Hi all !
1) Teleportation is actually a pain for me with Gameguru.
I create 1 winzone in the map "world" in front of a cave, so when the player go to the cave, he is teleport to the map "cave".
I create 1 winzone at the cave entrance so player can go back to the world BUT when player is teleport to the map "world", he is on the marker "player start" and not in front of the cave.
How can i tell Gameguru "i want my player back in the exactly previous place". There is a way for saving x, y , z player ?
And other problem, all stuff player found in one map disappear in other map (same for monsters respawn when i don't want they respawn). For example, in the map "world" player find a sword. when he go to the cave map, the sword disappear (like all variables restart).
There is a way for saving stuff between maps ?
2) Transportinzone.lua do nothing.
I want my player go to "p2" when he enter (or push key) the "p1". So i create an entity, put name "p1", script "transportinzone.lua" and if used "p2".
After that, I create an entity call "p2" with name "p2", script "transportinzone.lua" and if used "p1" so player can go back to "p1". But again nothing happen ingame.
How works this script ?