Here is how your _i map came to me. Notice that the alpha channel is completely white. Problem number one.
Solution: Use the selection wand and set the tolerance up to 150
Select the white part on your image.
The selection marquee should highlight it now.
In the layers dialog, right click and choose add layer mask, the other window comes up, choose selection and press ok.
In the layers dialog right click on the mask part of the layer and choose apply mask.
Now you should see a white box in your alpha channel the same as the light cover in the diffuse.
export that file with the _i.dds extension on the name and then choose dxt1 compression in the save dialog window.
Also in you FPE file, you must define the texture for the shader to be able to know that it is supposed to do something with these textures other then pass them thru. Do erase the _d2.dds one as you will not need it.
The .dbo file appears to be fine with this and the animation works also, so no issue with the .dbo file as the supplied mesh. Me personally prefer the x file as the engine will not tend to keep over writing your finished model every time it loads it. or you accidentally erase it in a mass .dbo wipe of your machine. (old classic habit)
other then that and making your FPE file look like the good one below, all is good.
Try and keep your files together. model, textures, and call files.
This does not work at all. Nothing for the shader to call.
This will work.
Best folder setup for GameGuru entities with everything in the same folder.
The solid white alpha from the _i file you sent me, before me fixing with the solution above.
Taking care of all this and setting the entity shader on highest in the matrix mode, makes the media you sent me work.
Hope that clarify's thing more.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.