Thank you everyone for your kind support..
Q.. lordJulian.. Nice work there! Are you using allied ai? Do you plan to share the scripts?
The scripts are part of my fantasy control system.. all just at the mucking about stage nothing set in stone..
I generally have 3 or 4 versions to get something useful.. I have so many things I have started..
but get stuck or hit a wall or it just gets too complicated...
This is not a bad thing as I have been able to learn how to model in the periods between scripting road blocks...
In this control system all the characters Friend and Foe are all using the same script..
I can show you this script... it explains how each character is defined..
-- ai_new_fantasycharacter.lua
-- uses [ gg_myfantasy ] Fantasy system
-- author - J_C
-- add this script to your fantasy character
-- simple control system that may be extended
-- char types (these will be extended)
-- fantasy character types
-- C_TYPE_GOBLIN = 1 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_ORC = 2 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_OGRE = 3 -- not setup yet
-- C_TYPE_REPTILIAN = 4 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_TAURUS = 5 -- not setup yet
-- C_TYPE_IMP = 6 -- not setup yet
-- C_TYPE_BARBARIAN = 7 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_SCUTTLER = 8 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_GUARD1 = 9 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_NECROMANCER1 = 10 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_VIKING = 11 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_ORC_WARG = 12 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_MAN_HORSE = 13 -- setup
-- C_TYPE_MAX = 14
-- The entity property page NAME contains all the character type data
-- this may change at some point.. for more complex behaviours...
-- Thank you Lee for putting this Name variable tip on the Forum..
-- It gives us so much more power...
-- eg.
-- Name = Goblin 1 2 1
-- entName1 = Goblin
-- myType2 = 1 = C_TYPE_GOBLIN
-- enemyType3 = 2 = Enemy Group 1 or 2 (to be extended)
-- allyPlayer4 = 1 = yes ally to player
-- or
-- Name = Orc 2 1 0
-- entName1 = Orc
-- myType2 = 2 = C_TYPE_ORC
-- enemyType3 = 1 = Enemy group 1 or 2 (to be extended)
-- allyPlayer4 = 0 = no enemy to player
local myname = {}
local setup = {}
function ai_new_fantasycharacter_init_name(e, name)
-- keep entity name for fantasy system
myname[e] = name
-- reset setup flag
setup[e] = 0
function ai_new_fantasycharacter_main(e)
-- check that fantasy system has been declared
if gg_myfantasy ~= nil then
if setup[e] == 0 then
setup[e] = 1
--Prompt("no chars "..gg_myfantasy.num_chars.." totalPath "..AIGetTotalPaths().." pPnts "..AIGetPathCountPoints(2))
Prompt("Fantasy system not setup ?")
function ai_new_fantasycharacter_setup(e)
-- initialize the fantasy system and add this character
gg_myfantasy.init_name(e, myname[e])
-- initialize fight system with this character
-- animsys initialize does nothing at present
-- group sys initialize does nothing at present
function ai_new_fantasycharacter_exit(e)
I will not be going too far with this development...
as I think it will be wise to see what Lee has planned for us all...