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Posted: 23rd May 2016 01:01 Edited at: 23rd May 2016 02:11
I have been playing with the FPSC fantasy characters and testing my fantasy AI scripts..

Hope you like...
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 01:41
great job, looked really well done
lua guide for GG
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 02:03
Very well done! I will have "Kill him! Take him down!" going through my head until I fall asleep. What's the trick to getting the characters on horseback? Wer they modeled together, or did you use a little script-fu?
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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 07:25
great job, like the chars on horseback.
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 19:25
Thanks smallg ,Jerry Tremble and Bored of the Rings...

The characters on horseback are all complete models from the FPSC model Pack 42
The Orc , Goblin and Reptilian on the Wargs are all complete models from FPSC model Pack 21

I used Fragmotion and Mender 2.1 Beta4 to get them into GameGuru..
There are a few problems with them but they do look ok most of the time..
I was quite surprised when they worked in GameGuru..

The Horse standing alone is just the Guard on Horseback model... with the Guard mesh and skeleton removed
and the Horse re-saved in fragmotion..

Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 19:33
Ah! Thanks for revealing the "secret sauce". I don't know if I have model pack 42 or not, but I am working on a circa 1850 game (with little to no historical accuracy, that's my disclaimer!) that takes place in the Midwest to western US. Horseback riding and wagon training will be a must!
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 19:44
Jerry - but these model packs are all released FREE from the FPSC archives...
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 20:02
Cool! I was gonna check to see if it was one of those when I got home. That's good news, thanks!
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 20:13
Nice work there! Are you using allied ai? Do you plan to share the scripts?
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Posted: 23rd May 2016 22:07
I have an idea for store item for you SmallG! Make a moba script! With your friendlyAI it would be quite epic to see waves against each others. And sometime in the future when custom scripts are added to MP we will be able to make epic maps!
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Posted: 24th May 2016 00:12
WOW! isn't unity a great game engine. You can do so much with it...... Wait a minute.... Is that game guru in action? Great job JC. Really shows the potential of guru.
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Posted: 24th May 2016 16:24
Now that's something awesome! Must admit I had a grin on my face watching all the new behaviors and AI - we should have a chat when I start the new AI system after EBE, I think you will have some nice ideas for what needs to be added by default in GameGuru, and if end users can create fight scenes like yours, we're going to have a lot of happy campers!
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Posted: 26th May 2016 00:12 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:20
That made me picture so many possibilities! Wow! That is/was impressive!
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Posted: 27th May 2016 06:59
That's looks awesome and very immersive with all that action going on. Great stuff J_C.
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Posted: 27th May 2016 07:04
This is great
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Posted: 27th May 2016 07:50
That is absolutely awesome J_C nice work.

I don't suppose you would care to share your FPE fields for those characters would you? I've been looking at putting them in GameGuru myself, but I can't work out which animation is which and where to put it under the CSI lists for the AI calls.

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Posted: 27th May 2016 09:10
Awesome work !!
Most impressive
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 27th May 2016 16:57 Edited at: 27th May 2016 17:15
Thank you everyone for your kind support..

Q.. lordJulian.. Nice work there! Are you using allied ai? Do you plan to share the scripts?

The scripts are part of my fantasy control system.. all just at the mucking about stage nothing set in stone..
I generally have 3 or 4 versions to get something useful.. I have so many things I have started..
but get stuck or hit a wall or it just gets too complicated...
This is not a bad thing as I have been able to learn how to model in the periods between scripting road blocks...

In this control system all the characters Friend and Foe are all using the same script..
I can show you this script... it explains how each character is defined..

I will not be going too far with this development...
as I think it will be wise to see what Lee has planned for us all...
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Posted: 27th May 2016 17:11
Belidos - Here are the FPE files for all the fantasy characters that I converted over to GG...
I have also added some Lua scripts to attack the player... ( not the ones in video)


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Posted: 27th May 2016 17:28
You my friend, are awesome!

With those it's a simple job to get them into GameGuru.

i7, NV960 4GB, 16GB memory, 2x 4TB Hybrid, Win10.
i5 , AMD 6770 1GB, 8GB memory, 512GB Generic SATAIII + 2TB Seagate Baracuda SATAIII, Win7.
i3, Radeon integrated graphics, 4GB memory, 512gB Generic SATAII, Win8.1.
Q6600, Intel integrated graphics, 2GB memory, 180GB Generic SATAII, WinXP.

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