13 :

Removed hard coded headshot damage multiplayer (now in LUA scripts)
Updated ARROWS ammo to include ammo pickup sound effect
Fixed CharacterControlArmed to re-arm character after Limbo state
Fixed issue of adding waypoint and zones mix, AI paths get corrupted
Fixed issue so waypoints of zero points do not create AI paths
Fixed issue so explodable damage from entities correctly applies to player
Fixed issue of correct damage fall-off based on proximity to explosion
Correctly reversed the blast-back force of an explosion against the player
Standalone save now stores player weapon, health, lives
Standalone save now stores all weapon slots, ammo and pool ammo
Changed DOWNLOAD STORE ITEMS text to remove 'reloaded' reference
Added INVISIBLE WALL entity to Scenery folder (a useful level design tool)
Standalone save now stores entity data (position,collision,active)
FANTASY DLC : Sample level fixed to allow characters to use correct scripts
EASTER DLC : Fixed scripts that relied on EggRadar and EggCount globals
Fixed issue with saving a standalone from a level file in the root folder of mapbank
Projectname no longer extends with garbage copies of itself (related to above)
When use new 'allowfragmentation=1' flag to speed up menu restart, now deletes rogue sprite
Fixed the BLUE DOOR entity so it no longer momentarily disappears when closing
Adjusted the g_Time value in the engine so it cannot return a reversed time count
Standalone save now records the 'level file' the game was saved at (for later reloading)
Standalone load now loads correct level immediately from main menu and from different levels
Doubled the speed of the fade out when leaving a level (quicker slicker feel)
Now freeze more of the game and game logic when loading a new level in (fade out step)
Standalone now deletes all entities when level ends, ensures 3D not shown back in menus
Added code to clear occlusion objects before each level and after level frees resources
The FPS WARNING prompt no longer pops up after leaving the game menu system
Prevented entity damage (such as headshot) carrying over to a new game session (reload)
Stopped enemy to ragdoll pausing mid-fall due to a timing issue
Improved speed of game progress reloading (removed expensive FOR DO loop in LUA)
Added code to skip sending g_Entity data to LUA if entity is static (no use in LUA)
Standalone save now detects in-game spawning and restores them properly
When use LUA mouse override command (activatemouse), prevents 'windows' mouse from moving
Fixed start marker position of GEM WORLD level so Standalone Game runs correctly
When UnFreezePlayer called, player position is restored exactly (no Y shift issue)
Created a standalone installer for Educational Usage (using INNO installer)
Changed the way entities are unlocked, you now need to hold down the SPACEBAR
SPACEBAR one-press can also be used to dehighlight all rubber-band selected entities
Removed Easter Game Standalone from core product (watch out for new version in 2017)
Added new Toggle Parental Control and initial intro to allow parents to hide violent content
Added new parental control black list for entities not suitable for kids
Loading different levels in standalone back and forth no longer freeze
Increased entity objects allowed in level to 20,000 (per level) - fixes related crash
All sprites created during level LUA scripts are deleted before next level
Added a black screen when click Load Game to give instant response if load time long
Fixed Gem World game player start marker to be above ground floor in windmill
Added new Masked Civilian (non combat) character for Parental Control choices
Prevents third person player from animating and moving physics when frozen
NOTE: Important Rule; any user-script globals you want saving need to start with "g_"
EASTER DLC: Updated all scripts to rename key gameplay globals to use "g_" as above
Added support for importing some FBX model types (there are MANY variants here)
Fixed issue of dragging in new FBX entity, now same size as final entity in editor
Added MATRIXMODE to FPE fields which adds a transform with the original model matrix per limb
Fixed issue which forced RotateToPlayer/LookAtPlayer command not to work when not moving
Increased the reaction time for enemies using ai_soldier.lua script (slightly better AI)
Fixed issue causing new fixed CharacterControlArmed() to fail if character has no weapon
Fixed issue of level contents disappearing on return to editor - occlusion clearance code
Renamed Parental Control to Restricted Content - better reflects purpose of feature
Included NUMPAD on larger keyboards in the detection of Restricted Content password
Added new TransportToFreezePositionOnly() LUA command to force new player XYZ (not angle)
Added new 'floating_platform.lua' to show off how to associate player with moving entity
Added new 'GetEntityFilePath(e)' LUA command which returns the entity file path (useful)
When set enemy CAN TAKE WEAPON to NO, weapon now disappears with character when removed
Modified Rocketman animation ranges and improved scripts for slightly better AI response
Fixed issue of unspawned enemies showing on radar before they have beenin-game spawned
Fixed issue of newly added FANTASY DLC Creature not appearing when use test game
Restored speed of FANTASY DLC sample level to full speed, related to above bounds fix
Fixed issue of the IDE entity browser crashing if enter a folder with > 1000 items

V1.121 :

Added documentation of PasteSprite, a new command to render sprite in LUA-time
Added new PasteSpritePosition ( spr, x, y ) as above but specify XY coordinate
Introduced new SAVE and LOAD menus to the Standalone Executable
Updated Save Standalone LUA scripts to use style.txt to indicate folder location
Added common fillgameslots.lua in titlesbank for central game slot handling
Added SetFreezePosition(xyz), SetFreezeAngle(xyz) and TransportToFreezePosition()
Save game position now stores; player position and player angle
Added code to delete zone markers if map.way missing in FPM file and testmap folder
FANTASY DLC : Added first person weapons for SWORDS and AXE
Added code to hide weapon selection if have no first person model (HUD.X)
Added code to not offer CAN TAKE WEAPON in character properties if no HUD.X
Added gamedata and restoregame LUA scripts to handle game state functionality
Game now restores game state from LOAD menu in MAIN MENU or IN-GAME MENU
Fixed issue of HUDs disappearing in standalone executable
Added 'Outline72' font to the fontbank for use in LUA scripting
Added 'noxzrotation' to FPE to deactivate XZ rotation on spraying this entity
Runtime Error Messages now use the TOPMOST flag so they are not hidden when shown
Added extra runtime information to CreateSprite when image number not loaded
When the DESTROY command is called in LUA script, entity health is now set to zero
Fixed an issue with multi-level games not saving standalone properly
Added new STANDALONE menu to IDE to host Easter Game + Easter Game Standalone
Removed limit on player 'grunts when hurt', now happens anytime, not last 25%
Externalised the Player Health Regeneration code into new gameloop.lua script
NOTE: Above architecture will help shift more hard coded mechanisms into LUA
Fixed issue causing nested ingame LUA menu to trigger invisible FPS warning box
Moved drawing of weapon HUD so HIDEHUD system not making it disappear
GameLoop.lua now included in Standalone Executables

V1.12 :

Fixed lightmapper to match same texture models better (dummy limb issue)
Lightmapper can no longer duplicate polygons of first mesh in batching process
Fixed issue causing character entities to rotate to player when enter unfreeze range
Fixed issue with character entities not updating the 'angley' field
LOCK now added to grouped entity menu
Locking entities now prevents entity movement when editing terrain
Fixed 'musicplaytrackX.lua' scripts to use correct full 100 volume
Fixed GetTimer(e) so it reports zero immediately after using StartTimer(e)
Fixed issue of entities spawning 50 units above ground, now just 30 units above
NOTE: Make sure if your model has more than 60 bones, use CPUANIMS=1 and entity_basic.fx
Fixed transportinzone.lua to play sound as non 3D for louder replay
Added new ai_viewanimations.lua to allow quick view of all model animations
Changed the way dymamic lights calculate range to workaround NVIDIA 361 flicker bug
Updated several decal textures to improve quality and looping sequence
Fixed legacy behaviour whereby ISIMMOBILE FPE entities CAN lose health (but only to 1)
Added 'LUA Scripting Advice' to the HELP menu
The LUA command HIDEHUDS no longer hides the TAB TAB menus or metrics panel
Added TITLE, OPTIONS, INGAME, SAVE, LOAD, GFX and SFX option pages under LUA scripts
Added WIN, LOSE, NEXTLEVEL and more advanced loading page LUA script
Added 'resolutions.lua' and usd require to use common resolution finding code in LUA
Fixed issue of previous level cleanup deleting character creator heads for new level
Camera Y Offset now if more than twice the camera distance, camera collision disables
Removed SAVE and LOAD pages to bring forward the V1.12 release (above tweaks)
Fixed g_Inkey and g_Scancode which stopped working with the recent beta update
Really added new ai_viewanimations.lua to allow quick view of all model animations
Updated Abandonned building meshes from Death Valley DLC (minor geometry fixes)
Fixed issue of sinking characters, due to quick-physics boxes for unchanged terrain
Fixed issue with occlusion hiding entities at a distance greater than 12000
Fixed issue with how entity sizes are calculated for the occluder, now less flicker
Fixed issue of Inkey returning key press inside speech marks
Fixed issue with flickering occlusion caused by threshold not scaling with distance
Added new scriptbank\stories\HealthTypes scripts and sample level (shields!!)
Corrected mask texture of Archer in Fantasy DLC - shoe tint issue resolved
Added SCIFI PACK to More Media menu as prompted - good catch!
Added support for View Range in Fantasy Character/Creature script (both Core and DLC)
Prevented F11 menu from being blocked if HIDEHUD is in force
Prevented standalone executables from using any HUDs (TABTAB and F11 menus)
Standardised terrain brush size to be same size in both editor and F9 mode
Added support for g_MouseWheel in DeactivateMouse() mode (absolute not relative)
Corrected description in global.lua - GetImageWidth() is percentage not pixel
Both GetImageWidth() and GetImageHeight() now return as float values
Fixed issue of splash image being off center when set OS font > 100%

V1.112 "Christmas BETA":

Global.lua now lists all new direct call commands in comments at the bottom of the file
Fixed MP issue where being killed by an uzi would spawn you back and continually kill you
Fixed MP issue with CC characters bodys not showing up until camera is moved
Fixed MP issue where ragdoll force was never ending
Corrected typos in sharing custom content
Fixed crash in multiplayer when landing a headshot on another player
Fixed issue with saving custom media maps that was not producing the information needed by multiplayer - you may need to resave your map containing custom content before hosting multiplayer
Fixed an issue where a black bar would show up on the loading screen in multiplayer and then single player
Fixed issue of entities not highlighting when return from test game (lowest shader setting not taking glow value)
* NOTE: Remember to use FULLBOUNDS=1 in your FPE if you want to detect limbs that move out of range of the original frame zero bound box
Added 'detectcoloff' field to GUNSPEC.TXT which will allow guns/interactive weapons to HIT entities using CollisionOff(e)
Added 'ignorematerial' field to GUNSPEC.TXT which will skip material decal impact visual and sound when bullet hits any surface
Added new global.lua field called g_PlayerGunName which reports the name string of the currently selected weapon
Added new FirePlayerWeapon(mode) command which forces the player weapon to fire in mode 1 (left click) or 2 (right click)
* NOTE: Above FirePlayerWeapon command can be used to constantly fire 'interactive weapons' to create entity highlighting in-game
Added new LUA command 'ChangePlayerWeapon(str)' which will force a weapon change to the gun name specified
Fixed issue causing character shader to ignore dynamic lights on MEDIUM which they should respond to
Added a new command called ChangePlayerWeaponID(v) where v is the ID of the gun (from g_PlayerGunID)
Changed some LUA scripts to use math commands to convert between degrees and radians for consistency
Fixed a memory leak in the engine that occurred when determining limbs for characters
Fixed a memory leak in the engine relating to string token manipulation
Fixed a crash that would happen when a large amount of character creator entities were in a map
Fixed a crash that would occur when a large amount of custom physics boxes produced by the importer was used
Fixed door.lua to correctly allow for the door to open before switching off collision

V1.111 :

When a sprite is created it is now set to a default depth of 10
Fixed radar.lua to use SetSpriteDepth rather than SetSpritePriority (which doesn't exist)

V1.11 :

New Gem World game added, with lots of new content!
Fixed a slow down in the IDE when not selecting an object or scrolling with WASD or arrow keys
Importer collision tab drag handles now work
Character Creator now reports head limbs being shot and has been added to lightray render
Fixed an issue with Character Creator heads not displaying correctly
UnFreezePlayer() no longer has the fade in effect or resets anything in the game
The Occluder no longer causes shadows of occluded objects to not be rendered
Fixed an issue where fairly large objects would be distance occluded far too soon
Fixed a memory leak relating to keyboard input
Fixed a crash that could occur in multiplayer when a selected avatar has been deleted
Fixed an issue with the occluder where certain objects would flicker
Added a new LUA command SetSound(e,v) to be used before functions such as SetSoundVolume(vol) which do not specify a sound to use
The Download button in the Store Downloader is not ghosted out whilst updating the list of items
Fixed a LUA bug where GetInkey() would report the previous key pressed when a shift key was held down
Added new keyboard, mouse and entityinzone LUA commands and scripts
HeadShot feature added
Added lightmapping settings in SETUP.INI for higher quality shadows
SetAnimationSpeed now accepts a negative number to allow playing in reverse
Fixed Dynamic music system (new scripts included)
Fixed an issue with the lightmapper that ignored certain objects scaling

New LUA Sprite Commands (Sprite Test.fpm showcases the commands)
(size and position all use the percentage system, e.g. 50,50 is the middle of the screen)
* LoadImage: myImage = LoadImage ( "myFolder\\myImage.png" ) -- Anywhere inside GG Files folder (however it is best to put into scriptbank images folder for making standalones)
* CreateSprite: mySprite = CreateSprite ( myImage )
* DeleteSprite: DeleteSprite ( mySprite )
* SetSpritePosition: SetSpritePosition ( mySprite , x , y )
* SetSpriteSize: SetSpriteSize ( mySprite , sizeX , sizeZ ) -- passing -1 as one of the params ensure the sprite retains its aspect ratio
* SetSpriteDepth: SetSpriteDepth ( mySprite , 10 ) (0 is front, 100 is back)
* SetSpriteColor: SetSpriteColor ( mySprite , red , green, blue, alpha )
* SetSpriteAngle: SetSpriteAngle ( mySprite , 180 )
* SetSpriteOffset: SetSpriteOffset ( mySprite , 5 , -1 ) -- would be the centre for a 10% width image assigned to a sprite, passing -1 as one of the params ensure the sprite retains its aspect ratio
* SetSpriteImage: SetSpriteImage ( mySprite , myImage )

LUA Error and Stave Standalone messages can no longer go behind the window and appear to freeze the program
Removed objectives from the importer options as they are never used
New LUA command: SetPlayerWeapons(0) disabled player weapons, SetPlayerWeapons(1) restores them
New LUA command: SetAttachmentVisible(e,1). 1 sets the entities attachment to be visible (such as their weapon), 0 switches it off
New LUA command: SetFlashLight(1), 1 switches the flashlight on, 0 off
New LUA command: SetOcclusion(100), control the occluder from script! set the occlude from 0 (off) to 100 (max). 10 and under for minimal popping
Waypoints are no longer shown in the importer
Fixed the occluder to handle spinning round fast (The asylum doors would suddenly appear for example previously)
Entity highlighter is now back to normal, retaining the speed improvement to the editor
Sped up entity zoom in mode
Spray mode now has a range right similar to the dynamic lights
Added back spot flashes for player and enemies shooting
Added a modifier to all entity properties to control when LOD kicks in
New toolbar option which allows the selections of markers only
Fixed an undo issue with regards to raising terrain with characters on, then undoing
Ambient now does not contribute to shadows on highest entity settings
Picking up an enemy weapon now yields more than one bullet
Current editing mode is now displayed in window title area
Fixed an issue where an entity would turn to wireframe when still above ground
Fixed an issue with SKYSPEC file settings
Fixed an issue where the property panel would stay open if a video was selected whilst in properties
Shadow intensities now match when comparing real time to prebake
Fixed a problem with reseting weapons
Fixed an issue with using the widget and R key to rotate
Using return with clip mode finds the floor rather than the roof
Fixed PGUP and DN to respect the size of the selected entity when in snap mode
Adjusted free flight mode to not break the sound barrier
Fixed an issue where enemy fire decals were not displayed in the correct order
Fixed LUA command disablemusicreset
If SetAnimationSpeed(speed) has a speed value over 100, it is divided by 100. So 100 becomes 1.
Fixed an issue where updating an x file did not trigger a new dbo to be created
Fixed a LOD issue most apparent in the Warehouse level
New LUA command: SetFlashLightKeyEnabled(1) - 1 for on, 0 for off. Disables the flashlight key from being used
Fixed rocket enemy killing themselves after respawning
Fixed an issue with F9 mode where sometimes characters would not animate
Fixed a text error in the store downloader
Smoothing angle added to lightmapper settings and setup.ini
Fixed an issue in LUA where it would not report errors at runtime
Fixed a crash issue in Character Creator when saving
New LUA Command: SetFont ( "FontName" , 1) To change in game font. Fonts 1-3 are the default ones used.
SetFlashLightKeyEnabled() Now works due to being named correctly
Loading an image no longer causes a runtime error, instead it silently fails and writes to the default log file
Fixed lightmap darkness issue by correctly applying ambient light calc from non-LM shader
Markers can now be single selected, even if clipping mode is active
Adjusted widget system so X, Y, Z, XYZ scaling is axis aligned to entity orientation
Added new EDITORS\KEYMAP folder with ability to remap any key used by GameGuru
Added SetFogIntensity(v) LUA command
Shadows+Occluder are sped up to previous fast speed, but retrain the non popping of nearby objects
When in F9 mode, going into entity (e) mode no longer causes a slow down
Radar and objective scripts, plus media can be found in scriptbank\radar
Fixed debug code in AI_NEUTRAL.LUA
Can no longer rapidly move entity via PGUP/DN in snap mode if SHIFT held down
DBO self-delete now detects down to the minute so any change in minutes upwards triggers a refresh
Fixed issue of standalone looking for keymap folder if not exist
Fixed crash when load and run BEACH LEVEL, post process script needs ABS command
Sped up frame rate drop after quick turnaround
New LUA commands: GetFirstEntitySpawn() GetNextEntitySpawn() useful for scripts (such as the radar) that need to deal with entities that can come into existance at any time (both return 0 if no new entity)
New LUA commands: GetDeviceWidth() and GetDeviceHeight()
SetSpriteOffset() LUA command changed to use percentage relative to sprites size. Like other commands you can pass -1 to let the engine work out the other parameter
Added Radar to The Big Escape, Morning Mountain Stroll and Get To The River maps
Fixed issue of 'distant characters' not using same lighting model as regular character shading
Fixed issue causing some LUA scripts that rotate to not affect the entity, now rotates as before
Updated IDE to use newer VS2015 build, unifying binary with main GameGuru executable
Fixed issue of some custom media not having lightmap shader applied to them
Radar and any LoadImage files used in LUA are now identified and include in standalone games
Fixed an issue where regen could bring you back from death
Radar script updated to use all new commands
Fixed an issue where deleting objects in the editor could cause a runtime error
Fixed IDE code so that no items are added to the recent files list in the FILE menu that don't exist
Added code which makes a backup of the .LOG file when the GameGuru editor executable restarts
F10 in IDE interferes with default Windows Menu Options functionality so removed this from kscancode when in IDE

V1.1 :

Performance Improvements
* Converted the whole GameGuru engine from DarkBasicPro source code to C++
* Optimised the C++ source code;
- Speed increase on real-time shadows and grass
- LUA Speed increase
- Sound Speed increase
- Spawned entities

* Developed the Occluder further
- Occluder runs on a separate thread and creates optimum draw calls for rendering each frame
- Entities that make bad occluders are marked in the fpe (lots of fpes updated)

One of the key new features added to the editor is the new rubber band selector. You can now drag and group select many entities and the move, rotate, scale and delete them.
* New rubber band control lets you highlight multiple entities.
* When spraying characters, X and Z angles are no longer adjusted
* Fixed visual settings getting wiped after a reloaded session
* Pressing space key now deselects any entity current selected
* Objects are now easier to scale when they are already a large size
* Green resource bar is now reset between levels
* When you exit GG and choose to save on exit, the level no longer reloads after saving
* Fixed an issue where an entity that was a clone would not de-highlight and remain green
* Fixed the RECENT folder not showing up on some machines
* EDIT ALL in the IDE is now called CLIP OFF to be clearer

Test Game
* numpad + and - now work in F9 mode
* You can now use TAB from the last F11 FPS Screen
* Performance boost if DOF and Motion Blur are set to 0!
* Dynamic resolution: If the draw count is high and fps is below 60, the resolution will dynamically adjust to improve frame rate
* Characters use a diff shader from a distance and do not animate, even when instances
* Shadows speed up: Shadows are not always drawn for objects dependant on their distance and size
* When in test game the mouse no longer affects the game if GG does not have the focus

* Changed zombie sounds to mono so they can be used as 3d sounds
* Fixed ogg files memory leak

* Fixed SetSoundSpeed in LUA
* Fixed all LUA shader related commands to not freeze animations when called (changing DOF, Vignette etc)

* Fixed crash issue after playing multiple levels in standalone
* Fixed an issue with games that used their own custom images not having them when building in standalone

Model Importer
* Fixed importer from not naming normal and specular files

* Fixed Uzi V mode issue which locked damage to 30 regardless of settings

* Fixed an issue where some buildings disappeared when lightmapped

* LOD specified in the FPE now works
* You can now shoot the winged fantasy creature thanks to a new FPE field
* Dynamic resolution can now be switched off via setup.ini with disabledynamicres=1
* Fixed several issues with fantasy characters
* Demo games now have a start and complete screens

V1.01.0031 :

* Removed 'loading range' report from debug log as redundant

V1.01.003 :

* Fixed all marker entities so they no longer Z clash with terrain & floors
* Removed redundant , and . keys in game as visual adjusted with sliders now
* Fixed code which detects for Entity BIN versions - no more corrupt animations
* Now allows entities as static, even if animates (except character_basic.fx)
* Added new WIZARD EVIL and WIZARD ROYAL to the character assets
* Increased speed of APPLY CHANGES in Entity Properties (activemouse detection)
* If no water exposed in terrain, test game will skip water mask generation
* Fixed issue which ignored ROT values when spraying entities with 'I' key
* Re-activated code which XZ rotates entities slightly in spray mode
* F1 Help Page now stays on screen when F1 key held down
* Changed CLIP mode (TAB then CTRL+MouseWheel) to be independent of zoom
* Fixed issue of shotgun loading two shells when only one remained
* Added new STAFF icon and ammo icon (and new HUD mode of 11 to gunspec)
* Ensured all Fantasy Creatures do not 'repeat-hit' and only hit once
* Ensured Fantasy Creatures can hurt at double range to make combat tougher
* Moved hardwareflags reset to game init routine, terrain visibility reset
* Created shader instance for TPV characters for zero-depth rendering
* Created shader instance for TPV entity for zero-depth rendering
* Removed clipping cap and ensured Y position value is accurate
* Added new RECENT folder to PURCHASED folder to list all store items
* Fixed a crash that could occur when hosting a multiplayer game
* Fixed an issue with Character Creator characters not registering a headshot
* You can now create your own custom character faces for both male and female by choosing and adjusting an image
* Custom character heads can color match the skin tone of your imported image with the original texture on the character
* Fixed an issue in multiplayer where a Character Creator characters head would wobble if shot
* Store Downloader now tries to resume a file when the connection has dropped rather than start over
* Fixed a rare crash in shadow mapping
* New hair and hats have been added to Character Creator
* You can now color hair and hats in Character Creator
* Can no longer drag TAB TAB slider panels until 'click' on the panel header
* Can now scroll contents of large drop down lists by moving mouse outside of box area
* Changed post process shader passes to all use Shader Model 3.0 (driver friendly)
* Updated TAURUS characters in Fantasy DLC to proper scale (super large)
* When character turns to instance in distance, uses correct idle (not 3000-3100)
* Also assign correct anim speed to instances at distance
* Prevent any animations on distant objects where CPUANIM flag is set in FPE
* Fixed RECENT view in PURCHASED folder to sort by CREATION date
* Replaced CHECKING FOR FILES with full status progress text (catch any issues)
* Moved version number display to start of splash sequence (saved 1.5 seconds)
* Added support for XBOX Controller (disabled for 003);
* Added 'g_PlayerController' to LUA globals, knows when XBOX controller flagged
* Changed WEAPON script to detect if controller used and change user prompts
* Fixed issue with POST PROCESS shader using fixed DOF render size (now adapts)
* If character has no .DAT file associated (UBER), no longer rotates the waste
* Adjusted non DAT characters (above) to accurately line up gun direction
* Low FPS Warning can no longer interfere with MP games (showing mouse ptr)
* You can now select a custom head Character Creator character as your avatar in multiplayer games
* Moved fonts image offset higher than grass texture to fix MP nameplate issue
* Prevented accidental rotation when switch to terrain mode via toolbar
* Disabled XBOX Controller flag while we test against more controllers
* Will now exit splash windows if select FILE MENU items at Getting Started
* Fixed ORC and REPTILIAN character feet heights (for Fantasy Pack DLC)
* Resume From Previous Session now works again after IDE front dialog changes
* Prevented character AI from using ANIMSPEED of zero, reverts to 100 by default
* Added new DEMO GAMES and MORE MEDIA menus for additional help for new users
* Fixed issue causing Save Standalone to fail if mouse in 3D area when clicked
* Fixed an issue where Character Creator characters would not show their head from certain distances
* Tidied up Character Creator text and panels
* You can now use save standalone and multiplayer with character creator characters with custom heads
* Female Character Creator characters now have female voices
* When choosing your online avatar in multiplayer the name and thumbnails are shown
* Skin tone in Character Creator is now more subtle and no longer washes away the texture detailing
* When saving a Character Creator character, the produced thumbnail is a much closer head and shoulders shot
* A new selection of male and female heads and head attachments have been added to Character Creator
* Heads are now detected when custom character shot and removed after ragdoll
* Custom character heads now stay attached even at extreme out of range distances
* When collect JETPACK and in TPV, FPV HUD is now hidden from view
* To solve ancient BIN file issue, all entities reset the BIN each time they load
* Removed the TransparentFace message error when lightmapping some store content

V1.01.002 :

* Third person character now gets hurt and dies properly from rocket guy
* Third person now fires in direction of camera (with retical dot)
* Ensured the early out frame of the jump land is now taken from FPE keyframes
* When camera gets too close to third person head, camera avoids penetration
* No longer able to collect/use jetpacks, weapons and ammo
* Removed hard coded early exit jump frame from third person control
* Moved retical for third person fireballs higher for true targeting
* When saving standalone that includes Cartoon Gun, works fine now
* You can now use mouse wheel to zoom in and out of free flight mode
* Fixed third person wizard to remove jump y position hack motion
* Fixed third person wizard jump intersect animation error
* Added dynamic light effect to any projectile fired by player
* Added dynamic light effect to exploding fireball
* No more water clipping when viewing editor terrain from a distance
* Added keys 1 through 6 for widget rotation control of entity
* Changed TOOLTIP Test Level to Test Game (aligns with tutorials)
* Added SPOT LIGHTING to weapon properties or dynamic spot light effect
* When in entity SPRAY MODE (press I), no longer need to hold SHIFT
* Fixed crash caused by submitting vert-only meshes to physics
* New feature; hold down Ctrl+MouseWheel in free flight to adjust clip
* NOTE: You can use camera clip by pressing TAB in the IDE editor
* Added Vignetting to post process shader for more modern game look
* Added general motion blur to post process shader on HIGHEST
* Extended MOTION BLUR to all shader levels as it smooths at low FPS
* Added Depth-Of-Field effect to post process shader (far distance only)
* NOTE: For MOTION+DOF you need Bloom Level to be a value of one or more
* Fixed mouse cursor alignment and post process crash issues
* Prevented depth generation in other camera renders, solves red leaf issue
* Prevented WEAPON model from being motion blurred (gun trails looked bad)
* Replaced CROSSHAIR from 3D to 2D (avoids motion blur issue)
* Supports middle button mouse press for camera drag and pan control
* Added slider panel for POST EFFECTS control (bloom, motion blur, dof)
* Added dofdistance and dofintensity fields in GUNSPEC for DOF override
* Added six new LUA commands to control new POST EFFECTS in scripts;
* SetPostVignetteRadius(v) where v controls the size of the vignette effect
* SetPostVignetteIntensity(v) where v controls the strength of the vignette
* SetPostMotionDistance(v) where v controls distance at which blur starts
* SetPostMotionIntensity(v) where v controls the intensity of motion blur
* SetPostDepthOfFieldDistance(v) where v controls distance DOF starts
* SetPostDepthOfFieldIntensity(v) where v controls the strength of DOF
* Added zoomhidecrosshair to GUNSPEC to hide crosshair when zoomed (sniper)
* Widget alignment fix when 'looking up from horizon' (can be improved)
* Prevented semi-transparent entities from eliminating DOF/Motion effects
* Added depth rendering to decal shader and added new 'overlay_basic.fx'
* Name plates in multiplayer no longer get distorted with depth effects
* Fixed issue with low resolution depth values causing 'depth shake'
* Changed way the weapon ray iterations work for increased performance
* Added new SKYBANK choice called FOREST, special thanks to MR LOGAN!
* Added smoothing so when enter scope mode, DOF effect fades out slower
* New support in LIGHTRAY shader for sun color and strength (skyspec.txt)
* Entities on 'auto find floor' no longer sink below terrain
* Updated Fantasy Level with new FOREST sky and balanced DOF settings
* Fixed AI_DEMON script so all foes fall to floor now, not freeze in air
* Added 'Camera Locked' property to third person camera for isometrics
* Restored system of auto-targetting if in camera locked mode
* Added new properties to third person camera controls;
* 'Over Shoulder' allows you to shift the camera for over-shoulder views
* 'Follow Player' will not force camera behind protagonist during game
* 'Show Reticle' will control visibility of the third person crosshair
* Can now put entities on top of other entities of any size (pyramids!)
* Replaced CLOSE button in getting started dialog with highlighted one
* Character physics capsules are now created proportional to their size
* Fixed issue causing characters not to shoot until last shot sound done
* Improved 'rate of fire' to produce a less 'timed repeat' feel to it
* Fixed Medieval and Zombie characters so they are not floating
* Discontinued use of OFFY in FPE settings and fixed capsule physics
* Character physics capsules now size to the model to support creatures
* Fixed crash when collected stones weapon which has no retical image
* Fixed depth render from weapon_basic shader (Hatchett Weapon DOF)
* Multiplayer: Chat messages that exceed maximum length are now truncated properly rather than loosing the last few characters
* Multiplayer: You can no longer pick up weapons and ammo when the final score screen is being dislayed
* Multiplayer: Fixed an issue where chat messages would occasionally repeat
* Multiplayer: Character Creator characters can now be used as your avatar in multiplayer sessions
* Multiplayer Co-op: Fixed various issues which affected the updating of enemies across the network
* Multiplayer: Fixed an issue where a map with less spawn points than players would stop some players being able to spawn in
* Multiplayer: Cleaned up going from lobby to server start
* Fixed character creator entities lagging when being manipulated in the editor
* Fixed an issue where character creator players would appear headless when spawning in after a round ends
* When loading an older visuals.ini file, ensure new DOF effects reset
* Fixed issue with reflections flickering when shadow mode is zero
* Fixed issue with smoke and explosions now accounting for DOF effect
* Marker (player start) entities no longer cast shadows for cleaner visual
* Removed Wobbles, Footfall Pace from player start properties in TPV
* Fixed Anim Speed field in player start marker when using TPV
* Fixed issue of Multiplayer name plate blurring from DOF effects
* Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where the mouse pointer would stay on screen sometimes
* Fixed an issue in Multiplayer with Character Creator characters that would show them headless at the start of round 2+
* Updated fireball graphics to appear more 'magic styled' than 'modern day'
* Updated all tutorial maps to use new Post Effects settings by default
* Added 'forest1' terrain to the core asset library and updated 'Yellow Brick Road' FPM
* Added DOF effect to GRASS shader to round off distant effect
* Fixed several Zombies to point to correct zombie_groan_female.wav sound
* Fixed script to allow Barbarian Medieval character to stop running on spot
* Medieval characters now use single hit damage (not repeat) based on quarter health
* Updated entity profile data structure magic number to ensure correct BIN generation
* Fixed physics to allow LARGE index data based models (such as the container ship)
* Replaced EDIT:INSIDE with CLIPY=XXX where XXX is the vertical clip height
* NOTE: Above feature is activated with TAB and CONTROL+WHEEL in IDE mode
* Sped up MOUSEWHEEL ZOOM in free flight mode by a factor of three
* Fixed an issue in Multiplayer than would occasionally result in Lua thinking a match was team based when it was coop
* Added new third person camera properties and modes (WASD run mode/camera retract)
* Reticule only shows now after the fade in sequence has happened
* Added new command; SpawnIfUsed(e) will spawn any entity with name (held in IFUSED)
* When collect weapon already have and ammo is zero, trigger a reload with new ammo
* Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where doors opening and closing was not always correctly sent to all clients
* Fixed an issue with Character Creator preventing characters from receiving head shots
* Fixed a Multiplayer issue where a lightmapped map would not render correctly after the first round
* Fixed a rare issue that would cause the slider panel in Character Creator to be incorrectly placed
* Fixed issue of foreground objects contributing to far objects in DOF effect
* Fixed issue of LOW and MEDIUM grass shader adding geometry to DOF effect
* Added start marker to Desert Fortress so don't start inside a wall
* Updated LIMBO.FPM to remove dependence on Futuretech Shotgun
* Added PERFORMANCE.TXT file which will track base line FPS on each stock level
* Updated FOREST1 palette to fix the orange horizon issue

V1.01.001 :

* Third person character can now open doors
* Added ability for the camera to look up and down in third person
* Prevented third person from accidently equiping new weapons
* Removed recoil effect from firing fireball in third person
* Stopped third person stuttering if hold down left mouse button
* Fixed player start marker rotation issue not affecting test game
* Fixed issue where facial hair color would reset for characters in the editor after using Character Creator
* Fixed issue when using test or starting multiplayer whilst using Character Creator or the Importer
* When choosing skin tone you can decided not to choose by clicking outside the color palette, or select "none" from inside the palette
* Fixed an issue that would prevent GameGuru from starting up on some machines

V1.01.000 :

* Added new INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL mode to help new users
* Above introduces 30 new 'scene levels' in mapbank folder
* Added 20 new default decals and new decal scripts
* Added SHIMMER terrain texture set to stock media
* Added third party creation to IDE - drag character to marker
* Added GRASSY terrain texture set to stock media
* Added basic support for THIRD PERSON CONTROL via Start Marker
* NOTE: For above, just drag a compatible character over Start Marker
* Added ISTHIRDPERSON flag to FPE to tightly control valid characters
* Increased .REPLACE system from 100 to 1000 elements (larger convert)
* Added extra '=replace+entpath' to .LOG when map fails to load entity
* Updated 'hideallhuds=1' so it does not hide the TAB panel views
* Added SETPLAYERPOWER(e,v) and ADDPLAYERPOWER(e,v) to LUA commands
* NOTE: Above increases how much damage player can deal (default=100)
* Added new internal FIREBALL projectile which is tied to player power
* Added new FILE MENU option to launch Character Creator module
* Connected new PLAYER POWER in third person to overall damage dealt
* Connected new PLAYER POWER in third person to projectile size
* Entities that are IMMOBILE and NON-CHARACTERS now indestructable
* Fixed issue with ']' key not working in IDE mode
* Save standalone now detects and transfers formerly JPGs as DDSs
* Added Character Creator: You can now create your own characters using Character Creator via the File menu
* Fixed mouse pointer to show when saving in the importer
* DAMAGERADIUS specified in projectile settings now works for RPG and FIREBALL
* When first select an animating entity, IDE now animates default anim
* Works when third person controlled player meets first person enemy
* When save map while in free flight mode, camera position retained on load
* When use F9 mode in third person view, no longer crashes & restores gameplay
* Removed detect reject when inside an entity, allows large building selection
* Added extra code to prevent new snap grid system from causing object exist error
* Improved speed of INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL scene selection
* Detecting entity selection improved when inside large buildings
* Fantasy characters no longer have repeat-sound jitter issue
* Fantasy character can now be hit by enemy rockets/fireballs
* When an FPE has FIXNEWY field set, collision and lightmapping now also work
* Third person protagonist now resets properly and enemies dont wander off
* When enter F9 mode from third person, hide protagonist and his weapon
* Camera facing decals no longer track third person position
* Refined the third person jumping for greater height and anim quality

V1.00.029 :

* Fixed 'mouse-misalignment' caused with font size at 100%/125%

V1.00.028 :

* Added FULLBOUNDS field to FPE to ensure wide scope anims are handled
* Added CPUANIMS field to FPE which forces entity to use CPU animation;
* CPUANIMS=0 GPU animation
* CPUANIMS=1 CPU animation (for wide scope anims needing ray detection)
* CPUANIMS=2 Same as [1] but will hide any meshes that do not have animations
* Tweaked Zombies so animations are smoother and less fragmented
* Zombie damage timings fixed for all ranges of attack
* Added syncronised scream feature to fast zombie script
* Stopped distant zombies attacking thin air
* All zombies start with correct idle animation at spawn
* Zombies now idle at specific distances to reduce overhead
* Fast Zombies now attack much quicker instead of slo-mo attack
* Updated Fire.OGG for UZI to the latest one, not the old one
* When delete entity in F9, then exit, and return, bitblob would crash
* Above fix may also fix 'F9 entity delete issue' - hard to reproduce
* When press M in F9 mode, now looks at ground, not sky
* Some keyboard map / as ], so added detection of extra code to fix
* Ensured F9 key mappings for camera up/down, brush shrink/enlarge
* Removed FIRE sound effects from UZI except FIRE.OGG (latest sound)
* Abive may also resolve issue of UZI being out of sync when firing
* Added code to speed up the detection in 'find ground' entity mode
* When delete entities in F9 mode then save, still deleted on reload
* Can now exit software even if in F1 help and Quick Start splashes
* Scale is now retained for FPE scaled entities in IDE and F9 mode
* PGUP and PGDN and RETURN now work correctly in F9 mode
* Ensured plrreloadspeedmod defaults to 1 when absent from gunspec
* Created 'decal_facing.lua' to perform decal facing player trick
* Created 'decal_animate4.fx' which will animate 4x4 decal animations
* When add entity with F9 mode, now respects the DEFAULTHEIGHT value
* Can now handle all resolutions in 100%, 125% and 150% font sizes
* Special DECAL HANDLE field for FPE which allows better selection
* When lightmap a legacy level that has LMs, could corrupt geometry
* NOTE: Some levels may need re-lightmapping with latest build
* You can now pass through doors in ASYLUM level and others
* Minor updates to some non-MP sample levels
* Any levels that used FPE SCALED entities will need manual rescaling
* lightmapping now works with FPE SCALED entities
* Clicking TEST GAME from FREE FLIGHT camera mode uses correct XZ
* Added player breath sounds for hold-breath zoom mode
* Running jumps no longer hiccup and instead perform a real jump
* Fixed issue with SCALE=0 in FPE making entities invisible
* When using EXTRACT and facing sky, entity no longer disappears
* Removed corupt slowzombie_4.x and updated Fat Zombie FPEs
* Removed corupt slowzombie_1.x and updated Skelly Zombie FPEs
* In MULTIPLAYER modes, all player speed mod fields from gunspec void
* Added enableplrspeedmods to SETUP.INI to activate gunspec mods
* Changed modern day gunspecs to ensure auto reload takes place
* When lower start marker below terrain, does not make wireframe
* Added sound frequency caps for weapon system (avoids freq. crash)
* Fixed issue where F9 RETURN might crash on rare occasions
* Removed corupt mobzombie_5.x and updated Tough Zombie FPE/etc
* Removed corupt mobzombie_8.x and updated Office Zombie FPE/etc
* Removed corupt mobzombie_1.x and updated Office Zombie FPE/etc
* Fixed AI_ZOMBIEWALK.LUA to use correct low-order frame anims
* Tweaked DOOR.LUA so need to SEE door before 'E to open prompt'
* Prevented AI characters from auto-activating (even unspawned)
* Unspawned entities still processed LUA, so stopped this event
* Added new LOST.JPG to TITLESBANK for new Game Over screens
* When run out of lives in Standalone Game, now get Game Over
* Some DOORS in the WAREHOUSE level did not open (no E prompt)
* Restore any highlighted entities before entering test game
* Added enablefullfreeflightview=1 to SETUP.INI (full distance)
* Fixed SUPERPALETTE file for WASTELAND terrain texture set
* Changed FIRE.OGG to FIRE.WAV for UZI (for enemy firing sound)
* Fixed issue of looping UZI fire not being forced to stop
* Fixed rare issue causing bounds array overrun crash

V1.00.027 :

* ErrantAI update to existing UZI weapon to add alternative fire mode (V key)
* Updated UI graphic for F9 terrain editing to reflect correct keys
* Mapped -/+ keys on NUMPAD to QUERTY -/= keys to fix AZERTY keyboard issue
* When using snap mode (press B once) same-type entities will snap together
* The plrreloadspeedmod field in gunspec now slows player
* Dryfire animation no longer loops endlessly when LMB held
* Added support for ZOOM LAST START/END FIRE (can be seen in MK23)
* Added disablefreeflight=0 to setup.ini to control if RMB free flight used
* Smoothed out transition of player bobble when jump in air
* Only slow weapon animations for idle, move and run when jumping
* Now continues playing footfall sounds if jump and keep SPACE held
* Ensured lightmapped entities retain their full texture set (DNSI)
* All default MODERN DAY weapons upgraded by ErrantAI (better guns)
* Fixed issue with large multimaterial objects causing lightmap to fail

V1.00.026 :

* Fixed a multiplayer issue after latest Steam update that caused a crash when trying to list lobbies that contained a workshop item
* Fixed a co-op multiplayer issue that prevented a restart after a completing for some players
* Fixed co-op custom characters, to not slide around lying down!

V1.00.025 :

* Multiplayer Hosting: Fixed an issue with latest Steam update that uses more stack space, which prevented hosting a multiplayer game
* Updated CITYSCAPE entities to reset any ROTY rotations causing odd angles
* Adjusted free flight ANGX cap to 89.999 so transition from G to F smooth
* When repeat a test game, some weapons will put ammo in clip, not in gun
* When using Font at 150%, editor now correctly aligns cursor
* Added ZOOMHOLDBREATH=16 to SETUP.INI to externally control hold breath key
* Changed zoomaccuracybreathkey to zoomaccuracybreathHOLD flag to disable breath
* Added support for ALTICON.PNG and ALTAMMO.PNG in gun folder for status panels
* Added support for DRYFIRE animation for weapons with no bullets to shoot
* Added support for Zooming without available ammo (for scoping an area)
* Added support for plrmovespeedmod, plrturnspeedmod, plrjumpspeedmod in gunspec
* plrmovespeedmod; percentile for player speed when carrying weapon with ammo
* plremptyspeedmod; percentile for player speed when carrying weapon with no ammo
* plrturnspeedmod; percentile for player turning speed when carrying weapon
* plrjumpspeedmod; percentile for player jumping height when carrying weapon
* plrreloadspeedmod; percentile for player reload speed when carrying weapon
* Added MELEE FORCE to gunspec to separately control physics force of melee hits
* Fixed MELEE DAMAGE so it overrides regular DAMAGE of the native weapon
* When jump, weapon animation speed is slowed drastically to avoid mid-air anims
* Replaced VIDEO.MP4 with VIDEO.WMV which is the sole supported video format

V1.00.024 :

* Added prompt when pressing E in F9 mode and there are NO entities added
* When press F after moving from center, will correctly zoom into current location
* When move entity underground, substitute with wireframe marker so does not get lost
* RMB no longer deletes entities attached to cursor, to benefit free flight controls
* Allowed free flight mouselook even when entity has been selected by cursor
* In right mouse button mode, no longer shifts entity attached to cursor
* When use an entity that has a SCALE value, allows F9 to place at right size
* HUD IMAGE prompt no longer shows when F9 Edit mode is active
* The free flight mode is now reset when a new level is loaded
* Software no longer responds to keys when the main IDE does not have focus
* Widget now appears at the point of clicking, not the entity centre
* Added extra script logic for melee/zombie attacks, need to now SEE the player
* Changed Zombie scripts so they stop attacking if they cannot see player
* Removed debug log entry when loading LM based levels (loading speed-up)
* Software now saves AI obstacle data generated in test game for faster loading
* Above performance improvement; The Big Escape from 72 seconds to 40 seconds
* Added VWEAPTEX field to GUNSPEC to provide specific texture for held weapons
* STATUSPANELCODE = 0-colt,1-magnum,2-uzi,3-shotgun,4-rifle,5-rpg,6-grenade,7-bow,8-mace,9-stone,10-sword
* New STATUSPANELCODE=100 will force use of AMMO.PNG and ICON.PNG in gunfolder
* Added zoomaccuracy, zoomaccuracybreathkey, zoomaccuracybreath, zoomaccuracyheld to GUNSPEC
* zoomaccuracy; the amount of swaying the weapon makes during zoom mode
* zoomaccuracybreathkey; the keystate code the weapon detects to steady the zoom accuracy sway
* zoomaccuracybreath; the time in milliseconds the weapon can be steadied in one go
* zoomaccuracyheld; the percentage of steadiness the weapon can be held motionless
* Added new TUTORIALS menu in main IDE for direct links to getting started videos
* The PUTAWAY sound effect for weapons is no longer cut short when swapping guns
* Weapon Ammo Panel now flashes red in error when weapon is jammed
* When collect weapon with ammo included, fixes double ammo for sharedammo types
* When weapon is on the last bullet, now supports LAST START FIRE + LAST FINISH FIRE
* When entering and exiting zoom with no bullets, EMPTY ZOOMTO/FROM anims now used
* When switching TO/FROM ALT weapon mode, how supports empty variants of animation
* LMB now adds just ONE entity down, hold SHIFT for legacy DUPLICATE entity mode
* Keys no longer affect software when in test game (now must be foreground window)
* Mouselook and mouselock no longer affect software when test game not foreground
* New foreground input focus system no longer locks out all keys/mouse in standalone

V1.00.023 :

* Adjusted Zombie FPEs to ensure all characters foot plant properly on ground
* Confirmed an issue that caused some entities not to occlude lightmap now work
* Added weapons and ammo in F9 mode will now activate and work when exit F9 mode
* Added code to ensure newly added characters in F9 mode come to life in game
* Removed OPTIONAL VISUALS folder from entity properties - not used any more
* Tested INVMOUSE=1 in SETUP.INI to ensure 'inverted mouse' feature works fine
* FORCEZOOMOUT no longer depends on SIMPLEZOOM value in GUNSPEC, and will force unzoom
* Refixed the issue of the dry fire repeating when gun shot finished
* Fixed issue causing gun to freeze/disable when repeat test game and select again
* Speed of player (set in player properties) now affects camera and footfall sync
* When click ADD NEW ENTITY, instantly default to BARRELS instead of blank page
* Expands the top level categories in Entity Librart to reveal cool sub-folders
* Added STORY ZONE to Markers Cateogry to allow video play back in game (WMV/MP4)
* Improved the BRASS45 textures ejected by the Colt 1911 thanks to ErrantAI
* When in entity mode, you can hold right mouse button to mouselook to view
* When in entity mode, you can hold RMB and use W,A,S,D keys to move around in 3D
* When moving in free flight camera mode, press SHIFT to speed up movement
* When moving in free flight camera mode, press CONTROL to slow down movement
* To exit free flight camera mode in the IDE, simply press G
* To re-enter free flight camera mode in the IDE, simply press F
* Changed Add New Entity to only expand top level CHARACTERS and BUILDINGS folders
* Fixed issue of more distant entities being selected in main IDE editor FF view
* Fixed issue of free flight camera going under terrain ground height
* Pressing F (free flight) from fresh run no longer messes up camera
* Prevented a crash relating to entity highlighter system
* Selected entities no longer rotate when numerics 1-6 used in entity properties
* When characters die, then press F9 twice, ragdoll characters stay dead
* When specify a weapon under Start Marker, no longer wipes out ammo statistics
* Added support for basic importing of 3DS model files (Sketchup Pro & Others)
* New multiplayer map: "Construction Destruction"
* New multiplayer map: "Firing Range"
* New multiplayer map: "Hide and Seek"
* New multiplayer map: "LIMBO"
* New multiplayer map: "The Crossing"
* Updated pre-bake entity renderer so HIGHEST produces better dynamic shadows
* When return from zoomed-in property view, now restores clipping if in TAB 'inside' mode
* Can no longer highlight an entity when cursor outside of editing window
* F1 in IDE editor mode now works with new more responsive key detection system
* Right Mouse + SHIFT now used for Alternative Terrain Editing modes
* Slowed down the default raise/lower speed for terrain editing (no more SHIFT)
* Widget Scaling of entities now avoids the 'bounce effect' for more control
* Increased the relative speed of widget scaling for larger quicker scale changes
* Added ratio based scaling to the XYZ mode of the Widget scaling
* Biaxis handles and pointers of the wigdet now always face camera angle
* When the widget core is out of the screen, the menu is auto hidden
* Widget XY and YZ biaxis controls no longer shift when single clicked
* When click right mouse button without moving, cursor no longer jumps
* Switched off detection of entities when in right mouse button mode
* When moving, rotating or scaling using widget, UNDO and REDO now reverse last change
* Keyboard shortcuts that require holding CTRL and SHIFT now work again
* Now remembers last subfolder when adding new entity with new tree view tweak
* Added limiter to free flight X angle so camera can avoid insane gimble lock
* When clicking XYZ scale widget, entity no longer shifts size when clicked
* When select New Level, free flight view settings and mode are reset
* Updated all FIXTURES entities to correctly set STONE materials
* Updated all FIXTURES SIGNS and SPRAYS to transparency overlay mode
* Corrected The Beach (MP) level to remove corrupted start marker entities
* Extended the gridlock system (press B) to the Y axis for vertical gridding
* Allowed new entity placement to find floor surface if within 11 vertical units
* Fixed ability to be able to mouselook upwards in free flight mode
* Can press M to toggle marker visibility, but only when not in widget mode
* Bright green grass highlighter only glows when in terrain paint modes
* Changed light range shortcut keys from [ and ] to - and +
* When load a new level, ensure all lights are calculated for IDE rendering
* Removed MP4 from Story Zone support as some codecs can create their OWN window

V1.00.022 :

* Fixed when selecting a character from the test game during F9 edit mode
* No longer crashes when remove character and then exit F9 mode
* Restored ability to the < and > keys to select and position entities in F9 mode
* After saving standalone mode, no longer corrupts icon when viewed as LARGE ICONS
* Now removed the attachment objects (guns) from characters in F9 edit mode
* You can now extract entities in the IDE from the very corners
* Fixed issue of gun freezing anim
Years of Service
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Joined: 18th Sep 2015
Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 20:17
Quote: "Nothing has been removed...It was never put in.....Its quite simple....we have to wait...Or learn a little scripting...I would like features myself...Like it or not ... Moan all you want ....if the majority want something first then your in the minority....Nothing you say or do can change that fact...the voting system works...This is a list of the " Not much Evolution " since the steam release 14 months ago..."

First of all, this is so far from the topic in the "script" forum that's it's disgraceful that is wasn't locked a long time ago.

I can't believe a "mod" is responding to this thread at all, especially in this manner. Being so defensive that you come off as hostile isn't a good look. Posting every change log, really? It's mostly a list of things that were fixed, AFTER they were released in a non-functioning state, and, as such, it isn't really something to brag on. 200 fixes means 200 things were released broken, and instead of progress(new things), Lee had to go back to fix bugs. Should I also post every bug report that has gone totally ignored? People can white knight Lee all they like, but nobody was even being critical of him. Maybe take the chip off of the shoulder?

AmenMoses explained the basic process for picking up objects(the original point of the thread), and he also stated something that I very much agree with - "if EVERYTHING was available to Lua scripts then almost everything else on the voting boards could be done with scripts". I understand the idea of keeping the majority of users happy, but many of the things on the voting list are simple "script requests", not new features. The voting system is effectively "putting the inmates in charge of the asylum". I believe it only leads to more and more frivolous requests, and delays actual features that would lead to more usable scripts.
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 20:40 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2016 20:42
Quote: "The voting system is effectively "putting the inmates in charge of the asylum"."

That is not the voting system, its the items to vote on, a lot of them are simple script requests but if Lee put them on the board then maybe he has bigger ideas like linking things to the AI system like conversation animations .... future actions for GG must work the same as previous actions or it becomes a mess, abc to to do 123 and xyz to do 456 ... that is not an easy game maker!!

Quote: "First of all, this is so far from the topic in the "script" forum that's it's disgraceful that is wasn't locked a long time ago."

In all fairness the OP pushed his own thread in the direction it is now facing, jumping on a mod's back for pointing out the facts is hardly being constructive so you are as guilty as the rest of us, if your going to bring a thread back on topic then just do it don't have grumble first that's a bit oxymoronic!

Does the carry script from the store have that jittering thing going on??
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 20:55 Edited at: 23rd Jul 2016 00:10
Quote: "Nothing has been removed...It was never put in.....Its quite simple....we have to wait...Or learn a little scripting...I would like features myself...Like it or not ... Moan all you want ....if the majority want something first then your in the minority....Nothing you say or do can change that fact...the voting system works...This is a list of the " Not much Evolution " since the steam release 14 months ago.."

Actually that's a lot of bits strung together which looks totally out of context without the actual posts each bit answered ..
You are unaware of the " whole " situation and similar posts that have been posted by the user which have had a very bad attitude.
Its easy to wander off topic as a thread evolves which is exactly what you have done yourself ..

I do agree though ....Its time to lock this one up
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 21:00 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2016 21:04
Quote: "Does the carry script from the store have that jittering thing going on??"

Sorry saw your post after I locked it ...
I did try it and yes it does slightly...not as bad ...but it is noticeable.

The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..

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