To add a FIRESPOT in Animer, see if there is already an existing FIRESPOT. If there is, rename to something like "oldFS" or whatever. Then choose the limb where you want to add the new FIRESPOT e.g. right hand limb. Then go to the EDIT menu and select ADD FIRESPOT. You will see a window asking for ROTATION X,Y and Z and POSITION X,Y,Z. You can either experiment or use these that I have used in the past but may need modifying:
ROT X = -160.62
ROT Y = -81.86
ROT Z = 170.34
POS X = 1.75
POS Y = 0.09
POS Z = 1.64
Once added test it out by going to EDIT again and selecting "Glue GUN to Firespot". This will open a file dialogue box and ask you to select a .X file. Choose one of the VWEAP.X files in the GAMEGORE directory of FPSC or GameGuru.
When you play the animations, you will see how the gun or staff etc will look.
To unglue the GUN, got to edit again and select REMOVE GUN.
hope this helps, but you will need to exeriment positioning the FIRESPORT etc.
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; LG TFT monitor (widescreen). Wanting a new PC at some point.
Interests: Drumming, Saxophone, Art, Theatre, Music.