1. What format is your character in?
GameGuru's importer only supports animated characters in .X format, if you import a character in .FBX then it wil not import the animations.
2. GameGuru's importer does not set up your animation calls in the .FPE when you import the character, you have to do that yourself. The first step to this is knowing the exact start and finish frames for each animation, the next step is adding them to the .FPE file.
You would need to add the following to your .FPE file:
animmax = 1
anim0 = 3000,3100
playanimineditor = 1
csi_relaxed1 = 900,999
csi_relaxed2 = 1000,1282
csi_relaxedmovefore = 1290,1419
csi_cautious = 900,999
csi_cautiousmovefore = 1325,1419
csi_unarmed1 = 3000,3100
csi_unarmed2 = 3430,3697
csi_unarmedconversation = 3110,3420
csi_unarmedexplain = 4260,4464
csi_unarmedpointfore = 4470,4535
csi_unarmedpointback = 4680,4745
csi_unarmedpointleft = 4610,4675
csi_unarmedpointright = 4540,4605
csi_unarmedmovefore = 3870,3900
csi_unarmedmoverun = 3905,3925
csi_unarmedstairascend = 5600,5768
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 5800,5965
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 4148,4110
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 4148,4255
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 4225,4255
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 4255,4225
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 4225,4148
csi_unarmeddeath = 4800,4958
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 4971,5021
csi_unarmedimpactback = 5031,5090
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 5171,5229
csi_unarmedimpactright = 5101,5160
csi_inchair = 3744,3828
csi_inchairsit = 3710,3744
csi_inchairgetup = 3828,3862
csi_swim = 3930,4015
csi_swimmovefore = 4030,4072
csi_stoodnormal = 100,205
csi_stoodrocket = 6133,6206
csi_stoodfidget1 = 100,205
csi_stoodfidget2 = 210,318
csi_stoodfidget3 = 325,431
csi_stoodfidget4 = 440,511
csi_stoodstartled = 1425,1465
csi_stoodpunch = 2340,2382
csi_stoodkick = 5511,5553
csi_stoodmovefore = 685,707
csi_stoodmoveback = 710,735
csi_stoodmoveleft = 740,762
csi_stoodmoveright = 765,789
csi_stoodstepleft = 610,640
csi_stoodstepright = 645,676
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 855,871
csi_stoodstraferight = 875,892
csi_stoodvault = 2281,2332
csi_stoodmoverun = 795,811
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 815,830
csi_stoodmoverunright = 835,850
csi_stoodreload = 515,605
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 6233,6315
csi_stoodwave = 1470,1520
csi_stoodtoss = 2390,2444
csi_stoodfirerocket = 6207,6232
csi_stoodincoverleft = 1580,1580
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 1581,1581
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_stoodincoverright = 1525,1525
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 1526,1526
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_stoodandturn = 6051,6070
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 1670,1819
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 1825,1914
csi_crouchidlerocket = 6472,6545
csi_crouchdown = 1630,1646
csi_crouchdownrocket = 6316,6356
csi_crouchrolldown = 2160,2216
csi_crouchrollup = 2225,2281
csi_crouchmovefore = 2075,2102
csi_crouchmoveback = 2102,2131
csi_crouchmoveleft = 2015,2043
csi_crouchmoveright = 2043,2072
csi_crouchmoverun = 2135,2153
csi_crouchreload = 1920,2010
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 6380,6471
csi_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_crouchfirerocket = 6357,6379
csi_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 6573,6607
csi_rocket_stoodnormal = 7100,7205
csi_rocket_stoodfidget1 = 7100,7205
csi_rocket_stoodfidget2 = 7210,7318
csi_rocket_stoodfidget3 = 7325,7431
csi_rocket_stoodfidget4 = 7440,7511
csi_rocket_stoodstartled = 8425,8465
csi_rocket_stoodpunch = 9340,9382
csi_rocket_stoodkick = 9340,9382
csi_rocket_stoodmovefore = 7685,7707
csi_rocket_stoodmoveback = 7710,7735
csi_rocket_stoodmoveleft = 7740,7762
csi_rocket_stoodmoveright = 7765,7789
csi_rocket_stoodstepleft = 7610,7640
csi_rocket_stoodstepright = 7645,7676
csi_rocket_stoodstrafeleft = 7855,7871
csi_rocket_stoodstraferight = 7875,7892
csi_rocket_stoodvault = 9290,9334
csi_rocket_stoodmoverun = 7795,7811
csi_rocket_stoodmoverunleft = 7815,7830
csi_rocket_stoodmoverunright = 7835,7850
csi_rocket_stoodreload = 7515,7605
csi_rocket_stoodwave = 8470,8520
csi_rocket_stoodtoss = 8470,8520
csi_rocket_stoodincoverleft = 8580,8580
csi_rocket_stoodincoverpeekleft = 8580,8623
csi_rocket_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_rocket_stoodincoverright = 8525,8525
csi_rocket_stoodincoverpeekright = 8525,8573
csi_rocket_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_rocket_stoodandturn = 9383,9402
csi_rocket_crouchidlenormal1 = 8670,8819
csi_rocket_crouchidlenormal2 = 8825,8914
csi_rocket_crouchdown = 8630,8663
csi_rocket_crouchrolldown = 9160,9216
csi_rocket_crouchrollup = 9225,9281
csi_rocket_crouchmovefore = 9075,9131
csi_rocket_crouchmoveback = 9075,9131
csi_rocket_crouchmoveleft = 9015,9072
csi_rocket_crouchmoveright = 9015,9072
csi_rocket_crouchmoverun = 9135,9153
csi_rocket_crouchreload = 8920,9010
csi_rocket_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_rocket_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_rocket_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_rocket_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_rocket_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_rocket_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_rocket_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
csi_shotgun_stoodnormal = 11100,11205
csi_shotgun_stoodfidget1 = 11100,11205
csi_shotgun_stoodfidget2 = 11210,11318
csi_shotgun_stoodfidget3 = 11325,11431
csi_shotgun_stoodfidget4 = 11440,11511
csi_shotgun_stoodstartled = 12425,12465
csi_shotgun_stoodpunch = 13340,13382
csi_shotgun_stoodkick = 13340,13382
csi_shotgun_stoodmovefore = 11685,11707
csi_shotgun_stoodmoveback = 11710,11735
csi_shotgun_stoodmoveleft = 11740,11762
csi_shotgun_stoodmoveright = 11765,11789
csi_shotgun_stoodstepleft = 11610,11640
csi_shotgun_stoodstepright = 11645,11676
csi_shotgun_stoodstrafeleft = 11855,11871
csi_shotgun_stoodstraferight = 11875,11892
csi_shotgun_stoodvault = 13290,13334
csi_shotgun_stoodmoverun = 11795,11811
csi_shotgun_stoodmoverunleft = 11815,11830
csi_shotgun_stoodmoverunright = 11835,11850
csi_shotgun_stoodreload = 11515,11605
csi_shotgun_stoodwave = 12470,12520
csi_shotgun_stoodtoss = 12470,12520
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverleft = 12580,12580
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverpeekleft = 12580,12623
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverright = 12525,12525
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverpeekright = 12525,12573
csi_shotgun_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_shotgun_stoodandturn = 13394,13414
csi_shotgun_crouchidlenormal1 = 12670,12819
csi_shotgun_crouchidlenormal2 = 12825,12914
csi_shotgun_crouchdown = 12630,12663
csi_shotgun_crouchrolldown = 13160,13216
csi_shotgun_crouchrollup = 13225,13281
csi_shotgun_crouchmovefore = 13075,13131
csi_shotgun_crouchmoveback = 13075,13131
csi_shotgun_crouchmoveleft = 13015,13072
csi_shotgun_crouchmoveright = 13015,13072
csi_shotgun_crouchmoverun = 13135,13153
csi_shotgun_crouchreload = 12920,13010
csi_shotgun_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_shotgun_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_shotgun_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_shotgun_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_shotgun_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_shotgun_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_shotgun_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
csi_uzi_stoodnormal = 14100,14205
csi_uzi_stoodfidget1 = 14100,14205
csi_uzi_stoodfidget2 = 14210,14318
csi_uzi_stoodfidget3 = 14325,14431
csi_uzi_stoodfidget4 = 14440,14511
csi_uzi_stoodstartled = 15425,15465
csi_uzi_stoodpunch = 16340,16382
csi_uzi_stoodkick = 16340,16382
csi_uzi_stoodmovefore = 14685,14707
csi_uzi_stoodmoveback = 14710,14735
csi_uzi_stoodmoveleft = 14740,14762
csi_uzi_stoodmoveright = 14765,14789
csi_uzi_stoodstepleft = 14610,14640
csi_uzi_stoodstepright = 14645,14676
csi_uzi_stoodstrafeleft = 14855,14871
csi_uzi_stoodstraferight = 14875,14892
csi_uzi_stoodvault = 16290,16334
csi_uzi_stoodmoverun = 14795,14811
csi_uzi_stoodmoverunleft = 14815,14830
csi_uzi_stoodmoverunright = 14835,14850
csi_uzi_stoodreload = 14515,14605
csi_uzi_stoodwave = 15470,15520
csi_uzi_stoodtoss = 15470,15520
csi_uzi_stoodincoverleft = 15580,15580
csi_uzi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 15580,15623
csi_uzi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_uzi_stoodincoverright = 15525,15525
csi_uzi_stoodincoverpeekright = 15525,15573
csi_uzi_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_uzi_stoodandturn = 16394,16414
csi_uzi_crouchidlenormal1 = 15670,15819
csi_uzi_crouchidlenormal2 = 15825,15914
csi_uzi_crouchdown = 15630,15663
csi_uzi_crouchrolldown = 16160,16216
csi_uzi_crouchrollup = 16225,16281
csi_uzi_crouchmovefore = 16075,16131
csi_uzi_crouchmoveback = 16075,16131
csi_uzi_crouchmoveleft = 16015,16072
csi_uzi_crouchmoveright = 16015,16072
csi_uzi_crouchmoverun = 16135,16153
csi_uzi_crouchreload = 15920,16010
csi_uzi_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_uzi_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_uzi_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_uzi_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_uzi_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_uzi_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_uzi_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
csi_assault_stoodnormal = 17100,17205
csi_assault_stoodfidget1 = 17100,17205
csi_assault_stoodfidget2 = 17210,17318
csi_assault_stoodfidget3 = 17325,17431
csi_assault_stoodfidget4 = 17440,17511
csi_assault_stoodstartled = 18425,18465
csi_assault_stoodpunch = 19340,19382
csi_assault_stoodkick = 19340,19382
csi_assault_stoodmovefore = 17685,17707
csi_assault_stoodmoveback = 17710,17735
csi_assault_stoodmoveleft = 17740,17762
csi_assault_stoodmoveright = 17765,17789
csi_assault_stoodstepleft = 17610,17640
csi_assault_stoodstepright = 17645,17676
csi_assault_stoodstrafeleft = 17855,17871
csi_assault_stoodstraferight = 17875,17892
csi_assault_stoodvault = 19290,19334
csi_assault_stoodmoverun = 17795,17811
csi_assault_stoodmoverunleft = 17815,17830
csi_assault_stoodmoverunright = 17835,17850
csi_assault_stoodreload = 17515,17605
csi_assault_stoodwave = 18470,18520
csi_assault_stoodtoss = 18470,18520
csi_assault_stoodincoverleft = 18580,18580
csi_assault_stoodincoverpeekleft = 18580,18623
csi_assault_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_assault_stoodincoverright = 18525,18525
csi_assault_stoodincoverpeekright = 18525,18573
csi_assault_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_assault_stoodandturn = 19383,19402
csi_assault_crouchidlenormal1 = 18670,18819
csi_assault_crouchidlenormal2 = 18825,18914
csi_assault_crouchdown = 18630,18663
csi_assault_crouchrolldown = 19160,19216
csi_assault_crouchrollup = 19225,19281
csi_assault_crouchmovefore = 2075,2131
csi_assault_crouchmoveback = 2075,2131
csi_assault_crouchmoveleft = 2015,2072
csi_assault_crouchmoveright = 2015,2072
csi_assault_crouchmoverun = 19135,19153
csi_assault_crouchreload = 18920,19010
csi_assault_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_assault_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_assault_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_assault_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_assault_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_assault_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_assault_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
You would then need to change the anim0 line to the start and finish frame for your idle animation on your character, and the two numbers after each csi call to the start and finish frames of the equivalent animations your animations on your character.
You don't need all of the csi entries, but you do need certain ones, I can't remember which is which at the moment.
i5, NV960 2GB, 16GB memory, 2x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
i3 , Intel integrated graphics, 6GB memory, 512GB Generic SATAIII Win8.1.
Intel Celeron (duel Core), Radeon integrated graphics, 4GB memory, 180gB Generic SATAII, WinVista.
Q6600, Intel integrated graphics, 8GB memory, 512GB Generic SATAII, Win7.