Product Chat / Rant&Rave: GG Editor irritates the heck out of me ...

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Posted: 9th Apr 2016 09:53 Edited at: 9th Apr 2016 09:55
This post is just me sounding off ... no offense intended to anyone ...

****** Start Rant *******

I've spent a few hours yesterday afternoon "playing" with GameGuru, trying to set up a simple test map to experiment.

I decided to use the sewer kit from kencharleslong and tried to dig a hole deep enough to get to the water (which is fine, since sewers are usually underground) to actually have the water show up in the sewer.

After fiddling around with the terrain and placing a single object, I noticed that the "floor" of the entity is not displayed correctly in the editor, when it intersects the waterplane. Hmm ... OK ... that works in game, so no big issue.
Next I tried to add some more sewer entities and have them snap to each other ... which didn't work to well (I tried both snapping modes).

I then used the "clipping mode" to put a couple of torches in the sewer (since it all was very close to the "ground level", I did not have the issues with having to use the Ctrl-Mousewheel until my fingers bled to get to the "right" height).

I managed to position the torch entities, decals and lights ... it took almost 20 minutes just to get that right ... a grouping feature with "copy & paste" would have really been helpful ( I know that this stuff has been raised before, but as I stated in the beginning ... I want to sound off) ...

Then in game, I did the occlusion light mapping. And for some reason, there were lights coming through walls ... I couldn't find out where and the snapping obviously did not work as expected. FRUSTRATING ...

While playing around like that, I also added more entities and ran smack right into the next "stumbling block" (this is also know, but still irritates me to no end): no really decent way to find an entity in the library (this is something that can be watched very nicely in some of the weekly twitch sessions, when the developers themselves have to spend a considerable time with "hunt & peck" in order to find an entity they are looking for).

And after that, we have 105 entities in the scene and no way to efficiently find any of them ... this sucks.

GG (users, especially users) would IMHO profit immensely from a re-vamped editor ...

**** End Rant ****

So yes, I still like GG and I will patiently wait for some of the improvements. But I am also hesitant to really invest a lot of effort and be thwarted in any way by the tools I have to use.

And there are still amazing things that can be done with GG ... and I actually liked the outcome of my "playing around", even it it didn't go the way I had hoped for ...



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Posted: 9th Apr 2016 10:39
Yes, the searching of entities can be a pain, but there is a 3rd Party tool D.E.E.R. which might help.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2016 18:43
I'm also waiting for a group selection copy/paste type tool to be added. I don't know why it wasn't added to the widget when they implemented the 'rubber band' selection feature.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2016 19:27
you guys are mentioning some things that are going over my head they sound like they would be helpful tho. I struggle a lot to get things the way i want and yes what you are saying would help.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2016 20:15 Edited at: 9th Apr 2016 21:48
Found a work around ...

Make your Tunnels on flat ground...... Zoom out ..... Select all with the lasso .... lower the whole thing into the ground a good few feet or so and then save it ..
Select it all again with the lasso ..." Lock All " ...Then lower the ground very slightly to expose the water ...
This bit may take trial and error .... but you can reload and try again ....

It does work very effectively once you get the right depth and use ythe level mode
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