6 new Decals Added!!!
I attached some quick caps of them, but I'm sure they could look better in game. I was in a hurry.
As you'll see in the new caps, they differ in size when you load them. Some of them can be made quite a bit larger than they start out. Worth some experimenting.
I made these using royalty free stock from textures.com. Textures can't be used separately from model, but can be obtained free from that site and used free/royalty free.
Thought I'd share.
I hope you guys can use them.
They're pretty easy to use. Just load em, rotate em with the R button and click the left button when you have it in place against a wall. They have normal maps and a bunch of ones I included that we can't use yet, but maybe with some future upgrades, we'll be able to.
Let me know what you think. I appreciate feedback. You may have to click one or two of them and use the widget to fine tune and move up or down or side to side to your liking. You can probably resize within reason as well.
(The following links are for the original cracks and stains download, and a remake of the wall damage one. I don't remember what it was originally called, but I remade some of it with the images I was still able to find as a temporary solution on 4/16/23. Couldn't remake the whole thing, because I didn't have all the old images anymore, but I did a few of them and some new ones. If anyone still has the old version of that from back when I originally posted this, please contact me and send it, and I'll make an updated download for it. If anyone still has it, that would be greatly appreciated, as I've had a couple of people ask me for it.)
Click Here To Download cracks and stains.
Click Here To Download wall damage.
Winrar is a compression program like winzip. You can download and use it free if you don't mind being nagged every time you use it after the first 30 days, or buy it. 7 zip is free and should open rar files as should universal zip.
I should also add that the walls I am applying the decals to in those screen caps are from Oldpman's Abandoned Hospital pt 1 pack from the GG store.
Use for whatever, commercial or otherwise. Should go without saying, but just don't sell the model separately or claim you made it. And if you credit me, I would think that was awesome.
Read a free sample from book one of my zombie apocalypse series
AMD FX8350, 8-CORE @ 4.34ghz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 750 Ti, WINDOWS 10