Product Chat / Creating a third person game? With your own character?

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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 02:00
I have a character that doesn't come with game guru that I would like to import into Game Guru and create a third person walk through for the moment.

Anyone know how to do this?
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 02:20
The best way would be to get the wizard's animations into it and put "isthirdperson=1" into the .fpe file. If the character doesn't have the wizard's animations, then it will act very goofy! Good luck!
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 09:29 Edited at: 27th Apr 2016 09:34
I have some video links on YT that I made which might help:

There are also videos on mixamo character importing into GameGuru, you can search YT using keyword "Mixamo Fuse 1.3 models to GG".

The basic principles are:

- prepare both models and make sure they are both using the right "handedness" - both wizard and your character need to be put through Mender2.0 (free software which I can point you in right direction should you need it) and sometimes Meshview (direct x program).
- use Animer (or other software) to import wizard animations onto your character).
-- create a firespot if required
- export as X format file
- Texture path/filenames in the X file must point to the correct directory where the textures are stored.

Hope this is of help
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 09:51 Edited at: 27th Apr 2016 10:09

Fuse 3.1 Character Converted for GameGuru (Boy_Wizard) Test

this is were I got so far doing it by, Bored of the Rings help and youtube tuts...

Apps Used - 3ds Max 2015 / Mender / Fragmotion / Animer 2.2
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 10:08 Edited at: 27th Apr 2016 10:12
Thanks Super Clark-I see the freezing issue- I think this is because there is no "die" animation for the wizard as it was designed only with 3rd person in mind. You would have to add a "die" animation and alter the FPE with right parameter and frame values. Been a while since I did this so am remembering from the top of my head, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

[update] - only "death" related animation for wizard in FPE is :

csi_unarmeddeath = 872,878

but I think that only works with ai_neutral.LUA script, but again, please correct me if I'm wrong

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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 10:57
Tried all other .lua scripts not sure why he wont die... unless the die animation is not in the character animation set,
no idea as yet how to add additional animation to the wizard animation set. only been trying this for 3 days so early
days unless there is a TuT i missed on this?
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 12:15
If your using animer, adding to animations is quite simple. Backup your original animated model and then open up animer and load in your character with or without animations depending on what you want to do. Then from the menu select "Import Animations from....". I avoid the reloaded character one and unless I'm importing a BVH file, I always select .x or .dbo. after the animations from the imported model are complete, you can load the current .spn file (if you made one previosuly) and add to it then save the .spn file back out and save the updated animated model back out and call it something else just in case Animer crashes (which it has been known to do).
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 13:15
Quote: "Tried all other .lua scripts not sure why he wont die... unless the die animation is not in the character animation set,
no idea as yet how to add additional animation to the wizard animation set. only been trying this for 3 days so early
days unless there is a TuT i missed on this?"

The Wizard character doesn't have a death animation, instead it uses the ragdoll system, this is basically a system that bascally drops the character to the ground by setting its limbs to random positions (within a defined algorithm) creating a more natural death that is different each time it dies. To make your model ragdoll compatible you have to set t up as a ragdoll in a 3d modelling program, something I haven't worked out how to do yet. Your best bet would be to add a death animation to the model, edit the fpe, remove the ragdoll line, then add the frames for the death animation into the correct csi_ slot in the list. You might have to edit the AI lua file to use the csi_ animation insead of ragdoll, but i'm not sure about that and it's something I wouldn't have a clue how to do.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 15:22
Quote: "The Wizard character doesn't have a death animation, instead it uses the ragdoll system, this is basically a system that bascally drops the character to the ground by setting its limbs to random positions (within a defined algorithm) creating a more natural death that is different each time it dies. To make your model ragdoll compatible you have to set t up as a ragdoll in a 3d modelling program, something I haven't worked out how to do yet. Your best bet would be to add a death animation to the model, edit the fpe, remove the ragdoll line, then add the frames for the death animation into the correct csi_ slot in the list. You might have to edit the AI lua file to use the csi_ animation insead of ragdoll, but i'm not sure about that and it's something I wouldn't have a clue how to do."

Same here, not done any scripting gave .lua a try while back and got lost completely..
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 18:28
For me the scripting is the easier part. All the different programs needed to convert a model just looks too much work to me. I wish there was an easier way to add npc's made in Mixamo into GG. It's a fairly cheap program and seems popular, it's also great for making characters. If GG could support them out the box it would be far better. That, or a simple conversion program which takes the pain out of the process. A bit of work in this area would instantly improve GG and it's subsequent games.

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Super Clark
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 19:28
Quote: "For me the scripting is the easier part. All the different programs needed to convert a model just looks too much work to me. I wish there was an easier way to add npc's made in Mixamo into GG. It's a fairly cheap program and seems popular, it's also great for making characters. If GG could support them out the box it would be far better. That, or a simple conversion program which takes the pain out of the process. A bit of work in this area would instantly improve GG and it's subsequent games."

I am no coder but if we have anyone that can create new app to use in GG

1 - Import / export Option Formats .x / .fbx / .obj and mabye fw other formats
2 - Generate a compatible GG Rig
3 - Attach custom meshes to skeleton / rig
4 - Add textures like in Fuse 1.3
5 - Import animations to rig
6 - Add weapons to character (Third Person Options)
7 - Create .lua script for use with that Character/s
7 - Generate the new Character GG ready to go no more having to import to do something else

Then that is what we are needing..........

So Lee or who ever can oblige here is a challenge see if GG can provide the GG community with a
Fully Adaptable Proper Character Creator not the current inbuilt version that is very limited indeed.

We want to be able to create custom Characters for our own games not a, clone of a clone of a clone.

So if someone will take up the job I'm guessing GG might have a lot more going for it in Characters wise.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 22:11
You guys are making this harder then what it is. you don't need do any of this stuff to get the death animation working with any character for 3rd person. all custom animation works in guru just as it did in fpsc. it all about lining up the animation in the fpe and understanding the fpe commands. The core runs off these commands and lua use these commands from the fpe. here are the death commands you fill in with you own animation.

csi_unarmeddeath = 1631,1777
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 1631,1777
csi_unarmedimpactback = 1631,1777
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 1631,1777
csi_unarmedimpactright = 1631,1777

that's it and it will work easy. if anyone wants I can help fill in the their custom characters animation. you don't need guru animation to get any character to work in guru. you even use ever character guru has now put them in 3rd person. which we don't that on the voting broad as well. anyway here is my proof. he use his own this took me less then 5min to do.

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Super Clark
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 22:34
@MXS... This is the fpe layout for my Teen_Wizard

however i change the animations he still does not die only freezes up ?

I imported a new skeleton into a different character same thing happens?

do you have a Tut on how to set up the animations for the fpe so I can compare .....

;Saved by FPSCR Object Importer v1.000
desc = Teen_Boy_GG2

textured =
effect = effectbank\reloaded\character_basic.fx
castshadow = 0
transparency = 0

model = Teen_Boy_GG.X
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 112
collisionmode = 1
defaultstatic = 0
materialindex = 0
matrixmode = 0
defaultheight = 0
fixnewy = 0
ragdoll = 0

;physics shapes
physicscount = 1
physics0 = "0,55.7572860718,63.5670013428,11.0238180161,0,0,0,0,0,0"

;identity details
ischaracter = 1
isthirdperson = 1
hasweapon = Fantasy\staff
isobjective = 1
cantakeweapon = 0

strength = 25
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 0

aimain = ai_neutral.lua

spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0

animmax = 1
animspeed = 150
anim0 = 20,293
playanimineditor = 1

csi_relaxed1 = 20,293
csi_relaxed2 = 20,293
csi_relaxedmovefore = 300,335
csi_cautious = 20,293
csi_cautiousmovefore = 300,335
csi_unarmed1 = 20,293
csi_unarmed2 = 20,293
csi_unarmedconversation = 20,293
csi_unarmedexplain = 20,293
csi_unarmedpointfore = 20,293
csi_unarmedpointback = 20,293
csi_unarmedpointleft = 20,293
csi_unarmedpointright = 20,293
csi_unarmedmovefore = 300,335
csi_unarmedmoverun = 460,480
csi_unarmedstairascend = 300,335
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 300,335
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmeddeath = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactback = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactright = 872,878
csi_inchair = 20,293
csi_inchairsit = 20,293
csi_inchairgetup = 20,293
csi_swim = 20,293
csi_swimmovefore = 300,335
csi_stoodnormal = 20,293
csi_stoodrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodfidget1 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget2 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget3 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget4 = 20,293
csi_stoodstartled = 20,293
csi_stoodpunch = 872,878
csi_stoodkick = 872,878
csi_stoodmovefore = 300,335
csi_stoodmoveback = 340,375
csi_stoodmoveleft = 420,450
csi_stoodmoveright = 380,410
csi_stoodstepleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstepright = 520,542
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstraferight = 520,542
csi_stoodvault = 737,774
csi_stoodmoverun = 460,480
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 550,572
csi_stoodmoverunright = 520,542
csi_stoodreload = 20,293
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodwave = 872,878
csi_stoodtoss = 890,899
csi_stoodfirerocket = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 0,0
csi_stoodandturn = 20,293
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchdown = 580,590
csi_crouchdownrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchrolldown = 0,0
csi_crouchrollup = 0,0
csi_crouchmovefore = 600,626
csi_crouchmoveback = 630,654
csi_crouchmoveleft = 690,716
csi_crouchmoveright = 660,684
csi_crouchmoverun = 600,626
csi_crouchreload = 590,590
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchwave = 590,590
csi_crouchtoss = 590,590
csi_crouchfirerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchimpactfore = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactback = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactleft = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactright = 590,590
csi_crouchgetup = 575,575
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 0,0
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 22:43
did you close guru and delete the dbo file?
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 22:43 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 08:04
The wizard animation set des not have a death animation.

You have two choices:
Use a modelling program to configure your character rig for ragdoll.


a. Create a new death animation and add it to the model in a modelling program.
b. add the start and end frames of the new death animation to csi_unarmeddeath in fpe
c. delete ragdoll = 0 in fpe

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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 23:05 Edited at: 27th Apr 2016 23:14
Quote: "did you close guru and delete the dbo file?"

Yes, I have even tried this

animmax = 1
animspeed = 150
anim0 = 20,293
playanimineditor = 1

csi_relaxed1 = 20,293
csi_relaxed2 = 20,293
csi_Idle = 20,293
csi_Walk_Forward = 300,335
csi_Walk_Backward = 340,375
csi_Walk_Strafe_Right = 380,410
csi_Walk_Strafe_Left = 420,450
csi_Run_Forward = 460,480
csi_Run_Backward = 490,511
csi_Run_Strafe_Right = 520,542
csi_Run_Strafe_Left = 550,572
csi_Idle_to_Crouch = 580,590
csi_Crouch_Move_Forward = 600,626
csi_Crouch_Move_Backward = 630,654
csi_Crouch_Move_Right = 660,684
csi_Crouch_Move_Left = 690,716
csi_Jump = 736,774
csi_Pickup_Item = 790,860
csi_Block_Attack = 872,878 (block pose is at frame 875)
csi_Cast_Spell = 890,899 (cast pose is at frame 894)
csi_Get_Hit = 905,915

these are the animations from the wizard in GG still no joy
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 23:16
ok I got it. this the Wizard animation right? if so he has no death animation he only runs off ragdoll. need to add an death animation. this why I'm tying to get everyone to go the custom way. going by or using guru animation is not the best way to go for custom characters. it's just like the fpsc characters animation you would not want to use them for 3rd person because they don't have jump animation. unless you turn the jump off on the player and make a type of game where you have no need to jump at all. above that the animation is not there so you are force to use ragdoll and if that does work for your character then you need to make you own animation.but this the reason why I do not want to rely on ragdoll things can always go wrong with it.
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Super Clark
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 23:20
LoL so the Wizard is a bad Character to use for conversion yes?
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Posted: 27th Apr 2016 23:31 Edited at: 27th Apr 2016 23:34
yes. unless you know how to make your character ragdoll ready. or unless tgc can add a death animation to the Wizard animation time line.
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 02:43
I haven't messed with custom animations, but I've been collecting them from Mixamo for the past few days (For anyone who is interested, they are all free right now, but no word on how long that will last!). Thanks for those tutorials, BOTR! I've had Animer for some time but didn't realize what all it could do until I saw your tutorials. The first character I applied animations to, however, had too many polys for Game Guru, so it showed up, but things were a little wacky! Methinks I will have to do a little experimenting this weekend!
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 08:14
If you get wobbly limbs like in the video below it's something to do with the vertices weights not being set when exported to X or something. When converting an FBX mode to X you need to make sure the vertices weights are set, the easiest way to do this is to load the FBX file, then save it as FBX again, then load it from that save and then export it as X.

A few extra steps I do just to make sure are to load the X file into fragmotion, mender and meshview and save it out again in from each one, this makes sure you have a ROOT bone and all the vertices weights are correct etc.

That's how I got from this:

To this:

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 09:10 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 09:27
So this morning, I revisited my old vids to refresh the grey cells and manged to import the Demon Mixamo character in to GG using Fragmotion and 3DS max. I used Fragmotion to import aniomations from the Masked Soldier character (which amazed me as I could never get it to work previously). Obviously you only need to do all this process if you want the GameGuru anims, but MXS is correct you should use the custom models animations and map those to the FPE and configure the parameters and animation frames to match those of the custom character if you don't like or want to use GameGuru anims. The demon character hasn't yet had a FIRESPOT added, but you can do this in Animer or any package that allows you to add the bone in, just name it FIRESPOT. The char can then hold a weapon.

Will upload 1st video shortly, but will do a full tut vid if there is enough interest.

[update-here is short vid]

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 09:39
A full tutorial video (preferably from exporting from mixamo to importing it into gameguru if it's not asking too much) would be awesome, especially if you can show in detail things like how to add the firespot etc. For some reason I've never been able to get the firespot in quite the right place, it would be great to see a video of how it should be done.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 09:51 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 09:52
a full video is no problem from mixamo to gameguru. the FIRESPOT is really easy to add and Animer is quite good for this as you can see where and what it looks like for every frame (using the GLUE GUN TO FIRESPOT option from within Animer) and you can adjust the XYZ position/rotation for it.
You can also adjust animation frames, so if you want to you can rotate the head 360 degs if you wanted or whatever animations you want your character to do and interpolation between frames is cool too. There are a few tuts that come with Animer and are very useful to getting into the tool and understanding it better.

Again all this process is only really for using Gameguru animations. You can download the individual mixamo character animations e.g. jump walk etc and use those you just have to set the parameters and anim frames in the FPE correctly.

If I do the video, hopefully it will be more update to date and better than the old ones as they are not quite a year old yet. If you don't have 3DS max then a good FBX converter would really be beneficial. There is one on the Autodesk site, but it doesn't export to directx (what a pain).

Has anyone seen the Adobe version of maximo fuse? I'll have to give that a try when I have more time.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 10:46
Any character can be 3rd person just set isthirdperson=1 in FPE as long as the FPE is updated with the right animations etc and also the only weapon that works as far as I know is the staff. I really want to find time to see if I can get other weapons to work in 3rd person, I think someone tried but not sure what the progress with that was.
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 11:37
Yeah, I've tried animer for the firespot and almost got it right a couple of times, but the last few times I've tried it no matter where I put the firespot and at what angle I put it, the weapon points at a 90 degree angle to where its supposed to, not sure what's happening there.

As to third person, yes you can make any character 3rd person, you just need to add some animations to the set that the base GG character animations don't have, jump, turn left, turn right, etc. As to the weapon, I've tried adding different weapons to third person characters, but it always ends up the same, the weapon looks and acts right, but every half a dozen shots or so you end up shooting yourself even when the weapons pointing away from you (as you an see in my video above), I think there's some hard coding happening there that messes up weapons that aren't the staff.

Once I can get a character imported with no issues i'll have another try at adding different weapons.

As said earlier I think adding your own animations and assigning them in the fpe is probably the easiest and best way to go, and I've had more success doing that than merging the existing animations onto new characters, the problem I have is that for some reason I can add a single animation to a rigged character and it will work perfectly In gameguru, but if I try adding multiple animations something seems to break and none of them work in gameguru at all even though they work fine in animer, fragmotion or any other modelling program, in gameguru it just acts as if there isn't any animation applied to the character, which is a bit odd.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 11:48
The problem from my own testing with third person weapons is that you can overtake the bullets if you move forwards quickly, thus you hurt yourself.
The RPG and staff work fine because they have a different system to the guns.

I would guess that having the guns a short way in front of the characters and being strict about the movement speed should fix it even if doesn't look great (note also that jumping needs to keep the gun pointed away from you or you can also shoot yourself while jumping)
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 14:08
Quote: "The problem from my own testing with third person weapons is that you can overtake the bullets if you move forwards quickly, thus you hurt yourself."

Yes that was exactly my experience.

Some nice ideas on how to overcome it, but i'm not sure how well they would work.

Slowing down the character speed would work, but you would have to slow it down so that the fastest speed it moves at would be slower than the ammunition speed, that means you would need to sow it down enough that the sprint speed is slow enough, which in turn would make the walking speed extremely slow and laborious, either that or set the walk speed to the desired speed and disable sprinting.

The weapon is lined up and positioned with the firespot so if you put the firespot futher forward of the hand then the weopon would be positioned where the firespot is, which means you would end up with a floating weapon.

Is it possible to change the position of he weapon in relation to the firespot via the gunspec files?

I have a feeling that the weapons line up their origin point with the firespot, which would mean editing the weapon midels and adjusting their origin points so they're offset from the firespot, if you want to do it by moving the firespot.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 15:59 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 16:03
@Bored of the Rings, The one thing I am stuck on is the working out what animations go were in the fpe

I have been trying to get some of the old pack Characters going but always ends up same way,

need to know how to correctly work out what animations from the original FPSC Character
goes were in a GG fpe csi_ listings

here is 1, FPSC Classic Peasant Character Pack 19 cartoonfantasypack

Original Fpe....Info

desc = Peasant
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = stevepaul\peasant.fpi
aidestroy = stevepaul\cartoon1_die.fpi
aishoot =
soundset = male

spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0

model = peasant.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
fixnewy = 180
raisefactor = 2

;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50

textured =
effect =
castshadow = 0
texturearray = 0

decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = blood

;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0

;bodypartslimbinfo (1=head/2=body/3+4=armslr/5+6=legslr)
limbmax = 0

animmax = 100
anim0 = 111,240
anim1 = 111,240
anim2 = 317,355
anim3 = 317,355
anim4 = 317,355
anim5 = 317,355
anim6 = 317,355
anim7 = 317,355
anim8 = 317,355
anim9 = 317,355
anim10 = 0,1
anim11 = 419,433
anim12 = 419,433
anim13 = 912,941
anim95 = 355,416

My GG Current fpe test vidoe is the results


desc = Peasant

aimain = ai_neutral.lua
soundset = male

spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0

model = peasant.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 135
fixnewy = 0
raisefactor = 0
ragdoll = 0

;cone of sight
coneheight = 53
coneangle = 50

textured =
effect =
castshadow = 0
texturearray = 0

decalmax = 2
decal0 = red
decal1 = blood

;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0

animmax = 1
anim0 = 111,240
playanimineditor = 1

csi_relaxed1 = 111,240
csi_relaxed2 = 111,240
csi_idle = 317,355
csi_relaxedmovefore = 317,355
csi_cautious = 317,355
csi_cautiousmovefore = 317,355
csi_unarmed1 = 317,355
csi_unarmed2 = 317,355
csi_unarmedconversation = 317,355
csi_unarmedexplain = 317,355
csi_unarmedpointfore = 0,1
csi_unarmedpointback = 419,433
csi_unarmedpointleft = 419,433
csi_unarmedpointright = 912,941
csi_unarmedmovefore = 355,416
csi_unarmedmoverun = 460,480 (Original) animations

csi_unarmedstairascend = 300,335 (wizard) Animations
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 300,335
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 875,875
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 875,875
csi_unarmeddeath = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactback = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 872,878
csi_unarmedimpactright = 872,878
csi_inchair = 20,293
csi_inchairsit = 20,293
csi_inchairgetup = 20,293
csi_swim = 20,293
csi_swimmovefore = 300,335

csi_stoodnormal = 20,293
csi_stoodrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodfidget1 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget2 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget3 = 20,293
csi_stoodfidget4 = 20,293
csi_stoodstartled = 20,293
csi_stoodpunch = 872,878
csi_stoodkick = 872,878
csi_stoodmovefore = 300,335
csi_stoodmoveback = 340,375
csi_stoodmoveleft = 420,450
csi_stoodmoveright = 380,410
csi_stoodstepleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstepright = 520,542
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 550,572
csi_stoodstraferight = 520,542
csi_stoodvault = 737,774
csi_stoodmoverun = 460,480
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 550,572
csi_stoodmoverunright = 520,542
csi_stoodreload = 20,293
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_stoodwave = 872,878
csi_stoodtoss = 890,899
csi_stoodfirerocket = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 0,0
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 0,0
csi_stoodandturn = 20,293
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 590,590
csi_crouchidlerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchdown = 580,590
csi_crouchdownrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchrolldown = 0,0
csi_crouchrollup = 0,0
csi_crouchmovefore = 600,626
csi_crouchmoveback = 630,654
csi_crouchmoveleft = 690,716
csi_crouchmoveright = 660,684
csi_crouchmoverun = 600,626
csi_crouchreload = 590,590
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 0,0
csi_crouchwave = 590,590
csi_crouchtoss = 590,590
csi_crouchfirerocket = 0,0
csi_crouchimpactfore = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactback = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactleft = 590,590
csi_crouchimpactright = 590,590
csi_crouchgetup = 575,575
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 0,0

fpi --- file nfo

desc = Melee









:state=7,framebeyond=95 8:plraddhealth=-10,state=21,sound=gamecore\guns\cartoonpack\cartoonsword\steelsword.wav


;this is the callback after the enemy dies to reset his aimation
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 16:37 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 16:39
is it because you dont know what the original animations were meant to do?
if so you can use this script to look through them in GG - walk near the character and press 'e' to move to the next animation or 'r' to go to the previous.

the csi references are named pretty straightforward but i did make a list somewhere in the script forum once.
edit, here it is
lua guide for GG
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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 17:27
@smallg-thanks for the animation_finder.lua script. Do you have the PlayerLooking function code at all? If not no worries....
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 18:52
sorry, edited the previous post
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 22:22
@Super Clark are you trying to add him to the 3rd person or make him an enemy?
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Posted: 28th Apr 2016 22:54 Edited at: 28th Apr 2016 22:55
got the mixamo Demon in GameGuru and animates fine using masked soldier anims and also Gatrilian alternate wizard as 3rd person using wizard anims. I have recorded 1 video so far and will record the others tomorrow. The wizard staff is upside down, but I can show how to fix that in the video.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 00:56
I'm really looking forward to that, thanks, BOTR! This is a great, informative thread!
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 02:22
@ smallg thanks for the list and help will give it a go tonight.

Quote: "@Super Clark are you trying to add him to the 3rd person or make him an enemy?"

@ MXS both types mate, I wan to be able to use characters as standard the try to kill you but also
as characters that in third person will be fighting with me as my army...
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 08:32 Edited at: 29th Apr 2016 08:48
First video now converting and will upload soon as possible.
The next video will show steps from post exporting or converting from FBX to directX all the way through to GameGuru import.
If you can't wait for video here are the steps you can take to achieve this:

1 .after exporting to X format from autodesk....
2. load into Meshview.exe and save out this will preserve the texture paths and filenames in Fragmotion
3. load into fragmotion version 1.34 (new update)
3a. make FIRESPOT bone (Right Hand)->


load up Fragmotion and add firespot e.g. for wizard
enter these as "offsets" with bone widget selected and use transform options

using bone selection.


In the video I'll show you how I got the XYZ pos/rot coords.

4. link limbs and merge animation frames from the GameGuru character e.g. tedious but crucial

Wizard, if usng Masked Soldier use old fpsc reloaded version 1.85 (try the new one if you want, I found no difference (i think)
5. export out as X again (export only groups)
6. load into Mender (to do more fixes and prevent saggy mesh)
6b. save out as X
6c. ensure filepath/names are correct i.e. change from your local paths to e.g. /Gatrilian/ etc...
7. load into Game Guru with associated FPE/BMP etc (base the FPE on the wizard for this demo and replace the .X file name with your own and leave the textured= parameter blank

if you want to add more anim frames you can or, just remember to modify your FPE.
Pic attached shows Gatrilian wizard with staff correct way up.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 08:58
I'm not versed at all in animer , mender or such but I do have a request for one of you experts ....
Could anyone create a third person soldier ( Masked Soldier use old fpsc reloaded version 1.85 sounds great )
I have ideas for third person games but the Wizard just does not fit into it and it would be great to try a little diversity in the third person perspective ..
I'm sure there are loads of users that could do with one ..
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 09:05 Edited at: 29th Apr 2016 09:08
@Synchromesh-the tutorial steps apply to any character, the only issue with third person is that the staff is the only weapon that works in third person unless you just wanted an unarmed masked soldier. Actually for the masked soldier, it would just be a case of adding isthirdperson=1 then modifying the anims in the FPE. If I get some time, I'll see if I can get other weapons to work in 3rd person, but I'm not sure if this is all hard coded into the engine a the moment for TPV. Would be great to get some guidance from TGC.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 09:12
I have modified characters using isthirdperson=1 many times and use that for testing but I was more hoping for one that would shoot a gun correctly rather than up his backside
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 09:28 Edited at: 29th Apr 2016 09:29
ha yeah I know what you mean. I'll definitely have a look at TPV weapons, seems a bit daft only to have only the staff working. Please TGC, some direction would be helpful...
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 10:04 Edited at: 29th Apr 2016 10:09
Here is Part 1 of the video tutorial series-Importing Mixamo characters into GameGuru using GameGuru animations:
Please note, you will need
Mender 2.0 or the 2.0 betas if you have them or if permissable I can upload them here as they are free.
Meshview.exe program, again if permissable I can upload it here.
Fragmotion (latest version is 1.34) - used for adding the FIRESPOT bone/limb and positioning/rotating it correctly and for merging the GameGuru character animations by limb linking-tedious but vital for it to work correctly.
3DS MAx , student or full version (I used 2013 32bit)- or if you can find one a converter that correctly exports to directx. I've yet to find anything that works, Milkshape kind came close but failed on skeleton importing correctly.
Mixamo Autobiped script for running within 3DSmax ->
KWXPORT plugin for 3DS max .X exporting (Bond1 site)->
Part 2 to come soon...

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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 12:01
I'm waiting in anticipation for part 2, part 1 was great and I learnt a lot. Mainly the thing about bipeds, I didn't know about that and I was just trying to match bones straight from the original rigging, that may be where my issues are coming from.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle the model in fragmotion and what settings you use, because my biggest issue is whenever I try to import a character converted via max into fragmotion it only recognises the body_diffuse texture and applies it to the whole model instead of multiple texture for the different parts, so when I export it back out of fragmotion the .x file only has a single reference to the body texture. Hopefully your settings will be obvious enough for me to copy and succeed

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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 12:28 Edited at: 29th Apr 2016 12:32
@belidos-I actually accidentally missed a step and I also got the diffuse only texture problem. I had to load the model into Meshview.exe (direct x app) and then save out - this retains the path/filename references.

Part 2 will come later - I have to record it , convert then upload. Whatever you do don't use animer for adding the FIRESPOT , but it's good for editing existing animations or appending animations and other stuff like glueing the gun to the firespot so you know where it is going to positioned and what it will look like for every frame. You can also add to or add your own .SPN files which will tell you which frames make up a particular animation description e.g. SWIM = 20,100 , RUN = 101, 130 etc. Animer comes with the reloaded .SPN files which you can load in and look at a GG character animation.

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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 13:57
Masked soldier as 3rd person (which uses wizard anims). Maybe I'll use this as basis to get other weapons going, but not sure that will be easy.

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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 20:51
Part 2 video just converting, will place here soon.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 21:06
edited the animation_finder.lua script to now try include first and last frames on screen (you need to let the animation play through once to find the end frame).
lua guide for GG
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 22:16
Nice! Thanks smallg!
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 22:27
many thanks smallg
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Posted: 29th Apr 2016 22:36
ElybyKAtienza (Masked Soldier from FPSC reloaded 1.85 anims) vs Gatrilian Wizard (GG wizard 3rd Person anims):

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