Third Party Tools / Weapon Welder 1.0

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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 08:06 Edited at: 11th Jun 2016 08:36
did you use choose the GameGuru weapon icon from the tool?
these 2 lines, I uncommented out:-

;zoomscope = scope1.tga -> zoomscope =
;soundframes = 4 -> soundframes = 4 (although this doesn't affect the scope issue)

don't use the, so statuspanelcode = 4 and not statuspanelcode = 100

hope this works, if not I'll upload a vid.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 10:09
here's the vid anyway

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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 13:33
pictures are worth a thousand words, thanks.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 13:54
scope fix, use from Modern\SniperM700. It works perfectly.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 15:22
ah yes I forgot the Modern\SniperM700 works well with that.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 16:45
do the grenades still not work?
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Posted: 11th Jun 2016 20:57
tommy gun zoom attached. Any fix?
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Posted: 12th Jun 2016 07:27
there should a previous post about projectiles e.g. grenade rockets etc. Projectiles hard coded, so can only use GameGuru ones. For the tommy gun zoom issue, I don't know what the fix is for that. Must be a parameter in the gunspec that can be altered.
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Posted: 12th Jun 2016 07:29 Edited at: 12th Jun 2016 08:06
there should a previous post with video about projectiles e.g. grenade rockets etc. Projectiles hard coded, so we can only use GameGuru ones (I used the modern\grenade and rpg and placed e.g. projectile = rpggrenade in the gunspec). For the tommy gun zoom issue, I don't know what the fix is for that. Must be a parameter in the gunspec that can be altered. If I get any time, I'll have a look but working on the FPI->LUA converter at moment.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 13:57 Edited at: 13th Jun 2016 13:58
@MK83, for the gun zoom alignment add:

simplezoomx = -5.5
simplezoomy = 1.5

to the gunspec and tweak numbers to suit the gun position, the above numbers are for AT9mm
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 14:45
@PartTimeCoder, thanks for the info.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2016 15:36
@PartTimeCoder-yes thanks for the info, that will help me a lot.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2016 07:03
This tool will now be integrated with the AutoWelder 1.0 tool.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 12:20 Edited at: 27th Sep 2016 14:05
been working on some small fixes for Weapon Welder, I had the code logic that handles the decal path around the wrong way which was pretty silly on my part. Also will be converting the fpsc to icon.png and resize it to 128x64 which I find is about right. Other fixes here and there will be applied where possible. If you have/are using the tool and you find the sound isn't coming out , you can uncomment the "soundframe=" parameter which I think was conflicting with something else at the time I originally programmed it. Until I implement this tool into Autowelder, I'll release an updated version which will be 1.6.2 at some point.

[update-if you find textures not coming out for any of the entities, you may need to import into a modelling package and re-export out without exporting groups and/or edit the newly exported X file and check the texture paths/filenames as sometimes these can be .tga instead of .dds as in most cases .tga does not exist]

[update2-I've had athought which is fairly often .. I would really like to have more visual output of the gun HUD, entity pickups and also get the program to analyse the .X models etc to grab the texturefilename info and update appropriately for GameGuru. I would like to implement better GUI for better user interaction instead of the quick message prompts which were only done quickly to get the tool working. The same will apply to the Entity Welder. Boith these tools as mentioned before will be enhanced and be part of Autowelder which is still under development]

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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 14:16
Quote: "been working on some small fixes for Weapon Welder"

Great news,the more tools the better.I like to build but cant code anything,To thick . I have to have every line explained.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 18:27 Edited at: 27th Sep 2016 18:29
here is another video showing some minor updates/fixes done to the weapon welder tool version 1.6.2. still a bit more to do maybe and some more testing.
Example weapon show here was made by ErrantAI.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2016 19:06
Looking good,I have pack also so this will be cool to convert them.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2016 11:01 Edited at: 29th Sep 2016 09:36
For v1.6.2 Fixes and updates so far include:

-- HUD selector now displays the original FPSC file if it exists (so you can see what it looks like) otherwise it uses the custom image.
-- FPSC now coverted to .png and renamed ICON.png and resizes it to fit GameGuru HUD.
-- Now deletes any old DBO files for entity pickups that previosly existed from previous versions of the tool, giving a nice clean slate.
-- weapon folder\name added to HUD selector text allowing weapon/ammo pickup selection easier to match when selecting from entitybank folders (my brain couldn't remember what weapon I had selected .

-- fixed issue where the tool wasn't recognising the ammo and weapon FPE as an ammo or weapon FPE (additional searches on specifics added)
-- fixed EFFECT= parameter to use GameGuru entity_basic.fx for entity pickups and within gunspec.txt
-- fixed silly logical errors on some folder/file paths e.g. decal path
-- fixed issue with POOLAMMO= parameter where gunspec.txt would occasionally have 2 occurences of this parameter and with the incorrect ammo pool ammo assigned.
-- uncommented the SOUNDFRAMES= parameter in the GUNSPEC.txt, some weapons would repeat a strange click sound and commenting this out was a temp fix to stop the repeating click.
-- updated the FORWARD= parameter to default to 10 (may change). A lot of weapons appear a little hidden from view so this seems to do the trick. Feel free to change the value to suit you.
-- fixed issues with the TF341 weapons where the models/textures were not displaying in the editor due to FPSC specific paths.

I'll be testing a bit more mainly on errantai's weapons and if I find/fix anything else I'll add it here to the list. After that, release time I think ,....phew

[update-a shortish vid showing some of ErrantAI's weapons converted from FPSC to GameGuru-sorry if you hate the soundtrack, skip the long loading parts in the vid]

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Posted: 28th Sep 2016 16:45
Nice work Mike,looking like things are picking up all round .

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Posted: 28th Sep 2016 16:56
thanks Dave, getting some issues resolved...have found an issue with the TF341 weapons, but is almost fixed. Would like to release but I need to do further testing but shouldn't be too long. The Autowelder version will have more GUI controls so that you will be able to alter the parameter values in the GUNSPEC for finer tuning.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2016 08:25
TF341 weapons now fixed, this was to do with FPSC specific paths for the .X and texturefiles. Models are now present and being textured correctly.
1 or 2 more tests then will send out to relevant people.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2016 09:39 Edited at: 29th Sep 2016 09:40
version 1.6.2 now released and link sent to all SegAutoWelder purchasers. If you didn't get an email for whatever reason, please give me a nudge sometimes outlook can play up.

hope you enjoy it.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2016 14:40
Quote: "version 1.6.2 now released and link sent to all SegAutoWelder purchasers. If you didn't get an email for whatever reason, please give me a nudge sometimes outlook can play up."

Have only tested with a couple of weapons but so far Awesome !!
You can select the correct Hud icon and add the weapon and ammo as pickups ...
Outstanding work mate !!
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 29th Sep 2016 19:47
Quote: "Outstanding work mate !!"

Have to agree with that .

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Posted: 29th Sep 2016 20:08 Edited at: 29th Sep 2016 20:09
cheers guys.
The main pain is always the texturing. Some weapons e.g. the cartoonpack have textures named or something similar, these need to be renamed or and the same for the X file texturefilename=. If the naming isn't correct, the weapon will come out black. Also for a lot of the FPSC textures they are far too bright in GG, so I've had to tone them down quite a bit.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2016 07:57 Edited at: 1st Oct 2016 11:26
Already have ideas for next version 1.6.3, some may or may not be do-able:

Future fixes/updates for v1.6.3 and Autowelder 1.0:
1. [DONE-M700 copied over + original FPSC resized and saved out so you can use either] - copy over the stock from modern\SniperM700 for compatibility
AND/OR save original back out as 2048x1024
[next to do on my list as it should be easy enough]
2. attempt to analyse and fix X file issues causing texturing problems.
3. [DONE]retain/copy over the original FPSC crosshair instead of deleting it e.g. rename it to something like, as some are compatible e.g. EAI\M32L1 and EAI\M32L2 come out great.
[already done]
4. See what can be done with the projectile side of things [this is FLAK in FPSC], this will be hard as it's hardcoded ugh!
5. add GUI to allow user to alter/add parameters in gunspec.txt for finer tuning
6. check/improve on decal side of things if possible.
7. [DONE] improve on FORWARD= param calculation , user may still need to modify to suit their needs.
8. there are probably other things, but can't think of anymore right now.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2016 13:02
Quite a list Mike,good luck .

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Posted: 30th Sep 2016 16:41 Edited at: 1st Oct 2016 10:08
yep a wee challenging list, well 1,3 and 7 are done already. Some things may/may not be possible but will give it a good go
I will be starting to look at getting a GUI up and running so that you can tweak/add parameters that are in the GUNSPEC.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2016 20:08
thanks to all those that recently purchased, very much appreciated
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Posted: 1st Oct 2016 12:22
For the parameters below (e.g. The Scary Thinker Polaroid-Kill weapon), these will be compressed in the gunspec.txt file but should be split. I'll update these in the next release 1.6.3.

grenade start = 214,224
grenade end = 225,233

command attack = 234,255
command regroup = 256,291
command hold = 292,319

hand push = 320,340
hand dead = 341,384
hand door = 385,410
hand button = 411,431
hand take = 432,450
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 10:01
currently working on the GUI which wont take long at all, it's quick and easy (ish). You will be able to modify/add parameters to the gunspec.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 10:37
Allways got my eye on this thread,never a dull moment .

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 14:27 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2016 15:32
thanks Dave, I try to keep things up-to-date where I can.

GUI done, it also backs up the original gunspec.txt so you can restore it back to it's original state should you make mistakes or want to start again.
Once I've updated the layout and I'm happy with it, I'll test it again then send out 1.6.3 (minus the more complex updates I want to do).

[update-added a pic of the basic GUI for editing the GUNSPEC-it may/may not change]
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2016 16:35
here is another video (another one? I hear you say ), showing v1.6.3 GUI plus a couple of updates mentioned above.
will release soon as possible.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2016 18:14
Another cool update .

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2016 20:08
cheers Dave.

link to v1.6.3 now sent to all relevant email addresses.
Hope you like it.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2016 09:05 Edited at: 4th Oct 2016 13:26
ok anyone else having issues with GameGuru weapon HUDS not displaying. they were working before e.g. ww2/colt45 etc, and now they have simply vanished. I've verified files via steam about 4/5 times now and rebooted, no joy.

[update-seems that the ww2 weapons are no longer available in the drop down list under the player start marker properties. How rubbish. Maybe there is a maximum number of weapons GG allows, still they were there before so am baffled]

[update2-just checking to see if it's the parent control feature after validating the files, oh dear]

[update3-nope! nothing to do with parent control restriction either, well this is typical GG , rapdily going off this engine ]

[update4-removed weapons/ammo folders, verified file integrity via steam, converted ww2/colt45 again and now all ok....not great , so it seems there is a maximum # of weapons you can have in GG - thumbs down ha]
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Posted: 4th Oct 2016 12:25
Maybe fire of a email to Lee,he might be able to throw some light on the subject.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 11:27
I was wondering if you could toss a few scripts in the mix with the weapon tool. Like we have in FPSC,
1. the Q and A, do you wish to pickup the Rail Gun? as a option to the press e thing.
2. A purchase script. The Rail Gun is yours for 100 gold, however you lack 20 gold, would you be interested in a simple chore
to be able to obtain the 20 gold you need? (( well at least the 100 gold or what ever price the game-maker wants it to be in
that game.
3. Pick up the regular version or the enhanced version. NA this would require more dialog than a pick up script.
You get the idea, " if certainly would increase sales"
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 11:34
I don't have any current plans to add LUA scripts (even though I could as scripting is simple-well to me anyway). We will see
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 11:58
do you know how many weapons are allowed? So far all of mine are select-able under the start menu by I want to get your toy and add 30 more.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2017 11:20
As far as I know there isn't a limit, I've imported rather a large library of weapons from FPSC classic
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FPSC to GameGuru Tools: SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder

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