Thanks for the Feedback, Myke,
yes it runs fine alongside GG, but remember that you need to SAVE a map from GG before DH can read contents altered in GG. I didn't see a difference whether I re-generated a map by executing "test map" or not, but saving is all important.
If you really should manage to get GG to read the same map in in the very short time that DH reads it, you may see strange Errors in GG, but this is really, really hard to achieve. This was the reason why I opted for automatic extracts; it is otherwise all too easy to
* open an .fpm with 7zip,
* extract the necessary files,
* look at it with DH,
* forget to Close 7zip
* try to load the fpm in GG and watch it vomiting over the file being open in 7zip.
Yeah, the user Interface... I know, the problem being that the gross map size of GG always amounts to 1024x1024.
I lost my development machine with its trusty 3840x2160 Resolution for almost 2 weeks all in all through a foolish nvidia Driver update which put it down to FULL HD Resolution only, and the attempt to revert to the previous Driver ended up in the necessity to reinstall the machine from scratch ,
Detaching the graphics window and making it borderless could help a little, but will make additional effort necessary
to be able to move the graphics window around.
A matter-of-fact solution for many cases would be to confine the graphics window dimensions to the net
x,y size of the map, i.e. (max_x - min_x) * (max_y - min_y) over all heightpoints with non normal height (600.0),
since it seems that only very few maps really cover the gross size.
Yet another option were to use zooming (not sure how to do that) or paging landscape parts under a smaller window.
But for the Moment, until some more users will test DH and possibly come up with real program Errors to fix, I will go back to the heightmap processor/importer and bring that in shape.
I already managed to get an fpm heightmap shown using OGRE3D as Terrain engine, (if still a bit distorted), thus short-cutting the cumbersome and lengthy "edit heightmap externally" - "convert it to GG Format" - "load it into GG" - "test game compile" - "find that you don't like it" -"go back to external editing" cycle.
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