Product Chat / GameGuru MAX Live - Broadcast #24 Answers

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Posted: 16th Dec 2020 17:24
Hi All,

Here is the final live broadcast of 2020:

And here are your answers from the live chat:

Q> Will game guru max have support in any way for haptics?
A> No immediate support, but we are doing game controllers so could be added.

Q> How will the reloading work in gg max vr will it have animations or it will be a physics like?
A> It will be more physics than animation in VR.

Q> Any updates on grass?
A> We still have to do grass movement, but we are close.

Q> Will GameGuru Max be released in 2021?
A> There is no confirmed release date right now for MAX.

Q> Will it phone home, when starting every time, will it work offline ?Additionally pause updates or roll back updates?
A> You can use GameGuru MAX offline

Q> Is there a chance to have a main menu editor like you know we had for the FPSC X9 one. do you think will get one maybe?
A> You will have a menu editor in MAX!

Q> You could add a feauture that when a guy will reload he would shout somethiung like reloading or im out?
A> This is not planned, but we have a logic system in design which might be able to do this.

Q> Will we have community maps again or a comp or two?
A> A competition for MAX levels is a good idea, we should do that in 2021.

Q> Dynamic bone or particle based hair?
A> It will probably be boned baed physics for hair and cloth.

Q> Will you manage to upload FPSC X9 maps to gameguru cause that seems like a good idea?
A> No plans to support FPSC in MAX.

Q> On the topic of OpenXR - What forms of VR locomotion will be bundled with GameGuru Max by default?
A> We are supporting old school joystick movement and the new teleport system.

Q> Lee when you get home from work, what video games have you been playing?
A> Latest game I am playing is Half Life Alex (in VR).

Q> Will gg max have anti cheat in multyplayer?
A> No thoughts on the multiplayer at this stage.

Q> Can you put in death throes and screaming and death rattles and severed limbs?
A> If you can import these assets then you can use them in MAX.

Q> Will I be able to create games on other platforms or will it run under Windows only with GameGuru MAX?
A> No plans to support other platforms.

Q> Will the base AI be improved because when an enemy kills me they just end up running into a wall or not reacting when I shoot them?
A> Yes we plan to improve AI significantly through a new visual logic system.

Q> What are you going to eat for Xmas, beer doesnt count?
A> Moussaka

Q> Is there a chance to get some new stuffs for GameGuru MAX and even brand new features like. Weapon creator. Sagment Editor?
A> No plans to add a weapon creator or revive the Segment editor at this time.

Q> Will the loading times between levels in a Standalone, built, game be improved?
A> We will be looking to optimize the loading between levels.

Q> How will the network play be organized? How many players will be supported?
A> No more details on multiplayer right now, we are focused on the single player aspects.

Q> Will in MAX be more options for blood decals and animations?
A> We will be favoring particle effects over decals, though you can still have animated decals for backwards compatibility.

Q> People have you also lost reflections on the landscape in the new versions of game guru classic?
A> If you find a bug in Classic, report it to the issues board, thanks!

Q> Will gg max support finishers like in doom 2016 and doom eternal?
A> Not sure what finishers are, perhaps you can provide details below.

Q> Will Game Guru Max have the ability to add custom shaders to customize the look of our games?
A> No plans to have custom shaders in MAX at the start, we want to control the visual quality of the games.

Q> Will gameguru max have a way to import heigthmaps?
A> There are no plans to import height maps at the moment, but it is a good idea.

Q> Will there better monster ai in GameGuru MAX. becuase right they keep running in to walls and they stopping and moving and stopping again?
A> We will be improving the AI and pathfinding in MAX.

Q> Will there be support for the Oculus Quest 2 in some way shape or form in Game Guru Max?
A> No support for platforms other than Windows 10, though you can use the Oculus Link to run MAX games on Quest and Quest 2

Q> What's the latest build?
A> The latest builkd is beta 3 but will be renamed in 2021.

Q> What program would you recommend for us to use for cut scenes?
A> I have no recommendations except good video editing software.

Q> Will I be able to change the accuracy of ai?
A> Yes you can control the accuracy of the shooting of enemy AI.

Q> Will the editor be scriptable? For example: Editor extensions?
A> No firm plans for plugin support within the editor, but we have been talking about the idea.

Q> Does api of gameguru classic and gamguru max is different?
A> We create our own engines for both, and each have differences. Classic uses our own graphics engine and MAX uses the Wicked Engine.

Q> Will there be options button in the main menu editor?
A> Yes you can have an options menu in the standalone games which you can edit.

Merry Christmas and see you in 2021!
GameGuru Classic will continue to be supported with bug fixes and functionality additions.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2020 18:11
merry xmas, enjoy your break
lua guide for GG
windows 10
i5 @4ghz, 8gb ram, AMD R9 200 series , directx 11
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 17th Dec 2020 06:36 Edited at: 17th Dec 2020 12:50
Quote: "Will you manage to upload FPSC X9 maps to gameguru cause that seems like a good idea?"

Can already be done using my Autowelder tool v2.6 under third party tools. Will release soon. Works with Max and classic. Works with FPSC segments (which you can modify), Prefabs, Weapons and Entities. there is also a WIP FPI->LUA converter.

Segments(edited) from FPSC ported over to GGMAX (AW v2.6)

as GGMAX develops, will make updates where necessary.
App is FREE at this time
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Posted: 17th Dec 2020 21:00

I am very happy to hear the plans to enact an updater, specific to the newest
version-- and that afterwords, TGC MAX CAN be ran OFFline--!
so personally that's how I will be ordering it.

With all these video updates on Youtube showing MAX development + UI,
MAX Steam page looks to still be old GG/ VRQuest. A new MAX Steam page
// no matter the release date// might give everyone @Steam MAX a little cheers?!?
Color! Please add a colorful video (haha). A snow scene might be cool!

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Posted: 25th Dec 2020 09:14
Quote: "Q> Will gameguru max have a way to import heigthmaps?
A> There are no plans to import height maps at the moment, but it is a good idea."
That's would be a nice addition.
Laptop: Lenovo - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1005M @ 1.90GHz

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