Third Party Tools / DarkPaint for the test at the moment.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 19:26 Edited at: 20th Jul 2016 21:39
This application is not complete.
There are some bugs and broken functionality. I'll be grateful if there is no attacks in my address. I wrote it for my own purposes, and I do not have finished describing all its options but I will help complement the post below. I was simply asked to share this app.

The archive application is used, not all library materials, I'll post it later and add a description of how to add it to the app.
This post will be edited and the next too, so write considering that the first and the second message of this thread will change.

Well, that's archive - Download link - File size 112MB
Small updated version ( Simply replace the file) - Download link blocked - File size 7MB - 19.07.2016
Next update ( Simply replace the file) - Download link - File size 7MB - 20.07.2016

The archive contains 3 separate applications required to work DarkPaint. (BOXTEXT.exe , IconSHot.exe , POCH.exe)
Do not run them please, it's just not necessary. They launched themselves from DarkPaint while using various functional.

Attention !
I am a long time did not look into the project this app today and made a few mistakes that I corrected in the near future. In the current state of the application is not running in full functionality and posted here for your reference. (Temporarily)

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 19:27 Edited at: 20th Jul 2016 21:33
(Sorry for my English. It is not my native language.)
The application created to edit textures directly on the object.


Look at the a view control.
Right-click you choose the point around which you rotate the camera. The camera type automatically committed to the selected point. Do not releasing the right mouse button you can rotate the camera, further pressing the left mouse button you can move on the surface of the object.
Hold down at the wheel of the mouse you can move the camera relative to the current view by moving the mouse (left-right, up-down)

Load project (not work now)
Save project (not work now)
Import object - ( .X ) or ( .DBO )
Export object and texures for use in GG . Not full functionaly.
Mode on and off.
Used to cancel operations on texture. It does not work with UVmapping. When enabled by pressing Ctrl + Z cancels up to 20 the last action with the texture.

Right panel material.
When you first start, all the materials panel slots to fill standard gray material.
For the choice of material is enough to click the left mouse button on one of the seven slots.
To change the material in the slot you need to double-click on the slot to open the panel, select the material.

Is possible to draw only on selected polygons object without affecting the the rest , so it is possible and on the contrary, to draw only on the not selected polygons.
Press SPACE key - and drive the mouse on the object to select polygons.
Press SHIFT key - and drive the mouse on the object to deselect polygons.

Left mesh paint select

- This mode allows you to draw a triangle on the selected and not selected. Double click the left mouse button - a choice of discards triangles or selects all triangles of the object.
- This mode allows you to draw only on the selected polygons.
- This mode allows you to draw only on the nonselected polygons.

A little bit later.

A little bit later.

There are several functions working with the keyboard, а little bit later.
Description will be complemented.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 19:49
Many thanks for taking the time OldPMan , I'm sure people will find this interesting.Out of interest why did you stop developing this ,it looked really cool in the video you put up.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 20:02
I did not have enough time to continue the project, too lacking in a given time. I will gradually return to the project. For corrections and adding functionality.
But I ask, did not expect too much.
Now I'll edit the second post of this thread to describe the application.

And yet, laid out app now works in windowed mode, the small size, but I already have a change for the deployment of the entire screen, so I will soon replace the file and let you know about the change.
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 20:18
Quote: "And yet, laid out app now works in windowed mode, the small size, but I already have a change for the deployment of the entire screen, so I will soon replace the file and let you know about the change."

Cool,thank you OldPMan .

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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 21:07 Edited at: 19th Jul 2016 21:08
I replaced the file. Now the application is opened on the entire screen and does not ask you about the desired resolution.

Attention !
I am a long time did not look into the project this app today and made a few mistakes that I corrected in the near future. In the current state of the application is not running in full functionality and posted here for your reference. (Temporarily)
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Posted: 19th Jul 2016 21:57
Quote: "I replaced the file. Now the application is opened on the entire screen and does not ask you about the desired resolution.

Attention !
I am a long time did not look into the project this app today and made a few mistakes that I corrected in the near future. In the current state of the application is not running in full functionality and posted here for your reference. (Temporarily)"

No problem OldPMan .

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Posted: 20th Jul 2016 10:09
Thank you very much Oldpan, this is very much appreciated, i'll be having a play around with it over the weekend. I've tried software that does similar, things like substance painter and similar, but I've always found them to be a: far too expensive, and b: far too complicated, for me. Looking at the video DarkPaint might be perfect. Personally if I were you I would try to finish it up to a retail standard and stick it on steam greenlight, i'm almost positive it would be very well received and possibly make you a good chunk of cash

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Posted: 20th Jul 2016 10:37
Played around with this last night, looks really good still finding my way around, the video is great. Very useful tool, thanks for sharing.
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Posted: 20th Jul 2016 21:54
Guys, thank you for the replies, but do not rush. Ahead still long road.

A little added description.
Added update. (Previous blocked)
Now save and load per channel of textures DRAW-VIEW panel is working properly.
The stamp no longer disappears when you change the brush size.
By the way, to select the stamp, double-click the left mouse button on the button Stamp
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2016 21:59
this app looks very promissing interresting, if we can export after the model with textures directly to GG thats perfect
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Posted: 12th Aug 2016 13:34
Nice please dont stop.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2016 13:59
imothep85 , JackalHead , Thanks for the tip.

Exports to the GG will be made immediately after changing the shader and processing technology specular.
I'm not really in a hurry to develop. I'm more concerned with modeling. When there is time, I get distracted by a few in the application.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2016 15:48
I love this software man. Been able to paint normals directly etc. Theres so much that could be added and fixed, but as it sits its nice. If GG had this added to it as a built in fuction it would be one of the best game engines out there.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2016 06:33
This is just great. Things I would love to see added would be..

A color swatch with skin tones etc

The ability to just export your texture normal maps etc.

Mouse over button info

The Ability to import .obj format

The option to just paint normal map under the texture. Be great for adding wrinkles etc

Alpha brushes: veins, hair bolts etc.

Keep up the great work
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Posted: 13th Aug 2016 07:29
Hi JackalHead.
Excellent observations. This gives me the opportunity to build on the development plans.
It will not be fast, but it will be done.
Thank you.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2016 13:49
Np man, I would also love to see the ability to paint texture with mirror and paint through to other side. Forgot to add those.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2016 20:34
Quote: "Np man, I would also love to see the ability to paint texture with mirror and paint through to other side. Forgot to add those."

I understood. I took note.

Quote: "You have to have two models. low poly and high poly. You bake highpoly onto low poly to get your tangent space normal map, ambient occlusion map, spec map etc. This would be a better addon for Dark paint. Also I forgot to mention. Dark Paint doesnt care for windows 10. I had to do compat mode etc trying dif settings to get it to work. Still seems to run slow though. Expecialy when painting with a larger brush or line tool. Also is there a way in DP to resize the texture for your brush? Not just brush size. Thanks P."

Regarding Windows10. I have not tested on this operating system.
Regarding the baking of the model, I understand what you mean. I do not think that this will be realized in the foreseeable future.
Regarding the symmetry painting . this is what is possible in the near future.
Drawing a large brush, yes, it slows down the application, especially if the backup enabled.
Comment. The larger the size of the texture, the slower the processing. There is work to do to improve performance. The optimal size of the texture during application startup 1024x1024.
The size of the texture with the aid of which the painting with a brush, it should be implemented. At first I did not want to do that, but reconsidered my decision.

Thank you for your comments , JackalHead.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 10:50
@ OldPMan
Nice and useful tool you are running here! thanks fo sharing.

I take some time left today for give a try, and I've some issues when try to import X file.

Just as info purpose :

What I did so far :

Try texture 2048x2048 and 512x512 sizes.
Try animated and non-animated mesh (X file)
Try running as and non-admin

Both I got the above error.
Also get app closing when press minimize icon.

Quote: "Regarding Windows10. I have not tested on this operating system."

I'm running windows 10 (specs in my sig)
App run as normal, problem coming just when try to import X files.

X file does no have problems, it is done in Max, even I've opent it in ASSIMP, and it works ok.

Thanks again for all.


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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 12:58
Hi 3com ! Thank you for your time spent on the test and the error description.

Not assured or confident that the problem is in your model.
Looking at the screenshot, I understand that there is an error in the first OBJECT CHECKER. Then DarkPaint can not load a model that is not verified in the OBJECT CHECKER.

How many polygons in the model?
Although, I do not think that the problem is the number of polygons. Based on an error in line 61 indicated in the first screenshot, the problem when program save to disk object that you are importing. The fact that the OBJECT CHECKER first loads the object , makes it a block of memory and then from memory block creates a mesh and checks, and then saves mesh to load DarkPaint.
This is where the error occurs. When program is saving the model to the HDD .

If you could, would send me your model via PM , something I could see what the program breaks at work, I was-would be very grateful.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 13:59
Quote: "How many polygons in the model?
Although, I do not think that the problem is the number of polygons."

It sounds like the issue, since I've try with just a missil X file, and it works.

Scifi vehicle model is high poly, cause, I'm working texture over high poly firts, so when I'm confortable with, so I plane to add this texture to the lowpoly model, is when I decide to give a try to your app.

Still app closing when press minimize button, it is normal behaviour?

At the moment I'll continue with my models, and trying to understand how your app works, when possible (not hollyday here for me), meantime you fix/add some features.

I'm willing to wait, does not matter how long it takes, or till where you can develop the app.

Awesome work, thanks again.


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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 14:39
Oh, I forgot about the minimize button.
The function of this button, the application must be minimized to tray and hiding from the dashboard. By clicking on the icon in the tray , the application should be to turn around.
Perhaps in Windows10, this function does not work properly. See tray.
If the application icon is not there, look in Task Manager may process is active.
Do not have high hopes for the app, you'll see a lot of defects. Is regarded as a test , thanks.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 15:02
It is already in task mgr, but does not in my taskbar (tray).

Quote: "Do not have high hopes for the app, you'll see a lot of defects. Is regarded as a test"

Ya! I hope so, maybe Windows10 compatibility issues.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 15:20

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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 17:28
Quote: "maybe Windows10 compatibility issues"

Or maybe an inattentive user, me!

You are right, I had missed that arrow.


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Posted: 14th Aug 2016 17:45
That's good. One error less.
In fact, you are not the first who have not found application after minimize.
I made such a minimization because my taskbar is always packed to capacity.
I apologize for the misunderstanding.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2016 20:03
I'm getting exactly the same issues as 3Com, it just crashes with the runtime error whenever I try to import a .x file

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Posted: 28th Aug 2016 20:24
Hi Belidos !
How many triangles in your model ?
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Posted: 28th Aug 2016 21:00 Edited at: 28th Aug 2016 21:04
I've tried it with complex objects with up to 10000 tris and I've tried it with a simple box with 12 tris and various models in between, all .x files are throwing up this error for me

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Posted: 28th Aug 2016 21:49
Could you send me one of the objects that you are trying to import , and if possible, the parameters of the software set export settings from.
Sorry for my bad english.
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Posted: 28th Aug 2016 23:51
I've managed to get it working now, had to set it to XP sp3 compatibility mode.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2016 00:27
on Win10 ?
Probably need to indicate in the description about compatibility issues.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2016 00:29
Yes i'm on Windows 10

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Posted: 29th Aug 2016 08:12
worked ok on my windows 10 but I always make sure run as admin is ticked in the icon properties.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2016 08:52 Edited at: 1st Oct 2016 09:00
Will test this out sometime soon myself but agree with what was said about steam greenlight for this, a 3d painting program within Indie budget Price I.e: $20 or less would be highly sought after I think. Even if you just asked for donations to keep making this I would gladly donate
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