I should preface this with I know I can sound critical but I really do enjoy this product and it's development (while not perfect) is still enjoyable enough for me.
All valid points. Though realistically from a business standpoint my understanding is their model is this:
1) get seed money from early backers (like myself)
2) sell some game engines, generally at a loss.
3) make money on the sales at the tgcstore.
It's not a bad model. But they're really limiting themselves if they aren't allowing new assets to flow INTO the store itself.
I realize they're trying to tread a fine line between new click and drag user and more advanced user but if they want more assets in the store (cough weapons cough) they need to open it up to be functional beyond the few they've provided.
That said it seems relatively easy to modify hitscan-based weapons. But projectile weapons are an effing nightmare.
The wiki is a neat idea and shouldn't need to be run by them. It just needs more content creators/editors.
Recently updated my review blog.