Third Party Tools / StyleGuru

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Posted: 28th Jul 2015 14:46
One thing that would be cool be able to browse to a wav or ogg file for your Main screen music ....
is that possible ?
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Posted: 28th Jul 2015 15:42
I never excercise how this works. But I set it on my list for the next weeks. If it is not to deep in GG, it will be possible I think.
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Posted: 25th Nov 2015 11:14
@Sanguis : StyleGuru is pretty cool, please email me at if you would like to move further with this project as I think it has awesome potential!
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Posted: 25th Nov 2015 11:42
Thanx Lee .

I will continue this, when the DirectX update is done in GameGuru. I will mail you my questions regarding copyright things.
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2015 09:11
Thanks for it
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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 13:49 Edited at: 20th Dec 2015 13:51
Hello everyone,

I've got a little Christmas present for you. I updated StyleGuru to version 0.4.
New things are an Icon Changer and new Backgroung Graphics I added to the StyleGuru Designer.

So you can change the icon of your GameGuru Game exe file very easy. You'll find the icon changer in "Tools Menu" from StyleGuru.

Some of the Background Images I added to the Designer, are in HD. This can cause a longer loading time, when you start the Designer. Some of the Images I made myself, some not. But I cleared all questions regarding copyright things. So you can use the images in StyleGuru and in your GameGuru Games.
Please don't forget that you can customize the background images in StyleGuru Designer to have your individual Game Screens .

As every version before, you can download StyleGuru for free here:
or here:

On [href][/href] I added a PayPal Donation Button. StyleGuru is and will ever be free. If you want to donate a little bit for my work, use this button and define the amount by yourself .

Next version will come after directX upgrade of GameGuru. I will try to integrate some of the music staff.

Merry Xmas!
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Johno 15
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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 17:48
Thank you Sanguis! Much appreciated, merry Xmas to you too
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Posted: 20th Dec 2015 20:23
Fantastic ...Thank You ....
Merry Xmas !!
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Posted: 27th Dec 2015 22:16
thats awesome, thank you

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Posted: 6th Feb 2016 17:09
Hi everyone,

what's your opinion about integrating a little ScriptGenerator in StyleGuru?
Just for basic Textmessage Scripts. Something like the Screenshot I atteched and of course a little bit more advanced (with panelbox or background image).

Let me read what you think .

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Posted: 6th Feb 2016 19:08
That would be an excellent addition to your project .
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Posted: 7th Feb 2016 19:03
Sounds like a great idea
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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 17:41
Go for it ... Sounds a great idea !!
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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 18:10
would be a good idea
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Posted: 8th Feb 2016 18:24
Ok, I'm doing it. I wasn't sure because of anyone who is selling scripts in GG Store could not like it.
But this are only basic scripts. I don't will copy any really advanced script.

Btw... I don't know if the music staff could be added in StyleGuru. The Problem is, I'm hearing impaired. So it's very difficult to test it for me by coding.
But, if anybody has a script ready for things like Backgroundmusic, I can add it to the script generators.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2016 23:33
I would have it as a separate program with the possibility of making it "ScriptGuru" to make a fully fledged script editor / creator.

just a thought.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2016 15:10

it's a great idea! After mailing with Lee, I will wait to next version, to see how big the changes are.
The Storyzone Scriptgenerators are ready at the weekend, I think. At this time there are not enough different Script Generators. So it will stay in StyleGuru. But, if there are much more over the time, I transfer them in another program. It's a question of overview, I think.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2016 19:06
Due some personal reason I get the new StyleGuru not done this week.
But most is ready. Just a little converting jpg images you can create for storyzones to png files. That's a small step when having more time .

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Posted: 19th Feb 2016 16:50
Hi everybody,

version 0.5 is ready to download.
I fixed some really small bugs in the icon changer section and in the designer.
There are new 3 Generators to generate little LUA Scripts for you. They all can be used to show a message ingame on the screen. Just need a Storyzone and link it with the generated Script. Than you can show only Text, Text in a Panel or text with BackgroundImage.
I attached some Screenshots, that you can imagine better.

The download can be find here:

And of course again at

Hope you like it.
Have fun

Alienware 17R3 Laptop - Win10 - 16GB Ram - NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 980M - Intel® Core™ i7-6820HK


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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 19th Feb 2016 17:13
many thanks Sanguis-will try this out
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2016 20:06
Fantastic .... Great work Sanguis
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 29th Feb 2016 13:01 Edited at: 29th Feb 2016 17:25
Hello everybody

Version 0.6 of Styleguru is ready for download.
I was thinking to wait till the new GameGuru Version is out of Preview. But I saw that many of you are using this Preview, so I want to give you a StyleGuru Version that works with it.

One of the biggest changes for StyleGuru is, that the generated screens are no longer jpg. GameGuru changed everything to png. It's great for better quality I think. Anyway, this means that StyleGuru have to change this.

Another big change is the switch from hardcoded Screens to Lua, of course. Now, when you make your own stylefolder, it's not enough to generate the Screens in Resolution Folders. You need some more Files. StyleGuru can copy this needed files directly from default stylefolder to your new stylefolder. In this step, StyleGuru automaticly is changing all related LUA files with your new stylefolder path. So you don't need to do this. Just generate the screens, copy over needed files, change your "style.txt" to point your new stylefolder and everything is done.

If you want, you can even change the in game cursor for all menu screens. I added a CursorChanger section to the "Tools" menu.

So the changes are:

- Generated Screens as png instead of jpg
- Copy needed Files from default stylefolder to your new stylefolder
- Change path in LUA Scripts
- In Game Cursor Changer

You can download StyleGuru 0.6 here: StyleGuru

or here:

Have fun with it

Much Greetings,
Alienware 17R3 Laptop - Win10 - 16GB Ram - NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 980M - Intel® Core™ i7-6820HK


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Posted: 1st Mar 2016 08:12
Thank you. Very, very cool. Saving the bacon of all those of us that have little scripting talent..
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Posted: 1st Mar 2016 12:57
Thanks, good to read .
That is my thought behind StyleGuru. Helping to make the easy Gamemaker more easy ^^.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2016 12:45
Very nice, thank you.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2016 13:38
Excellent work . Thanks ...
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Posted: 12th Mar 2016 01:21
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 12th Mar 2016 07:09
been playing around with this, great tool, many thanks
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Posted: 13th Mar 2016 17:18
Very Nice will have a play Thanks.
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2016 19:47
Just downloaded and will give it a try soon. I've always felt that a custom Intro and HUD are the most important assets to make your game feel unique. I'm happy that this software offers these.
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Posted: 15th Apr 2016 11:39
For everybody that is using an own style folder: Please don't forget to copy the "needed" files again and set your mousecurser new (if you wish). The last GG update has brought some new/changed scripts and assests, for displaying save/load in the menu.
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Posted: 19th Apr 2016 00:38
Wow! Very impressive! Nice work. Thank you!

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