Work In Progress / Cogitate a new world

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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 06:41 Edited at: 14th Jan 2016 23:16
Video update

Edit 01/14/2016
I am trying to create a place that will allow the player to travel through many hidden locations, on a wee-bit weird island, using logic and observational skills to find other island locations that will answer the question " Where did the people go?".

The video illustrates part of the subject world structure.
Additional videos and screenshots will be added to this thread as they come available, so check back on occasion.
I am interested in what you think...

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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 08:10
really nice start... that looks promising...
i like the wire on the poles... nicely done


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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 12:48
Nice one reminds me of Myst !
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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 19:27
Thanks for the comments.

I have been looking for a way to do the wires for a while .. really difficult to get the height and center the wire on the towers.
Using the concept shown on the attached sketch it became very easy. I can string wires all over the place now.
If I were to make the vertical wire leg transparent I could also use the same wire image for pole guide cables.
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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 21:48
Quote: "I have been looking for a way to do the wires for a while .. really difficult to get the height and center the wire on the towers.
Using the concept shown on the attached sketch it became very easy. I can string wires all over the place now.
If I were to make the vertical wire leg transparent I could also use the same wire image for pole guide cables."

Thats a cool idea ,looks good.

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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 23:58 Edited at: 21st Dec 2015 03:32
I also needed a way to restrict the player to just the area shown in the video until several tasks have been completed (not yet defined) which will allow entry into the power house.
Upon gaining entry to the power house the player will be confronted with additional tasks before being allowed access to other parts of the island.

My method for restricting the player to this area was to place large tall transparent cube with no top or bottom thus the restricted area. Kind of a mini skybox with no image. Beats building walls or steep slopes around the current play area.

At the moment I am not able to release the player because I want to go underground with the new area escape. Which we all know seems a ways off.
A little added info:
cog·i·tate‌ (kŏj′ĭ-tāt′)
To take careful thought or think carefully about; ponder.
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Posted: 21st Dec 2015 23:20 Edited at: 21st Dec 2015 23:47
New addition to my make-believe world ... any thoughts
When the player has meet all of the tasks set out and knows how to enter this beat up old rocket, player will be transferred to a new location on the island for further instructions.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2015 16:04 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2015 17:10
Thought I would furnish a new video for those who might be interested...

Would like comments about this game concept. Thoughts please, critical or otherwise ... no thin skin here.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2015 00:35 Edited at: 25th Dec 2015 18:35
The premise of Cog-I-tate is you have entered a world that appears to have been abandoned. The goal will be travel to different areas on this weird island to solve the mystery of their history. Do they still exist, if so where?

The screenshots I have provided in this post provide the clues required to deduce a number that might open one of the doors to the many buildings in this fenced off area of the island. What we do know from a brief history of the people, (found in one of the buildings) is they were very observant of detail and were quite proficient with simple number combinations.

Any one like to give it a try? There are several possible code numbers that might apply at the moment. Give it a shot if you have time.
At the present time the door code is a 2 digit number (Although there are several possibilities) when the game is functional only one will work as a key.

Latest screen shots for the Key quest are in the following post. Separate post just to give the thread a current date stamp.
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Posted: 25th Dec 2015 18:28 Edited at: 25th Dec 2015 18:41
New screen shot for door key quest.

New lamp storage shop

Lamp shop interior graphic for 2 digit key code

Note: There is a new video update at the head if this thread showing the latest revisions to the Cog-I-tate world
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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 01:02
I think that this is a very good project that people should keep an eye on. There are many things that I could point out of you that I'd personally change but I am also aware that many people don't like that kind of "nitpicky" critique...but if you are open to it, I'd give you a list of complaints.

What would really add a ton of atmosphere are some ocean sounds and some bird twittering/nature sounds.
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Posted: 28th Dec 2015 04:32 Edited at: 28th Dec 2015 04:46

Quote: "Would like comments about this game concept. Thoughts please, critical or otherwise ... no thin skin here."

I really would like to know what you think. This started out as kind of a hair brained idea but has became somewhat of a mini obsession. It has reached the point where I have to look at it a little more seriously as to content and scope. I was able to incorporate and revise a lua script today that allows the player to enter number passwords for access to different areas in the world. When they figure them out?

Again thanks for the interest. Look forward to your comment list. (when you have time of course)
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Posted: 1st Jan 2016 00:21 Edited at: 1st Jan 2016 02:07
New strange stuff...
Check out the video. Comments??

If and when we get the ability to tunnel and cut the terrain this might be one of the exits from this world to the next.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2016 01:13 Edited at: 4th Jan 2016 01:18
New stuff

The Quest begins - start of story line

The translation units

A typical puzzle

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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 01:00 Edited at: 9th Jan 2016 01:14
Test out some sounds...

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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 09:56
it is Always is better with sounds, and gives it all more atmosphere..
Its getting better and better..
Nice work, with the note.. that is looking great..
only for me a bit hard to read. but that can also be just the video...

i love the idea of solving puzzles.. really great...


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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 17:36 Edited at: 9th Jan 2016 17:40

Thanks for feedback. Things are much better in real life. YouTube video doesn't always do justice.

Here are a couple of update screenshots for a little more clarity as the text is not as sharp as I would like.
I think I will present the binder at a larger scale. The binder will rise from the ground in different areas of the island with hints when required to explain
what the different puzzles might require.
In the actual game run you are able to get closer to the binder so the text is readable

Again thanks for the comments

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Posted: 9th Jan 2016 21:13
News flash:

Just received a copy of this email sent to me from a unknown whistle blower
This email begins to explain the existence of cogitate

Email sent to the Head of UNSUA

To: Universal Nations Secret Universe Agency
Attention: Director of Universe Search
Clasification: Urgent
Level: Top secret

Dear Mr ...

At our research facility, experimenting with new technology for locating earth-like planets,
something unexpected has happened. A hologram of a binder like object, accompanied by a few strange
sounds and violent shaking of the building, appeared in a supply closet.

The binder is in our language and the text says nothing about its orign. It only notes that it has been
lurking in space, awaiting an activation signal. The binder (It is refered to as a Jouanter) contains
diagrams to facilitate the construction of an "Object Transfer Device" plus the following message...

"Acquisition of this "Jouanter" affirms that you are the first intelligent life-form to attain the
technological expertise to activate this unit. Completion of the Object Transfer Device requires
activation without delay, as the energy source is finite."

I am sending this email to inform you of the existance of this device and to ask "What now?"
It appears we are not alone!"

Please instruct.

Signature here
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Posted: 11th Jan 2016 22:10
Looks very interesting.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 01:02
Thanks. Busy working on thunder accompanied by a lighting flash .. almost got it.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2016 02:29
I'm intrigued. I want to play it, but I am a little scared there will be puzzles which make me think all night and get no sleep! Hehe.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2016 02:52
The game reminds a little of Myst V visually, which is a good thing. What bothers me is that its not coherent. Some things, especially the terrain and foliage have this videogame-pseudo realism while the architecture is clearly stylized and just... it sticks out! A lot. If you don't want to redesign the plants and terrain, perhaps you could add some visual coherence with postprocessing filters?

I like this project and I'm looking forward to more.

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Posted: 14th Jan 2016 10:23
This project is coming together nicely M2, can't wait to see what you come up with next
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Posted: 14th Jan 2016 23:13 Edited at: 15th Jan 2016 00:00
Sorry about the downtime with posting. I had a few animation and scripting things to work out.

Your comment is on the mark and I take it seriously . As my brother-in-law would say " I'm ah think'n on it". My staff (consisting of me and my dog Beau Monde) will do a little storyboarding to flush out the background concept and the architectural aspects of the game. I'm looking for an Alice in wonderland effect for the world, a place full of things not quite ordinary. Side note: Beau monde has contributed very useful input in regards to the new thunder and lightning.

Keep the comments coming ...

Edit: The majority of the lua script work used in this video for the lightning flash was provided by smallg, a most prolific expert. If you can't get your script concept to work (give it try on you own first) contact him for help. I find having his help has put me on track for possibly creating my lua script from scratch. Credit also to Pirate Myke
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Posted: 16th Jan 2016 05:55 Edited at: 16th Jan 2016 15:36
Some screen shots of some possible graphic changes I'm kicking around...

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Posted: 16th Jan 2016 18:27
Not trying to be an unhappy camper, but your sunny island style was more appealing to me

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Posted: 17th Jan 2016 01:59 Edited at: 17th Jan 2016 02:01
Sunny is always possible ... as is sunset and or night time.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2016 08:23
The misty grey sky backdrop is atmospheric (oh) and moody , feels a bit ominous. But the bright blue sky approach might be what you're going for in that it feels more normal but the world actually isn't (like the prisoner TV series). Not sure . The clear blue was definitely more striking and immediately lifted my spirits when I saw these.
I like the concept very much and the title.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2016 19:08
Quote: "(like the prisoner TV series). "

I remember that . You and I and about twelve other fans might remember the series also...

You are right about the moody , really what I was looking for, the concept is that as the player wanders there will be hidden entities with scripts that will effect the atmosphere allowing the fog to lift in stages. I think I saw some LUA command that will allow this. Called the best of both worlds if it works.
I may take a crack at this soon. Back where the brain modification units are located and the game starts there will be no fog. When the player reaches the area where the water comes into view and the background sounds begin, the fog will be introduced, lifting in increments as certain areas are explored. May not work but we'll see.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2016 00:21
This is taking a while. Creating all the entities I required seems to take longer then expected. I think I have reached a point where I will concentrate on the puzzle parts and the required scripts to make things go into action.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2016 11:38
That is looking better and better,
I love the sky now, it fits more with the surrounding sound..
great work, looking forward to see more.


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Posted: 25th Jan 2016 12:14
Nice m2design!, a lot of work here.

WWW2 chars would be nice in that island, sometimes looks to me like Okinawa island.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2016 17:00

I appreciate the comments and everyone following the progress of cogitate. I am still fussing with models and textures, looking for that elusive image character, that ties everything together. Needless to say, not there yet.

Again thanks.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2016 04:44 Edited at: 4th Feb 2016 20:01
Have added a few new models to Cogitate...

The new tree of live building, where information about the lost people is displayed in a couple of books keep behind glass.

New (not yet furnished) engineering studio. Will have several rooms with a few animated working experiments. (Clues)
With help from several forum members I have at last got a handle on transparent glass.

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Posted: 5th Feb 2016 10:23
m2, this is looking great, love these types of games - to me, just shooting stuff just gets boring - look forward to visiting this world of yours!

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Posted: 5th Feb 2016 20:10
Thanks. It is a slow process. I think I have developed a "Lee" syndrome, so much to do, so little time to do it.
Keep checking in.
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Posted: 27th Feb 2016 23:08
For those who might be wondering why I haven't posted my regular updates on Cogitate for almost a month...
I have gone on a self imposed sit down strike. I just can't justify the time (at the moment) it will take to develop the concept to the graphic level I aspire until TGC converts to dx11 and includes a more realistic means to manipulate the "Y" coordinate in the terrain editing feature. It looks like these are not features that TGC has time for at the moment. (which I fully understand). I don't really have the time either, so I will lay low for awhile and devote some of my time to getting a handle on "LUA" scripting.

Thanks to everyone who has followed the progress to date. Cogitate will return when GameGuru has developed a little deeper.
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