Third Party Tools / WIP: GG-Edit (Dedicated GG Lua Editor)

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Posted: 24th Feb 2016 19:43 Edited at: 24th Feb 2016 22:27
Hi, I noticed on the voting page that a Lua editor was way down low on the list and I know there is already an abundance of editors available but I was thinking ..... wouldn't it be nice to have a dedicated script editor for GameGuru with full syntax highlighting, autocomplete and script error checking

Anyone Agree?

So I decided to start coding one, progress is going pretty well the base editor is fully functional but overall it still needs a bit of work to make it even close to complete and at this point over 11k lines of code I'm asking myself "is it worth the work"?, so I'm posting what I got so far for some feedback

Whats in it? (or soon will be)
Multitab script editor (Scintilla based)
Full syntax and autocomplete system for both GameGure and Lua API's
File Explorer tool, access your script folders and open files without leaving the editor
Bookmark tool, for those hard core coders, not yet fully functional (not saving/loading bookmark info to file) << currently being worked on
Template tool, for storing reusable code templates (at idea stage only)

for now I'm working on completing the bookmark tool, bookmarks are currently added by clicking margin between the numbers and folds while holding CTRL (need to make that stand out a bit more) but along with folding info the bookmarks are not yet saved to file so its session data only for now ..... its being worked on

I would appreciate some feedback, bug reports and will consider all suggestions, if this is something that would be widely used then I will continue to work on it, but if you guys are all happy with your current editors then I'll tie up a working base version and leave it at that .... posting now to test the water ......

so I ask: does GG need a dedicated script editor and do you guys see my GG-Edit as a viable tool for the job?


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Pirate Myke
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Posted: 24th Feb 2016 22:36
Looks interesting. Will give it a look.
Thanks for making it.
Now if you can make it a visual editor, you will have a gold mine.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2016 22:56
Looks good
It's right, there are many Lua Editor Freewares out there. But not one dedicated to GG. So it would be nice to have this. Could be a timesaver for GG Scripter.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2016 23:10 Edited at: 24th Feb 2016 23:14
Looks nice. I had the same idea, but never get to a point for a release, because lack of time and I had problems with a compiler function.

So great to hear that someone managed to do this

I will test it and give a review

In which programming language is it? Will it be free or paid? Open source? How the commands are stored, so easy updating without touching the source code?
A lot of questions, but I am into it
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Posted: 25th Feb 2016 00:15
Quote: "do you guys see my GG-Edit as a viable tool for the job?"

well yes... i am not a good coder, so any help with that is more then welcome

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Posted: 25th Feb 2016 07:48
Quote: "so I ask: does GG need a dedicated script editor and do you guys see my GG-Edit as a viable tool for the job?"

Definitely, yes! Only one issue I can think of though, how dedicated to updating it are you? Gamegurus LUA is in a constant state of change because Lee is opening up new elements pretty much in every update, so for this to be a viable tool it needs to be kept up to date. If you can commit to that, then great job!
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Posted: 25th Feb 2016 10:45
Quote: "In which programming language is it? "

Its being developed in PureBasic, don't be fooled by the Basic part PB is a very powerful and robust but easy to use dev tool I love using it.

Quote: "Will it be free or paid? Open source? "

Well I would like as many people as possible to use it so if I do charge it wont be much, I think a few quid in return for my time and efforts is not much to ask and were all pros here lol, maybe a free restricted and paid full version, I don't know maybe the community could suggest a pricing model everyone is happy with?

Quote: "How the commands are stored, so easy updating without touching the source code? "

Quote: "Only one issue I can think of though, how dedicated to updating it are you?"

it would make no sense at all to hard code the api and keyword system, the entire thing is already user updatable, the autocomplete system draws its info from "API\*.api" but currently only loads the 2 existing files, I can make it recurse so users can add as many .api files as they like as I know some of you add your own functions to globals.lua so you would be able to add them to the autocomplete system and have them highlighted, the keyword and syntax highlight draws its keyword data from "API\keyword*.kw" and style data from Styles.xml, currently Styles.xml is generated at runtime and overwritten each time (this was for generation and testing purposes) I will write some documentation on updating once I have finalised the system itsself

I always like my software to be bug free so I will commit 100% to a stable version but having an accurate autocomplete system highly depends on Lee and the team publishing an accurate list of functions, there are already a bunch of direct call lua functions (AI*) not listed in globals.lua and therefore not currently covered by the autocomplete and syntax system, I will ask Lee for an updated list at some point but for now I more focused on getting all I can out of the Scintilla editor, there is still much of the api I'v yet to explore.

I do plan on making the best editor for GG I possibly can.

Quote: "Now if you can make it a visual editor, you will have a gold mine."

Yea I like gold mines, I also like my hair attached to my head! lol, is there not a visual lua editor already being developed by another forum user or is that project dead in the water .......... if its dead I'd gladly pick it up as I do have some experience with Blocky, dont want to tread on any toes tho!
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Posted: 25th Feb 2016 12:45
sounds like awesome stuff, and admit Purebasic is very very powerful. Look forward to seeing the end result. Thumbs up
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Posted: 25th Feb 2016 13:38
Quote: "Its being developed in PureBasic, don't be fooled by the Basic part PB is a very powerful and robust but easy to use dev tool I love using it."

I never used basic, exept agk tier 1. The programing language always decided by the developer, where he feels best, so do it I just ask.

I can not say anything about a price, because I will not use it. I decided to use ZeroBrane and now I am familiar with this.

Quote: "ont want to tread on any toes tho!"

If you can and want, do it! We do not need monopols, we need options.
My dream is to develope games, which makes fun when I create it and fun when other people play it.

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