Third Party Tools / Segment AutoWelder for GG v2.0

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 08:56 Edited at: 14th Jul 2017 12:11

Want to import FPSC X9/X10 segments/levels/prefabs and punch holes/weld objects and make new assets? The SegAutoWelder tool does exactly that. Please see below for more details. Current version is 3.6. The CSG punch/weld tool allows you to use either GameGuru or FPSC classic DBO/.X files.

*** UPDATE ***
***14Jul2017 -- new exporter program being implemented. This will allow the user to export out as .X (and later other formats). This works with animated skinned meshes and static objects. Reason for doing this is to allow user to be able to edit a human readable .X file and for me to be able to programatically change the "texturefilename = " parameters if they are incorrect e.g. .TGA ->.DDS if only the .DDS files exist.
The exporter will be added to the other tools where required and will later support other formats (or that's the intention at least)
***14Jun17-missing DLLs attached for 3.6 on page 24 for anyone didn't receive them ***
***SegAutoWelder version 3.6 now released - still some items to do but most on the original list on page 23 are now done ***
***24Feb2017-SegAutoWelder-updates currently being applied for v3.6, lot more improvement and features. AutoWelder development will also continue***
***30Dec2016-Autowelder progressing, introducing popupmenus for changing textures/meshes + CSG mesh (punch/weld) + other features***
***04Dec2016-Demo version of Autowelder being planned. Saves disabled or limited saves will be implemented in Demo. So anyone can play around with the program as it develops. Also, I really want to get the licensing feature in, which I would normally do in daily work but I've been lazy for the this project ***
***14Sep2016-currently working on segment functionality - new graphical buttons added to represent segment "parts" ***
***31Aug2016-extremely fast FPSC level code implemented into AutoWelder 1.0 (not 4.0) see page 19 for video demo***
*** 11July2016-Continuing development of version 4.0 of AutoWelder (dropping the Seg part) ***
*** 20May2016-DEFAULTHEIGHT parameter now added to FPE which replaces internal code that fixed sinking doors issue-thanks Lee
*** 20May2016-DYNAMIC ENTITIES NOW EXPORTED (1st draft release) ***
*** 22Apr2016: Working on Dynamic Entity Import for FPSC levels-making good progress so far-see posts on page 17***
*** Next major release will be 4.0 ***

****** DONATIONS WELCOME - go to ******
*** update - released 08Apr2016- doors can now be split or kept as 1 entity, DINS textures can be applied to all segments
*** including doors, export to X format (currently only for levels and static segments), fully textured. ***
*** update 26Mar2015 - Weapon Welder 1.0 released to all Welder purchasers for free - still loads to do ***
*** Welder to be released which sees a couple of fixes to the camera button image
*** for FPSC level and applied a fix to the "change texture" to correct user selected texture images
*** which now converts to .DDS format and saves to the GameGuru texture directory
*** Entity/character tool to be started shortly over this easter weekend + revisiting the
*** dynamic entity import for FPSC levels-hopefully LUA will be useful here....
*** Working On Weapon Welder - will be free for purchasers of Segment Welder ***
*** COMING TODAY 13MAR2016 for fixed version ***
*** 12Mar16: version now out. Now includes Segment Scaling option for all segments (including punched/welded segments) ***

*** 07Mar16: version now out, fixes to 3.5.7 including fixed "Sinking Doors" issue ***
*** version 3.5.7 released, which is updates made prior to GUI overhaul and includes the Segment Editor prototype 100x100 at the moment ***

*** next major update will be 3.6 (or 4.0) which will have the new GUI in place plus other features ***
*** Everything will be within 1 window ***
Other future plans include:
Activate other animated segments
Complete flexible Segment Editor
Weapon import
Entity import
Construction Kit
Texture X files

Fully tested on WinXp, Vista, Win7, Win8/8.1 and Windows 10. Works on both 32 and 64 bit machines.
***Windows 7/8/8.1/10 users: "Run as admin" must be selected prior to running and no need to set compatibility***
*** Free lifetime upgrades/fixes/support ***

*** Version 3.5.4 now finished (Official version). Users that have purchased will receive the new update along with the new official video guides ***
*** The guides are as follows: ***

SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 1-GUI
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 2-Setup
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 3-Single Segment
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 4-Doors
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 5-FPSC level and Prefabs import
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-CSG Punch and Weld Tool Part A
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-CSG Punch and Weld Tool Part B (Trap Door example in GameGuru-using "Single Segment" and "Punch/Weld" Tool)
--thanks to GPS from the TGC forums for providing the Trapdoor segment

***Free DEMO version is no longer available***
Current version can now be purchased on the GG Files page:

Please can I ask that you do not use work email addresses or any email address that begin with "info@", only personal email addresses as I have experienced the postmaster "undeliverable" issue several times now when these email addresses are used. Many thanks

*** Current Features ***
--Load FPSC segments and export into GG no manual labour, just point and click
--import animated doors for importing into GG [later the tool will handle other animated/punched objects e.g windows etc]
--Create/Load FPSC X9/X10 levels/prefabs into GG, no manual labour, just point and click. Your last built level auto detected. Fully textured
--Create zip file for saved GG Segments for uploading to the Store
--Take snapshots of your segments and choose BG color for GG thumbnails
--misc options include: Set FPSC/GG root paths; connects to social websites i.e. TGC forums, GG forums, FB, Twitter,linkedin
--integrated CSG punch/weld tool to punch holes or weld objects together. Saves out as .DBO and .X files.
-- Camera button added to preview windows for taking snapshots
-- FPSC level walkaround control improved. Camera can be moved up/down and user can use WASD keys to move around.
-- Single segment mode: textures can now be swapped and there are range gadgets to select the part(s) you want to apply the new texture to.
-- Single segment mode: user can view the part(s) that make up each segment prior to "welding".
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 12:14 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 12:15
Sounds very interesting, Looking forward to seeing more.

This will more then likely get moved to 3rd party tools.
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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 12:28
my apoligies, I realised it should have gone under 3rd party tools about an hour after posting
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 14:38
No problem. It is moved now.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 16:24
Bored of the Rings :

Hope this works out . I have done it the hard way and it's easy to forget something . The original FPSC Classic map editor was Great and bringing your AutoWelder to Guru would be a great addition .. It was nice to be able to punch holes thru walls for doors , windows and just put a blast hole thru .

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 17:40 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 20:08
Thanks Lance for your comments. The basics work really well and you don't have to do anything in GG, just start the program, select a segment FPS file, wait for it to build the segment; showcase and copy over to GG (it auto creates a basic FPE file for GG which the user can change later-another area I want to improve on), run GG and select the segment(s) and start building. I want the user to be able to select a whole directory and do all segments in one go, but wanted to get it working well for one segment first before adding code to do that. A user GUI front end will also be implemented at later date. I may put a short video here showing that it works, but there are a lot of ideas/functionality missing that I want to implement before releasing it.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 18:34 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 18:48
here is a short video showing the AutoWelder in action. Obviously, there will be fixes/improvements, GUI, bells and whistles to come later but the basic functionality works ok.
Also, for door punches etc ,these will not be included in the final segment. Currently, the whole segment is built based on the entire FPS specfication and at a later date the user will be able to have more control on part attachment etc....all being well.....

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 20:42 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 20:44
I watched the video and it's a good start . Much better that editing every line in an FPS file . I like it so far ...

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 20:52
@Lance- thanks again for your comments it will be greatly improved.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 22:45
Way to go Bored! Great job. Will you be working on a way to get whole levels from classic to guru? Where did all your video tutorials go on these boards? Can't wait to see more!
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 02:21
Very good. I like this
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 06:08 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 07:10
@seppgirty : yes, I will definitely be looking into implementing the exporting of fpsc levels into GG automatically. regarding the YT vids, I had problem with YT so took them off. I'll add these back at some point or you can pm me for a link if you would prefer.

[update- ok YT vids back on YT-you can search on YT e.g. GameGuru Mixamo or GameGuru FPSC etc]
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 23:51
Quote: "[update- ok YT vids back on YT-you can search on YT e.g. GameGuru Mixamo or GameGuru FPSC etc]"

Great. There is a ton of useful info in those videos. Thanks BOTR
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 07:04
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 17:23
Hey Bored this is a great idea!, keep an eye on it.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 18:51 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 18:54
@3com thanks - there will be gui front end with lots of options and other features , just need the time to get it all done but it's coming quite well
if anyone has any features they would like to see , please feel free to let me know. I think I will definitely include auto importing of FPSC levels and prefabs and user made prefabs etc.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 21:18
It would be nice if GG has some api, this might help a lot.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 23:33
It would be great if you could export a properly textured fpsc level out to .x, .obj, 3ds to work in other game engines. Are you going to be selling this through steam, tgc, on your own?
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 07:04 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2015 07:08
@3com- yes API would be great, some sort of ability to communcate with GG would be good, but TGC would have to implement this their end too so that 3rd party tools/apps can do this e.g. OLE automation etc, but I guess this is a long way off.
@seppgirty-the level exporter will be the next thing on my list once I iron out some minor bugs in the current version and I also will be adding GUI so the user can have more control. Hadn't thought about selling it through Steam, but it's a thought if I think it's good enough and worth selling.
How are you finding the manual way of exporting FPSC levels to GG using FPSC-2-AGK or don't you use it? I found GG has it's limits through the GG importer so it would be good to have the AutoWelder generate the .FPE/.BMP etc for the levels also although you can still manually create these without the GG importer.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 23:17
Quote: "How are you finding the manual way of exporting FPSC levels to GG using FPSC-2-AGK or don't you use it?"

Haven't played with GG for a while since it seems to be at a stand still right now. Been making a game in fpsc classic. Keeping an eye on this thread though. If you do sell this, please do it through TGC so it does not rely on steam. Keep up the good work.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2015 09:50
I must admit I'm still waiting for the GG update but still playing around with LUA and GG physics in between working on this app. FPSC editor is a great tool, I kinda preferred the FPI to LUA.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2015 14:46
This is looking really useful and will solve a tedious problem nicely, thanks for developing this
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2015 14:55
Hope you keep going with this Bored of the Rings.

Thought you'd 'legged it' from these forums for a bit there - pleased your back or haven't gone

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2015 17:12
no still here- had a family bereavement so was not feeling my best, but ok now.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2015 23:54 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:30
Now all we need is improved interior lighting
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Posted: 4th Oct 2015 20:00
I will probably release a trial version for user try/test once the GUI Version is completed and see what people think of it.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2015 01:13
Quote: "I will probably release a trial version for user try/test once the GUI Version is completed and see what people think of it."

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Posted: 5th Oct 2015 11:54 Edited at: 5th Oct 2015 16:40
ok, so with doors now, I have managed to do the "punching" of door frames/vaults/windows etc which is great. This should now allow me to create fully animated segment entities (fingers crossed).
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Posted: 5th Oct 2015 14:58
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Posted: 5th Oct 2015 17:16
This is sounding better and better every day now . Can't wait to try it out .

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Posted: 6th Oct 2015 13:56
This sounds great it seems to moving along fast would love this app it would be great for us non techies
who want indoor levels,
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Posted: 6th Oct 2015 15:15 Edited at: 6th Oct 2015 15:17
thanks all for your comments so far, much appreciated. Yes, I too don't want all outdoor levels in GG. As GG doesn't have the ability to 'overlay' segments like classic does, I will be implementing code that allows the user to "turn on/turn off" segment parts that they want or don't want. This will ensure that you can build your levels with all types of segment i.e. floor, floor+wall, floor+wall x2, floor+wall x2 + ceiling or any combination you want. Will see how that all pans out. I'm thinking that the user can achieve this by selecting/deselecting buttons that represent a segment part and then the user can preview what the final segment/animation (if applicable) will look like. All you will have to do in GG is select the segment you want and start building no files to create--well maybe just the odd tweaking to the auto generated FPE). So a lot of work ahead, but it's coming on quite well so far. fingers crossed this works out
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Posted: 7th Oct 2015 23:12 Edited at: 7th Oct 2015 23:26
just a quick update: made some good progress on the welder tool for GG. Ironed out some issues/minor bugs related to texture paths in the FPS files. Also there is a limit on the texture directory paths size when saving out in DBO format, but have some possible work arounds to resolve this.
Doors/Windows/Vaults etc now have their meshes "punched" and these will not be seen in GG (ignore the ones shown in the pics below-these are example/test segments only). User can choose number of parts that make up the segment (this will be expanded on so that individual parts can be included/excluded). At the moment GUI is fairly basic to get the tool to function correctly and does not represent the final product in any way. There are a lot of features/functions etc to be implemented e,g. the FPSC2GG level/prefab exporter which I did a tutorial on previously using DBPro program/FPSC-2-AGK. This feature will be much improved and the user won't have to do anything, just pick the level/prefab and export. Doors/Windows/Vaults etc will be animated and the prototype for this works well but not fully implemented yet.
I'm very excited about this as it means myself and other users can just go into FPSC classic, design a level or prefab and import into GG very quickly or import existing FPSC segments into GG. I also want to at a later date, add a segment editor to complement the existing ability to import the existing segments from FPSC model packs. Obviously, all this will take some time, but I will release a trial version as soon as most of the basic functionality is in place and works smoothly.
Will place updates here as frequently as possible.
Here are a couple of quick pics showing a cave segment from one of my favourite packs that was created by Kasseyus (Cavepack model pack), many thanks Kasseyus and GG screenshot of some of the segments and a fully working animated scifi door:

Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS, C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro, Purebasic, others
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 07:40
getting exited about this hope to get a trial asap
purchase def from me I own both classic and x10
and some other tools that went along with classic for segment
creation so making new segments and textures would be easy to import.
and as you say you can create in classic and import to GG would be great.
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 08:12
@devlin: thanks for your comments. I bought X10 and at the time my card was low low end and so it ran really slowly so I didn't use it , also I think I had dreaded windows Vista at the time. I must admit I'm flitting between GG and FPSC classic at the moment, classic because of the indoor level building. If only it were possible to "merge" them both together ha
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 10:00
@Bored of the Rings - Really an excellent job, I hope to see soon the finished work

I can not give advice because the work you're doing is already perfect.
The only thing .... Could you also to create a character and weapon converter?
The software I use? ... Autocad, sketchup, Spazio3D, pconplanner, Kerkythea, wings3d,, torque3d, AxixGameFactory, PD particles.......maybe blender
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 10:34
@Bisella- thanks for your kind comments, not sure about perfect yet but I am a perfectionist and aim to get things to perfection or as close too
Character and weapon converter-I will definitely look into that, for weapons I would probably need a better understanding of how they work in GG, I'm fine with the basics but there is quite a lot involved. Still these would be great tools to have, thanks for the ideas
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 10:45
I do not know anything of programming , but if you need help about graphics, I am at your disposal
The software I use? ... Autocad, sketchup, Spazio3D, pconplanner, Kerkythea, wings3d,, torque3d, AxixGameFactory, PD particles.......maybe blender
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 11:59
@Bisella, many thanks for the offer, very much appreciated. I have had a couple of offers with regards to graphics and GUI and will defintely keep these offers in mind. At the moment it's early days and will see how things progress and how complicated the UI becomes.
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Posted: 8th Oct 2015 15:31
ok man, if you need help let me know
The software I use? ... Autocad, sketchup, Spazio3D, pconplanner, Kerkythea, wings3d,, torque3d, AxixGameFactory, PD particles.......maybe blender
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Posted: 10th Oct 2015 13:26
Looking good BOTR. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to test her out.
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Posted: 14th Oct 2015 08:38
Am still working on the Welder tool, stumbled on some issues, but gradually ironing these out. As more code gets added, it get more prone to bugs/issues (minor). The tool now allows the user to select any part(s) they want and save out to a custom name e.g. for castlepack Banquet Hall, I made a floor, floor+wall, corner and other pieces and saved them out as different segment entities and tested them out in GG, works fine. The door segments are now saved out in 2 parts (at the moment), door animation and door frame (punched-even though GG doesn't use CSG-maybe I don't need the punch but works anyway). Works fine in GG after some little teething troubles.
Am looking into a way of saving the door parts as one object. Once I've got door,window,vault, lift etc parts working 100% and am happy with the results I will release a demo in it's current state. The GUI is fairly basic at the moment as I'm just getting the tool functionality to work correctly first, then worry about bells/whistles/cosmetics later (I may ask for help with this to those who have offered as I don't class myself as I GUI designer as such).
Obviously time is limited due to work commitments etc but am making good progress each day.
Will keep you updated and will send some pics/vids as soon as possible.

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Posted: 14th Oct 2015 12:15 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 14:32
Nice!!! Really happy with the progress! Thanks for keeping us up to date Bored of the Rings.
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Posted: 14th Oct 2015 14:19
great work looking forward to trying it out even with basic gui keep it going this tool could turn out better than you think,
concept is everything in game creation .
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Posted: 14th Oct 2015 14:41
thanks for the comments guys--the GUI will be vastly improved once I'm happy with the functionality
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Posted: 14th Oct 2015 21:50
Here is a video showing the Welder in action to date.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2015 09:06
Today I have made a start in changing the order of some processes e.g. allow the user to choose when to save and when to weld the segment rather than reading in the FPS file and welding straight away. Also added some quick code last night to search for the users possible drives so that it selects the correct drive (some users might use D: drive instead of C: drive) then either "Programs Files" or "Program Files (x86)" depending on whether the user is working with 64 or 32 bit windows.
Lots of tweaks and performance enhancement, then with everthing working like a charm, I will start adding features, most likely the FPSC level/prefab import/export as I really want this in place as soon as.
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Posted: 15th Oct 2015 13:52

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Posted: 15th Oct 2015 14:06

Looking good ,keep it up .
The segment builder 'tool' is still available (TGC website) and I believe can 'punch' thru a wall for a door or window . It's been a while since I used it .
1. Make your own segments
2. 'Autoweld' them together
3. Ready to go in GG

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Posted: 15th Oct 2015 14:21
@Lance-yes still have that I also not used it for a while it was a bit temperamental, but a good tool, I would like to do a more stable version. For the mesh parts I think some sort of image/thumbnail so the user can see what each part looks like ummmmm. so many ideas and so much coding to do ha.
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Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; LG TFT monitor (widescreen).
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