Your making it more complicated than it is.
It's actually very simple apart from creating the media itself and for a modeler isn't difficult, since only doors,drawers etc require this I intend to create these and make available as a pack or such. As I said above you could use an invisible limbed box which surrounds an entity or even a plane which the entity sits on if stock to trigger a pick up or over a light switch to turn off/on
You rely on modelers to create any of the media you use in your game this is no different really so I don't know why you mention it as a problem to you...unless you thought I was keeping this to myself
Take note of the fact that most of the media in the video is stock and this stuff is additional and sits nicely with it all.
All the entity's in the video use the same script and have the same bone naming, since limb detection relies on vertices attached to the bone there is no possibility of another being triggered even if right next to each other as can be seen with the drawers which are actually copies of a single drawer. For this only a single limb in the entity is required to do everything.
I do intend however to introduce this to characters using several limbs to swap out several different animations for progressive damage ,walk/limp/crawl etc (left foot hit then left foot limp). It is what limb detection is really for, I am just doing something different with it and much simpler
It isn't intended for headshots only in the long run.
The script also is very simple with activated =x as the only condition change to play open/close animations and turn off/on collision, it only relies on calling whatever you named the bone/limb. This is the line that triggers the actions (which can be anything)
if string.find(string.lower(g_Entity[e]['limbhit']), "head") ~= nil and g_Entity[e]['activated'] == 1 then
All the media in the video has two limbs and only one is assigned for limb hit. They are all called 'head' but could be named anything you want in the modeling app and named accordingly in the script.