Thanks Guys Awesome Response ...Didn't expect some of those comments from users better at this than me ..
Ok how did I get bots on different levels and actually lordjulian was almost there
Its very easy and nothing special and would probably only be any good for the sort of thing I created
I started with a Bunker I made in Sketchup with 2 textures ..... Ok I'm no modeller and can only just load blender ...
so sketchup it was
I then created a plateau in GameGuru so I wouldn't dig into water .... I was kind of making and placing the bunker on the fly so I wasn't sure whether I would go up or down to lower levels ...
Once I placed the bunker level I " Locked it in place "
Then I carefully raised the terrain on the higher levels so it just touched the floor ..
No easy task but an effective cool result as you saw ....
This was the result in the editor
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..