Hi, smallg. Thanks for your feedback
About the water height : Well spotted, smallg .

Since the waterheight seems to be a fixed value in GG, the overall terrain level height was altered, giving off the same effect as if the water Level had been altered.
About the blocky landscape:
First of all - like I said - it's shown here deliberately in its somewhat atrocious shape.
Yes, The blockiness may be removed using the blend tool, and all other GG Editor Tools likewise may still be applied,
but there are better ways,..
Second: this blocky landscape deliberately disregarded the triangles 3dsmax supplies with the heightmap data,
to actually achieve the "Minecraft" look. So, using the triangles will make the landscape look way more natural.
Third : I have my own Tools to achieve "de-blocking" in other ways for the whole map in one go (but why would one choose the blocky option in the first place

?. These Tools may also be applied to non-blocky landscape, as the Mars landscape shows, although that was not composed of blocks, unlike the other one..
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