3rd Party Models/Media Chat / [Video Tutorial] Mixamo Fuse 1.3 models into GameGuru without having to mess with Skeletons -alternative method

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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 10:32
The problem i'm having in Fragmotion at the moment is i'm watching video tutorials but when I come to do it I can't find the options in the widgets, my widgets seem to be different to them, theirs have pulldown menus etc but mine have tree structures for the options, so i'm finding it hard to copy them.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 21:47 Edited at: 10th Dec 2015 21:55
I'm getting closer!

Still not quite got those vertices right though, this is tough!
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 22:45
ah yes much better, it's really difficult but you are getting there. good stuff
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Posted: 10th Dec 2015 23:13
I'm pleased with my progress, I know I won't do it in one session and it will take a while to get it right, and to be honest I wish I could use the rigs from mixamo, but it seems i'm still limited to 3DS if we want that as UU3DP doesn't seem to work for me at all. Whenever I try to use it to do the process Animer tells me there are multiple bones named the same and crashes while it tries to fix it
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 00:11
I've almost got it! Something odd with the legs though.

This was actually using mixamo to autorig and UU3DP to export as .cob then using frag to export as .x ... so close!

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 06:52
For the multiple bones, you can either rename the bones which will take ages in FM or other package, or put it through meshview or select add root inFM when exporting out, this if I remember resolved that issue but again it's been a few months but worth a try
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 07:51 Edited at: 11th Dec 2015 07:53
Yeah I though I might have to do that. No problem there, once it's rigged and renamed I can keep it saved and se it as a template.

Any idea why the legs are animating wonky like that? I've checked the bones and they all look like they're in the right place.

Also, it's not showing the staff, I assume it's because I don't have a separate hotspot, I just linked it to the hand bone because it was a quick test.

Bonus is though, even If I don't get it working right, he stands still and idles fine, so I can always use him as a quest giver, or a static flavour npc.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 07:57
Just a thought, when i'm aligning the bones i'm aligning them to centrally to the limb, should I be putting the ends of the bones (joints) closer to the actual joint. ie for the knee put the end of the bone almost on the surface of the model at the knee cap?
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 09:34
the wonky limbs is something to do with the wizard animations and how the legs are animated.. You can modify these in Animer (straightening the legs) or try another skeleton if you not happy with the legs.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 09:42 Edited at: 11th Dec 2015 09:43
Quote: "the wonky limbs is something to do with the wizard animations and how the legs are animated.. You can modify these in Animer (straightening the legs) or try another skeleton if you not happy with the legs. "

Ah, good to know, so technically I actually have an almost perfect import (minus the firespot), it's the wizards anims that are wonky, good to know, i'll try it with a soldier tonight.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 10:00
One thing I have noticed, and is probably one of the reasons I had so many issues with importing, when you save the file from each piece of software you need to save it as a separate file under a different name each time and not just overwrite the original, for some reason (especially in MeshView) if you overwrite the original it doesn't always save correctly.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 10:37
Meant to mention you can add FIRESPOT in Animer and also "Glue" a gun or other object to that FIRESPOT.
Just remember if you don't use the wizard model and you use the soldier (e.g. masked soldier.x) then the animation frames will be different, so the FPE would need updating. This may actually be in my videos but can't remember. Once I've finished the tool Im working on I'll be going back to this and other stuff.

In meshview, it doesn't auto add the .X suffix which is annoying so I always name my files e.g. wizardMV.X or wizardFM.X so I know where the model came from.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 11:15
Quote: "Meant to mention you can add FIRESPOT in Animer and also "Glue" a gun or other object to that FIRESPOT."

Sorry to keep asking for advice, I want to learn this so much, would you be able to explain (preferably step by step) how to do this? Especially the glue thing. Thanks very much for your help, it's very much appreciated.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 13:21
no problem at all, I will see if I can either find one of my videos that explain the FIRESPOT or quickly do another one tonight after work, it's straightforward. There is also documentation with Animer that explains the FIRESPOT too. The Glue Gun is only temporary and doesn't get saved out but helps to see how your "gun" looks whil the animations are playing and if it is positioned correctly.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2015 22:54 Edited at: 11th Dec 2015 22:55
I DID IT!!!!

It looks like the legs I used on the policeman model are just broken, I can't seem to fix them, but another model I generated works perfectly. Oh well i'll avoid using those legs next time

All I need to do now is work out how to add a firespot and it's all jam

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Posted: 12th Dec 2015 12:42
There you go. Looks like a few more characters and your work flow for you will be done.

Practice does pay off.
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Posted: 12th Dec 2015 13:05
To add a FIRESPOT in Animer, see if there is already an existing FIRESPOT. If there is, rename to something like "oldFS" or whatever. Then choose the limb where you want to add the new FIRESPOT e.g. right hand limb. Then go to the EDIT menu and select ADD FIRESPOT. You will see a window asking for ROTATION X,Y and Z and POSITION X,Y,Z. You can either experiment or use these that I have used in the past but may need modifying:

ROT X = -160.62
ROT Y = -81.86
ROT Z = 170.34
POS X = 1.75
POS Y = 0.09
POS Z = 1.64

Once added test it out by going to EDIT again and selecting "Glue GUN to Firespot". This will open a file dialogue box and ask you to select a .X file. Choose one of the VWEAP.X files in the GAMEGORE directory of FPSC or GameGuru.

When you play the animations, you will see how the gun or staff etc will look.
To unglue the GUN, got to edit again and select REMOVE GUN.

hope this helps, but you will need to exeriment positioning the FIRESPORT etc.
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Posted: 12th Dec 2015 13:06
Yeah, i'm really happy

Just a little peeved the policeman model doesn't work very well with the wizrard anims, for some reason even after recreating him from scratch the anims mess up just for him, I think it must be the leg parts from fuse, i'll have to look into other legs for him
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 12th Dec 2015 13:08
You can use Animer of other animation package to straighten the legs or use another model and edit the FPE with a new set of anim frames
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Posted: 12th Dec 2015 14:15
Yeah I tried straightening the legs in UU, but it just didn't change anything. I remade him in FUSE with different legs and now it works perfectly, I think somethings corrupt with their leg model.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2015 16:47
Only one issue now. Not sure why but when I import into animer it kind of squashes them just a tiny bit, note on the female model she has quite wide hips? Well the original is tall and slim, any idea why that happens?
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Posted: 13th Dec 2015 22:57
Starting to animate with style ... gangam style ...

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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 23:43
Hi guys, I really need some help with this. I've worked out how to get the characters into GG, however I'm stuck at one single point, I just can't get the base pose right so when they import into GG the animations are off, I just don't have a good enough eye for posing.

If I provide a t-posed character in .x format, would somebody who has a better eye than me be able to pose it in animer (masked soldier base pose please) and list the rotation/location details for each limb for me so I can do it right myself on other characters?
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Posted: 11th Jan 2016 22:28 Edited at: 11th Jan 2016 22:29
Thanks for the videos and posts. Seems quite complex. But I will give it a go.

Bored of the Rings, it says your video links are private and I can not view them.
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Posted: 15th Jan 2016 15:46
Hi all-videos should be accessible now-I was going through my "do I need to update this video?" process..... I will most likely at some point update these as some of my early ones may be out of date with the latest GameGuru version (possibly) but hopefully they work ok.
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