@Bored of the Rings, The one thing I am stuck on is the working out what animations go were in the fpe
I have been trying to get some of the old pack Characters going but always ends up same way,
need to know how to correctly work out what animations from the original FPSC Character
goes were in a GG fpe csi_ listings
here is 1, FPSC Classic Peasant Character Pack 19 cartoonfantasypack
Original Fpe....Info
desc = Peasant
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = stevepaul\peasant.fpi
aidestroy = stevepaul\cartoon1_die.fpi
aishoot =
soundset = male
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = peasant.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
fixnewy = 180
raisefactor = 2
;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50
textured = peasant.dds
effect =
castshadow = 0
texturearray = 0
decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = blood
;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0
;bodypartslimbinfo (1=head/2=body/3+4=armslr/5+6=legslr)
limbmax = 0
animmax = 100
anim0 = 111,240
anim1 = 111,240
anim2 = 317,355
anim3 = 317,355
anim4 = 317,355
anim5 = 317,355
anim6 = 317,355
anim7 = 317,355
anim8 = 317,355
anim9 = 317,355
anim10 = 0,1
anim11 = 419,433
anim12 = 419,433
anim13 = 912,941
anim95 = 355,416
My GG Current fpe test vidoe is the results
desc = Peasant
aimain = ai_neutral.lua
soundset = male
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = peasant.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 135
fixnewy = 0
raisefactor = 0
ragdoll = 0
;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50
textured = peasant.dds
effect =
castshadow = 0
texturearray = 0
decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = blood
;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0
animmax = 1
anim0 = 111,240
playanimineditor = 1
csi_relaxed1 = 111,240
csi_relaxed2 = 111,240
csi_idle = 317,355
csi_relaxedmovefore = 317,355
csi_cautious = 317,355
csi_cautiousmovefore = 317,355
csi_unarmed1 = 317,355
csi_unarmed2 = 317,355
csi_unarmedconversation = 317,355
csi_unarmedexplain = 317,355
csi_unarmedpointfore = 0,1
csi_unarmedpointback = 419,433
csi_unarmedpointleft = 419,433
csi_unarmedpointright = 912,941
csi_unarmedmovefore = 355,416
csi_unarmedmoverun = 460,480 (Original) animations
csi_unarmedstairascend = 300,335 (wizard) Animations
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 300,335
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmeddeath = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactback = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactright = 872,878
csi_inchair = 20,293
csi_inchairsit = 20,293
csi_inchairgetup = 20,293
csi_swim = 20,293
csi_swimmovefore = 300,335
csi_stoodnormal = 20,293
csi_stoodrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodfidget1 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget2 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget3 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget4 = 20,293
csi_stoodstartled = 20,293
csi_stoodpunch = 872,878
csi_stoodkick = 872,878
csi_stoodmovefore = 300,335
csi_stoodmoveback = 340,375
csi_stoodmoveleft = 420,450
csi_stoodmoveright = 380,410
csi_stoodstepleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstepright = 520,542
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstraferight = 520,542
csi_stoodvault = 737,774
csi_stoodmoverun = 460,480
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 550,572
csi_stoodmoverunright = 520,542
csi_stoodreload = 20,293
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodwave = 872,878
csi_stoodtoss = 890,899
csi_stoodfirerocket = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 0,0
csi_stoodandturn = 20,293
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchdown = 580,590
csi_crouchdownrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchrolldown = 0,0
csi_crouchrollup = 0,0
csi_crouchmovefore = 600,626
csi_crouchmoveback = 630,654
csi_crouchmoveleft = 690,716
csi_crouchmoveright = 660,684
csi_crouchmoverun = 600,626
csi_crouchreload = 590,590
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchwave = 590,590
csi_crouchtoss = 590,590
csi_crouchfirerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchimpactfore = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactback = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactleft = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactright = 590,590
csi_crouchgetup = 575,575
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 0,0
fpi --- file nfo
desc = Melee
:state=7,framebeyond=95 8:plraddhealth=-10,state=21,sound=gamecore\guns\cartoonpack\cartoonsword\steelsword.wav
;this is the callback after the enemy dies to reset his aimation