My latest request for advice is on the use of object_property_name(e).
I am comparing its value to a string in an array;
if object_property_name[e]) == objtable17[1] then k=1 etc etc
both variables contain the string named --- Tree
However, GG is having none of it and returns a k of 0
If I run if object_property_name[e]) == tree then k=1 end --------k returns 0
If I run if object_property_name[e]) == "tree" then k=1 end --------k returns 1
However, If I run if objtable17[1] == "tree" then k=1 end --------k returns 0
but If I run if objtable17[1] == tree then k=1 end --------k returns1
So I cant compare them as ii am comparing "tree" with tree
I have looked at various String.format functions to no avail.
Can anyone offer some advice on my dilemma?