Want to import FPSC X9/X10 segments/levels/prefabs and punch holes/weld objects and make new assets? The SegAutoWelder tool does exactly that. Please see below for more details. Current version is
3.6. The CSG punch/weld tool allows you to use either GameGuru or FPSC classic DBO/.X files.
*** UPDATE ***
***14Jul2017 -- new exporter program being implemented. This will allow the user to export out as .X (and later other formats). This works with animated skinned meshes and static objects. Reason for doing this is to allow user to be able to edit a human readable .X file and for me to be able to programatically change the "texturefilename = " parameters if they are incorrect e.g. .TGA ->.DDS if only the .DDS files exist.
The exporter will be added to the other tools where required and will later support other formats (or that's the intention at least)
***14Jun17-missing DLLs attached for 3.6 on page 24 for anyone didn't receive them ***
***SegAutoWelder version 3.6 now released - still some items to do but most on the original list on page 23 are now done ***
***24Feb2017-SegAutoWelder-updates currently being applied for v3.6, lot more improvement and features. AutoWelder development will also continue***
***30Dec2016-Autowelder progressing, introducing popupmenus for changing textures/meshes + CSG mesh (punch/weld) + other features***
***04Dec2016-Demo version of Autowelder being planned. Saves disabled or limited saves will be implemented in Demo. So anyone can play around with the program as it develops. Also, I really want to get the licensing feature in, which I would normally do in daily work but I've been lazy for the this project

***14Sep2016-currently working on segment functionality - new graphical buttons added to represent segment "parts" ***
***31Aug2016-extremely fast FPSC level code implemented into AutoWelder 1.0 (not 4.0) see page 19 for video demo***
*** 11July2016-Continuing development of version 4.0 of AutoWelder (dropping the Seg part) ***
*** 20May2016-DEFAULTHEIGHT parameter now added to FPE which replaces internal code that fixed sinking doors issue-thanks Lee

*** 20May2016-DYNAMIC ENTITIES NOW EXPORTED (1st draft release) ***
*** 22Apr2016: Working on Dynamic Entity Import for FPSC levels-making good progress so far-see posts on page 17***
*** Next major release will be 4.0 ***
****** DONATIONS WELCOME - go to ******
*** update - released 08Apr2016- doors can now be split or kept as 1 entity, DINS textures can be applied to all segments
*** including doors, export to X format (currently only for levels and static segments), fully textured. ***
*** update 26Mar2015 - Weapon Welder 1.0 released to all Welder purchasers for free - still loads to do ***
*** Welder to be released which sees a couple of fixes to the camera button image
*** for FPSC level and applied a fix to the "change texture" to correct user selected texture images
*** which now converts to .DDS format and saves to the GameGuru texture directory
*** Entity/character tool to be started shortly over this easter weekend + revisiting the
*** dynamic entity import for FPSC levels-hopefully LUA will be useful here....
*** Working On Weapon Welder - will be free for purchasers of Segment Welder ***
*** COMING TODAY 13MAR2016 for fixed version ***
*** 12Mar16: version now out. Now includes Segment Scaling option for all segments (including punched/welded segments) ***
*** 07Mar16: version now out, fixes to 3.5.7 including fixed "Sinking Doors" issue ***
*** version 3.5.7 released, which is updates made prior to GUI overhaul and includes the Segment Editor prototype 100x100 at the moment ***
*** next major update will be 3.6 (or 4.0) which will have the new GUI in place plus other features ***
*** Everything will be within 1 window ***
Other future plans include:
Activate other animated segments
Complete flexible Segment Editor
Weapon import
Entity import
Construction Kit
Texture X files
Fully tested on WinXp, Vista, Win7, Win8/8.1 and Windows 10. Works on both 32 and 64 bit machines.
***Windows 7/8/8.1/10 users: "Run as admin" must be selected prior to running and no need to set compatibility***
*** Free lifetime upgrades/fixes/support ***
*** Version 3.5.4 now finished (Official version). Users that have purchased will receive the new update along with the new official video guides ***
*** The guides are as follows: ***
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 1-GUI
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 2-Setup
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 3-Single Segment
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 4-Doors
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 5-FPSC level and Prefabs import
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-CSG Punch and Weld Tool Part A
SegAutoWelder v3.5.4 Video Guide 6-CSG Punch and Weld Tool Part B (Trap Door example in GameGuru-using "Single Segment" and "Punch/Weld" Tool)
--thanks to GPS from the TGC forums for providing the Trapdoor segment
***Free DEMO version is no longer available***
Current version can now be purchased on the GG Files page:
Please can I ask that you do not use work email addresses or any email address that begin with "info@", only personal email addresses as I have experienced the postmaster "undeliverable" issue several times now when these email addresses are used. Many thanks
*** Current Features ***
--Load FPSC segments and export into GG no manual labour, just point and click
--import animated doors for importing into GG [later the tool will handle other animated/punched objects e.g windows etc]
--Create/Load FPSC X9/X10 levels/prefabs into GG, no manual labour, just point and click. Your last built level auto detected. Fully textured
--Create zip file for saved GG Segments for uploading to the Store
--Take snapshots of your segments and choose BG color for GG thumbnails
--misc options include: Set FPSC/GG root paths; connects to social websites i.e. TGC forums, GG forums, FB, Twitter,linkedin
--integrated CSG punch/weld tool to punch holes or weld objects together. Saves out as .DBO and .X files.
-- Camera button added to preview windows for taking snapshots
-- FPSC level walkaround control improved. Camera can be moved up/down and user can use WASD keys to move around.
-- Single segment mode: textures can now be swapped and there are range gadgets to select the part(s) you want to apply the new texture to.
-- Single segment mode: user can view the part(s) that make up each segment prior to "welding".
Professional Programmer: Languages- SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) , C++, C#, VB, SQL, PL-SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Three.js, Darkbasic Pro (still love this language), Purebasic, others
Hardware: Dell Precision 490; AMD Radeon HD 7570; 12GB.
FPSC to GameGuru Tools: AutoWelder/SegAutoWelder, Entity+Weapon Welder, FPEtoBAT