Quote: "In which programming language is it? "
Its being developed in PureBasic, don't be fooled by the Basic part PB is a very powerful and robust but easy to use dev tool I love using it.
Quote: "Will it be free or paid? Open source? "
Well I would like as many people as possible to use it so if I do charge it wont be much, I think a few quid in return for my time and efforts is not much to ask and were all pros here lol, maybe a free restricted and paid full version, I don't know maybe the community could suggest a pricing model everyone is happy with?
Quote: "How the commands are stored, so easy updating without touching the source code? "
Quote: "Only one issue I can think of though, how dedicated to updating it are you?"
it would make no sense at all to hard code the api and keyword system, the entire thing is already user updatable, the autocomplete system draws its info from "API\*.api" but currently only loads the 2 existing files, I can make it recurse so users can add as many .api files as they like as I know some of you add your own functions to globals.lua so you would be able to add them to the autocomplete system and have them highlighted, the keyword and syntax highlight draws its keyword data from "API\keyword*.kw" and style data from Styles.xml, currently Styles.xml is generated at runtime and overwritten each time (this was for generation and testing purposes) I will write some documentation on updating once I have finalised the system itsself
I always like my software to be bug free so I will commit 100% to a stable version but having an accurate autocomplete system highly depends on Lee and the team publishing an accurate list of functions, there are already a bunch of direct call lua functions (AI*) not listed in globals.lua and therefore not currently covered by the autocomplete and syntax system, I will ask Lee for an updated list at some point but for now I more focused on getting all I can out of the Scintilla editor, there is still much of the api I'v yet to explore.
I do plan on making the best editor for GG I possibly can.
Quote: "Now if you can make it a visual editor, you will have a gold mine."
Yea I like gold mines, I also like my hair attached to my head! lol, is there not a visual lua editor already being developed by another forum user or is that project dead in the water .......... if its dead I'd gladly pick it up as I do have some experience with Blocky, dont want to tread on any toes tho!